In Focus This Week
Exit Interview: Joe Mansky
Masnky prepares to end “accidental career”

Joe Masky
“They call the elections an accidental career. No one plans to be the elections director,” Patty O’Connor former Blue Earth County, Minnesota elections director recently told the Pioneer Press.
And that’s certainly the case for Ramsey County, Minnesota Elections Director Joe Mansky who is set to end his 35-year career in the office.
When Mansky got into the field, he had a degree in hydrology and had taken only one political science class in college. But during his tenure in office he became according to former Secretary of State Mark Ritchie, “a legend.”
It’s not often that you get to talk to a legend, but we grabbed a bit of Masky’s time before his official last day for one of our Exit Interviews.
Why have you decided to retire at this time?
Honestly, I prefer at this point in my life to spend more time outside than sitting in an office.
What would you say you’re most proud of during your tenure in elections?
Creating the legal and administrative environment in which voting systems are used in Minnesota. Decertifying our punch card systems – I believe we were the first state to do so. Legally prohibiting the use DREs and other systems lacking a paper ballot – I think we were the first to do that too (in 1985.) Developing and implementing the recount process we used 20 years later in the Coleman-Franken recount. Authoring Minnesota’s post-election audit law. If that’s my legacy, I’m ok with that.
Is there anything that you wanted to accomplish in the field of elections that you weren’t able to?
Just a few small things. When I wrote the uniform local government election bill in 1994, I was hoping to have the state-federal elections in the even-numbered years and all county-municipal-school district elections in November of the odd-numbered years. We and the voters would have been the better for it, but we couldn’t get the county elections switched to the odd years. I also was hoping to conduct the 1992 presidential primary as an all-mail election, but the legislature didn’t see things my way.
You lived through some pretty big recounts. What did you learn from that that you could impart on others who may find themselves in the same situation?
To my friends and colleagues in other states, my advice would be to ensure that in every recount you do, make sure the candidates and attorneys have the chance to visually inspect every ballot. In my experience using optical scan ballots, there are generally two ballots for every 10,000 ballots cast on which there are marks that cannot be read by the ballot counter but on which you can determine the voters’ intent and count the votes. That’s what made the difference in the Coleman-Franken recount, which at the time was the largest recount in American history. Frankly, if you’re not going to visually examine every ballot, why bother doing a recount at all?
You took a bit of a nontraditional route to elections, but I understand you’ve been able to use your hydrology degree in developing election technology, can you tell us a bit about that?
Yes, one of the first projects I worked on when I started with the secretary of state in 1984 was the process to collect and report statewide election results electronically, which had never been done before. I ended up using the methodology that the US Geological Survey developed to identify geographic locations on streams and report streamflow data from those locations. It occurred to me that reporting election results could be done in a similar fashion, since that activity also identified data points geographically and reported digital information from them. Any water resources engineer would recognize the concatenation I developed to report our election results. And that method is still being used today, 35 years later.
What advice would you give to someone just getting into the field today?
This is a much more visible and controversial activity than was the case in 1984 when I got my start. Don’t be afraid of that, however. Become an expert in what you are doing. Work proactively with the voters in your community. Don’t sit back and let things happen to you – take the initiative and make things happen.
If you could design the perfect voting system, what would it look like?
I would like to see a system where you could get your ballot from an official website, mark it electronically, print the ballot somewhere and mail it back or deposit it in a ballot counter at a vote center anywhere in the state where you reside. We would use your smartphone or some other device as an authenticator, so we could verify who you are and where you reside. I think all the tools exist to make this work right now.
What’s next for you, besides sleeping in on Election Day?
I’m going to ride my touring bicycle from the west steps of the US Capitol Building in Washington DC to the Presidio in San Francisco. [Editor’s Note: We asked Joe if he was planning on keeping a travel blog or tweeting about his journey and he said he’s thinking about it. We’ll be sure to let you know where to find it if he does!]
(Editor’s Note: We’re taking a brief break from our series on effective communications in elections to cover some “breaking” news over the next couple of weeks. We’ll be back March 21 with more on communications pieces. In the meantime, catch up with our stories in the series: Communications 101 and What makes an effective elections website.)
VVSG Public Comment Period
VVSG public comment period now open
The U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s (EAC) four sitting Commissioners unanimously voted to publish the proposed Voluntary Voting System Guidelines 2.0 (VVSG) Principles and Guidelines in the Federal Register for a 90 day public comment period, after which comments and feedback on the proposed document will be compiled and presented to the Commissioners for discussion and consideration.
“Today’s unanimous vote demonstrates the Commissioners’ shared commitment to taking this next important step in consideration of the proposed VVSG 2.0 Principles and Guidelines. The EAC looks forward to holding hearings on these Principles and Guidelines soon and we encourage the public to provide their feedback on the proposed guidelines,” said EAC Chairman Thomas Hicks, who joined Vice Chair Christy McCormick, Commissioner Ben Hovland and Commissioner Donald Palmer in supporting the measure.
The proposed VVSG 2.0 Principles and Guidelines will be published in the Federal Register in accordance with sections 222(a)(1) and 222(d) of the Help America Vote Act of 2002. They will appear in the Federal Register for a period of 90 days. Separately, upon the completion of the VVSG 2.0’s accompanying Requirements developed by NIST and the EAC, those accompanying Requirements will also be subject to public review and comment, including distribution to the EAC’s Technical Guidelines Development Committee (TGDC), Standards Board and Board of Advisors. This review and comment period will take place prior to consideration and implementation by the Commission.
VVSG are a set of Principles, Guidelines and Requirements against which voting systems can be tested to determine if the systems meet required standards. Some factors examined under these tests include functionality, accessibility, accuracy, auditability and security capabilities.
The Help America Vote Act of 2002 mandates that EAC develop and maintain these requirements as well as testing and certifying voting systems. On December 13, 2005, the EAC unanimously adopted the 2005 VVSG, which significantly increased security requirements for voting systems and expanded access, including opportunities for individuals with disabilities to vote privately and independently. The 2005 guidelines updated and augmented the 2002 Voting System Standards, as required by HAVA, to address advancements in election practices and computer technologies. These guidelines were again updated by the EAC’s Commissioners on March 31, 2015. These guidelines are voluntary. States may decide to adopt them entirely or in part prior to the effective date.
The structure of the new VVSG reflects modifications proposed by the election community, EAC, NIST and the TGDC, which is comprised of election officials, voting system manufacturers, disability experts, cyber security experts, technology experts, and other key election stakeholders. The new guidelines are a high level set of principles that will be supplemented by accompanying documents that detail specific requirements for how systems can meet the new guidelines and obtain certification. The supplemental documents will also detail assertions for how the accredited test laboratories will validate that a system complies with those requirements.
Last Spring, the EAC convened its advisory boards to review and comment on the adoption of the newest version of the voluntary guidelines, VVSG 2.0. Both Boards recommended that the EAC adopt VVSG 2.0. Today’s unanimous Commissioner vote occurred less than two weeks after a quorum of Commissioners was restored at the EAC.
Election News This Week
The Miami Herald has a six-part series about what happened in the 2018 election and how the problems seen statewide may actually help lawmakers craft legislation to improve the process. The articles cover ballot design, biometrics and vote-by-phone, Broward County, recounts and vote-by-mail.
Democratic leaders of the U.S. House Oversight and Reform Committee have sent letters to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger seeking documents related to the state’s “exact match” law, the consolidation of polling sites and long lines that were reported at the polls on Election Day in 2018. “The Committee is particularly concerned by reports that Georgians faced unprecedented challenges with registering to vote and significant barriers to casting their votes during the 2018 election,” the letters stated according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The Committee members—Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland) and Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Maryland) gave the Georgia officials until March 20 to provide the documentation. Raffensperger confirmed he received the letter and said his office “looks forward to an open dialogue and a thorough process.”
Oops. Budget writers in Idaho are scrambling to find $2 million to hold the state’s 2020 presidential primary after Secretary of State Lawerence Denney forgot to include the money in his budget. In 2015 the Legislature approved a bill requiring the state to hold a presidential primary and pick up the costs. The first covered primary was in 2016. According to the Idaho Free Presse Denney said it simply “slipped through the cracks.” “This is in the actual budget, so I think from here on out, here every four years it will show up, so I don’t think it will fall through the cracks,” Denney said according to the paper. “We will notice from here on out.”
If you made a Venn diagram of election geeks and baseball lovers, the intersection would probably be pretty great, which is why we bring you this story about a plan Major League Baseball is considering to create an Election Day for All-Star voting. According to ESPN, under the proposed plan, the standard online voting would take place starting this year. Upon its completion, the top three vote-getters at each position in each league would be on the ballot on Election Day, and whichever players received the most votes on that single day would determine the All-Star starters. We’re down with this, as long as voting fans are provided an I Voted sticker after casting their ballots on Election Day. Psst…opening day is three weeks from today!
Personnel News: Doria Daniels has been appointed to the Portage County, Ohio board of elections. Longtime Lake County, California Registrar of Voters Diane Fridley retired at the end of 2018 and recently deputy registrar Maria Valadez left for another position. Paul Schlecty has been appointed the Darke County, North Carolina elections director. Mark Fox is the new Williams County, Ohio board of elections chairman.
In Memoriam: Norma Paulus, the first woman elected secretary of state in Oregon has died. She was 85. According to The Oregonian, Paulus was a member of the Legislature, Oregon’s secretary of state from 1977 to 1985, her party’s nominee for governor in 1986 and the state’s elected superintendent of schools for two terms in the 1990s. Under Paulus’ leadership, Oregon, implemented statewide vote-by-mail. She also fought for a fair election in Wasco County when an organization tried to bus in homeless people to vote. “She blazed trails for women here,” Senate President Peter Courtney said. “She was a founding member of the Oregon Women’s Political Caucus and helped push the Equal Rights Amendment in Oregon.” Her autobiography is entitled “The Only Woman in the Room,” which was often the case during her years in politics. She is survived by daughter Liz Paulus; son Fritz Paulus and his wife Jennifer Viviano and their son Will; and her sister Gerri Pyrch and brother Paul Petersen. A public memorial service will be held in Salem at Willamette University’s Smith Auditorium on April 27.
Richard “Dick” Goodro, former Middelbury, Vermont town clerk and treasurer died on February 22 from the effects of pulmonary fibrosis. He was 75. Goodro was first elected in 1976 and ended his term as clerk in 1999. “When overseeing elections, it took a long time before my election officials came around to accepting me and my way of doing things compared to Dick,” current Clerk Ann Webster told the Addison Independent. “I was reminded frequently that I did not do things quite like Dick and that he even would sing songs or do a little dance to entertain them during slow periods at the elections. He even told jokes, at which I was a big disappointment.”
Legislative Update
Federal Legislation: The bipartisan Congressional Budget Office is out with its cost estimate to implement H.R. 1, the For the People Act of 2019.
In honor of Women’s History Month and the impending 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage, Rep. Andy Kim has introduced the Alice Paul Voter Protection Act. The bill, specifies that it is unlawful for anyone to hinder or prevent another person from registering or aiding another person in registering. Doing so would be punishable with a fine and up to five years in prison, according to a draft copy of the bill. The measure also encourages states to establish best practices to protect voters’ rights and encourage registration and participation in elections, including posting relevant information at polling places and voter registration agencies, training poll workers and election officials, and publishing educational materials related to voting rights and laws.
Rep. Lucy McBath (D-Georgia) has introduced the Election Official Integrity Act of 2019 that would prevent chief state election officials from participating in federal campaigns and prohibit the use of official authorities to affect elections. It would make it unlawful for these officials to serve on a campaign committee, be involved with campaign fundraising, or use their official authority to affect the result of a federal election. It would also require these election officials to recuse themselves if they or their immediate family members run for office in an election they would otherwise oversee.
Florida: Three senators have filed SB 1386 that would require standardized ballot design, create guidelines on notification procedures for rejected ballots and set up rules on the cure process for ballots with missing or mismatched signatures. The bill was approved by the Senate Ethics and Elections Committee and will head next to Senate President Bill Galvano who has the discretion to send it before the full chamber or other committees.
Georgia: The Senate Ethics Committee, by a 7-5 vote, approved a bill that will replace Georgia’s aging voting system with a $150 million electronic voting system that features ballot-marking devices.
Hawaii: Several election-related bills that would have lowered the state’s voting age to 16, would have moved the state to a top-two primary and would have restored voting rights to felons were deferred and are therefore dead for this session.
Other election reform bills that were approved by the House and now move to the Senate include automatic recounts, all-mail elections and automatic voter registration.
Iowa: A bipartisan effort that would ensure absentee ballots that get mailed in time are counted in a consistent way is moving forward in the House. The bill requires counties to pay for and use the same barcode system for absentee ballot envelopes. The bill would take effect in 2020.
The House Judiciary Committee has approved a bill that would automatically restore voting rights for ex-felons who have completed the terms of their sentence. If approved by the Legislature, it would go before the voters in 2022.
Senate Study Bill 1241 would: create a uniform polls closing time, 8 p.m., prohibit state-owned buildings other than county courthouses from serving as early voting sites, change the deadline for absentee ballots to be in the office on Election Day, not just in the mail, require election officials to verify signatures on absentee ballots and college students would be given a form that would ask whether they plan to live in or outside Iowa upon graduation, and those who indicate they plan to live outside Iowa would be removed from the voter registration list.
Kentucky: Senate Bill 34, which would have made the secretary of state a symbolic, non-voting member of the state board of elections and stripped the secretary of any day-to-day authority over its staff has failed in a House committee after two Republicans joined Democrats in voting against it. However, Senate Majority Floor Leader Damon Thayer (R-Georgetown) attached an amendment to another House bill that would ultimately make Grimes, and all future secretaries of state, nonvoting member of the state board of elections.
House Bill 325, which has cleared the House, would prohibit voters who switch parties on or after December 31st immediately preceding a primary election from voting in the upcoming primary. New voters who register to vote after December 31st must stay registered with the same party until the following primary in order to vote in that election.
Maine: By an 8-5 vote, the Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee has rejected a bill that would have required voters to show a photo ID in order to vote.
Another bill, LD 186, would prevent noncitizens from voting in any election on any level in the state.
Nebraska: Sen Justin Wayne has introduced LB83 that would eliminate the two-year waiting period before ex-felons can regain their right to vote.
Nevada: The secretary of state’s office has sponsored legislation that would require cities to move their municipal elections from the spring of odd-numbered years to the fall of even-numbered years.
Senate Bill 123 would allow Nevadans to register and vote on Election Day and would add two days to the current two-week early voting period.
New Mexico: House Bill 57, which would automatically restore the voting rights to formerly incarcerated residents when they are released from prison even if they remain on parole or probation, was approved by the House.
New York: The Senate has approved a bill that would allow the use of electronic poll books. The bill now heads to the Assembly for consideration.
Lawmakers have approved a bill that should make it easier to read ballots. The legislation includes minimum font-size requirements, simplified voting instructions, new visual aids for less literate voters and the elimination of superfluous graphics.
North Dakota: House Bill 1059 would allow for part-time poll workers as long as “at least one election inspector and two election judges” are the polling location.
South Carolina: By a 55-40 a vote a bill that would have required voter registrations, applications and absentee voting requests to be submitted within 25 days of an election. Current law is 30 to 31 days before an election. Although the bill successfully cleared the House, concerns driven by the state’s GOP about registration fraud, killed the bill in the Senate.
Washington: By a 54-42 vote, the House approved a bill that will move the state’s presidential preference primary from May to the second Tuesday in March. The Senate approved the bill in January. It now heads to Gove Jay Inslee’s desk.
The Senate has approved a bill that would make prepaid postage on ballot return envelopes permanent in Washington.
Wisconsin: In his budget released last week, Gov. Tony Evers (D) is proposing implementing automatic voter registration. According to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, the budget requires state elections officials to work with the Department of Transportation to implement it as soon as possible. The proposal would have to be approved by the Legislature. Evers also ordered state transportation officials to come up with a plan to expand hours the motor vehicle offices so residents would have time to get the necessary IDs in order to vote.
Legal Update
Kansas: A citizen-initiated grand jury that was impaneled to investigate alleged election-related crimes by former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s office has adjourned without bringing an indictment, according to a court document in the case. After reviewing the citizen petition, exhibits and testimony of witnesses, the grand jury found “no cognizable crime under the laws of the State of Kansas,” said the document, obtained Wednesday by the Journal-World.
Kentucky: Franklin Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wingate dismissed a request from Secretary of State Allison Lundergan Grimes for a declaratory judgement that would make it clear is legally allowed to search the state’s voter registration database. “The Court finds that Secretary Grimes has failed to plead an actual case or controversy to invoke this court’s jurisdiction,” Wingate wrote
Also in Kentucky, court action has been filed against Pike County Clerk Rhonda Taylor by former candidate Roger Ford for her failure to provide public documents about the finances and operations of the county clerk’s office.
New Hampshire: Spencer McKinnon, 21 has pleaded guilty in Strafford County Superior Court on a misdemeanor charge of providing a false statement on a voter registration form. McKinnon voted twice in 2016, once in Massachusetts and once in New Hampshire. His sentence of six months in a house of corrections was suspended on the condition that he complete 200 hours of community service and pay a $2,000 fine. McKinnon also lost the right to vote in New Hampshire.
New York: A settlement has been reached in a lawsuit filed over the accessibility of the websites run by the New York State Board of Elections and the Department of Motor Vehicles. Under the settlement, both websites will be required to be accessible to blind voters by the end of the year. The lawsuit was originally filed in 2016.
North Carolina: Wake County Superior Court Judge Bryan Collins denied the request of Republican legislative leaders to block his order to void a constitutional amendment that would have required voters to show a photo ID while they appeal the ruling.
North Dakota: The Standing Rock Sioux has signed on to a lawsuit that the Spirit Lake Sioux filed just days before last November’s general election, challenging the state requirement that a voter ID include a provable street address. Tribes allege that disenfranchises members who live on high-poverty reservations where street addresses are uncommon or unknown and where post office boxes are the primary addresses.
Texas: According to the Houston Chronicle, a Houston woman who was forced to turn a firefighters T-shirt inside out at the polls and a Dallas-area man who tried to vote in his Trump MAGA cap are suing a long list of public officials in federal court here for violating their free speech rights. The case was filed on behalf of the voters by the Pacific Legal Foundation which successfully argued against an issue-oriented clothing ban before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Tech Thursday
Colorado: Denver Elections announced this week that it’s looking for volunteers from the city’s pool of military and overseas voters to pilot the city’s use of Votaz’s blockchain encryption to receive and cast a ballot via smartphone. “Denver has always been on the leading edge of elections and technical innovation and participating in this pilot affirms our commitment to exploring ways to make the voting experience as convenient as possible for our military and overseas voters,” said Deputy Director of Elections Jocelyn Bucaro. In addition to working with Voatz, Denver Elections is partnering with Tusk Philanthropies and the National Cyber Security Center on this pilot program.
Cybersecurity: During 2018, the Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing & Analysis Center™ (EI-ISAC®) evolved from an idea to a formalized collective of dedicated election officials. Elections staff members, associations, technology vendors, federal partners, and cybersecurity experts worked tirelessly to help secure the U.S. elections infrastructure. From sharing information about the threat landscape to creating educational opportunities and implementing technical cybersecurity controls, the EI-ISAC’s members, staff, and partners made substantial strides toward ensuring the security and integrity of our elections. For an overview of 2018, review the EI-ISAC at a Glance.
Websites: It’s never too early to start thinking about 2020. Electoral Vote Map is an interactive map to help you follow the 2020 presidential election. The site also features a series of explainers about how presidents are actually elected in the United States.
Opinions This Week
National Opinions: Suffrage; Voting rights; HR 1, II, III | Ranked choice voting | Repairing democracy | Election security | 2020
Colorado: National Popular Vote
Florida: Election problems | Election changes
Georgia: Voting equipment, II | Election administration
Illinois: Ranked choice voting
Iowa: Ex-felon voting rights, II
Minnesota: Civics classes
Mississippi: Secretary of state
New York: Early voting
North Carolina: Election fraud, II, III, IV | Voter trust | Election oversight | Election Day holiday
Ohio: Election Day holiday
Oregon: Dennis Richardson, II, III, IV, V | Election oversight | Voting age | Secretary of state
Pennsylvania: Election security | Paper ballots, II | Vendors
South Carolina: Vote-by-mail | Election roadmap
Texas: Secretary of state, II, III | Voter fraud
Washington: Presidential primary
Available Awards/RFPs/RFIs
StateScoop 50 Awards
The annual StateScoop 50 Awards honor the best and the brightest who make state government more efficient and effective. These awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of our peers and acknowledge their tireless efforts to make a positive impact in the government IT community and in public service. Nominations are now open (and close March 7) in the following categories: State executive of the year, state leadership of the year, state IT innovation of the year, state up & comer, state cybersecurity leader and industry leadership.
Upcoming Events
Unrig Summit 2019 — This is no ordinary conference. Unrig is fast-paced, solutions-oriented, and fun. No boring speeches — 2019’s lineup has more trainings, more workshops, more tools to power you up. Featuring America’s most powerful presenters, expert trainers, activists, musicians, artists and more, we’re bringing together the brightest minds from the right and left to build a new political future for America. 3 days. 2 nights. 1 vision: Unrig the System. Where: Nashville, TN When: Fri March 29 – Sun March 31.
Election Center Special Workshop —The Election Center will hold a special workshop that will include: Course 9 (Enfranchisement, Enhancement, Enforcement ); Course 10 (Constitution, Courts & Cases to 1965); and Renewal Course 14 (Crisis Management). Where: Virginia Beach. When: April 24-28.
National Association of Secretaries Of State — The National Association of Secretaries of State will hold their annual summer conference in late June, early July in New Mexico. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registrations. When: June 30-July 3. Where: Santa Fe, New Mexico.
International Association of Government Officials — IGO’s 2019 Annual Conference will be held in Houston, Texas, July 11-17. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
National Association of Counties — NACo’s 2019 Annual Conference will be held in Clark County (Las Vegas), Nevada July 11-15, 2019. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
National Association of State Election Directors — The NASED Summer Conference will be held in Austin, Texas, July 14-16, 2019. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
Job Postings This Week
electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link to Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.
Clerk of the Board/Elections Director, Santa Cruz County, Arizona — Under the direction of the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors and guidance from the Santa Cruz County Manager, performs statutory duties of the Clerk of the Board pursuant to ARS 11-241 and other statutory duties, to include preparing, publishing and posting the agenda for the Board of Supervisor meetings. Under limited supervision, performs work of considerable difficulty to plan, organize, coordinate, direct and manage all activities of the Santa Cruz County Elections Department in compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. This is an at-will position. Plans, organizes, coordinates, directs and manages all activities of the Santa Cruz County Elections Department in compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations; oversees daily operations and programing; develops and administers departmental budget and oversees expenditures, develops and administers training and education for election staff and volunteers. Develops and implements procedural and technical improvements as they relate to elections; ensures quality control of all aspects of election from ballot production to public information; manages projects, coordinates with other county/state departments and outside vendors. Salary: $69,186. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Deputy Director, Center for Election Innovation & Research — the Deputy Director will report to the Executive Director and have a broad range of responsibilities designed to support CEIR’s mission. In this position, the Deputy Director will play an integral role in the development and execution of CEIR’s programming, strategic communications, and continued growth as an organization. This is an excellent opportunity for an experienced and highly motivated individual who wants to make a substantial, positive, nonpartisan impact on elections and American democracy. The Deputy Director’s primary workplace will be CEIR’s Washington, DC office. The Deputy Director also must be available for business travel as needed. CEIR believes that working alongside and understanding the diverse mix of people who are affected by elections and American democracy is key to achieving our mission. That’s why we’re proud to be an equal opportunity employer committed to creating a diverse, non-discriminatory work environment. We recruit, employ, train, compensate, and promote regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, veteran status, and other protected status as required by applicable law. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Director of Voter Services, Hillsborough County, Florida — Responsible for planning, organization and management of voter services units, including eligibility and registration; establishment and operation of election cycle call center(s) – including election day voter eligibility phone bank — and live chat; issuance of standard and customized Voter Focus reports; list maintenance; and Vote By Mail. Responsible for agency-wide records management and compliance. Deadline: March 10. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Deputy Director, Oregon Secretary of State’s Office— exciting career opportunity! The Oregon Secretary of State Elections Division in recruiting for elections deputy director. The primary purpose of this position is to assist the Division Director in the execution of the statutory responsibilities and general operations of the Elections Division. Collaborate with the Elections Director to develop the Division’s budget, organizational goals and objectives as well as advance the direction of the Division. As the subject matter expert, oversee and coordinate the conduct of elections at the state and local level. Perform supervisory functions including but not limited to: hiring, training/coaching, planning, assigning, prioritizing and reviewing work, evaluating performance, implementing disciplinary action and responding to complaints. Salary: $6,480-$10,024 monthly. Deadline: March 18. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
GIS Analyst, Yolo County, California— Yolo County ACE (Assessor/Clerk-Recorder/Elections Department) in coordination with the Yolo County General Services department are recruiting for a G.I.S. Analyst. This recruitment is on-going until filled. Submitted applications will be screened continuously, and those applicants meeting the minimum qualifications will move forward to the Screening for Best Qualified process. This position will work inter-departmentally to develop and implement GIS capabilities in Yolo County ACE. GIS is viewed by County Leadership as an innovative enterprise technology that is positioned to help advance County strategic goals. Recent projects include implementing a new enterprise environment, developing an Elections Night Reporting application, developing mobile applications for polling place reporting, and a migration the ESRI Parcel Fabric. The ideal candidate for this position will be a positive, collaborative, solution-focused individual with excellent interpersonal and customer service skills and the ability to handle and manage multiple priorities. If you feel like you meet these qualifications and you would like to join a dynamic organization committed to supporting an environment where employees feel a true sense of passion, purpose and commitment to their job… Yolo County ACE is where you want to be! Our department strives to honor the public’s trust and redefine excellence through innovation and the commitment of a highly-engaged and empowered team. Check out all the exciting things ACE has going on by visiting our social media pages (Facebook: /YoloACE, Instagram: /YoloCoACE, and Twitter: @YoloCoACE). You can be the next Yolo ACE – come and join our team! Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Project Manager, Hart InterCivic— Project Managers at Hart InterCivic are highly motivated “self-starters” who are enthusiastic about providing exceptional customer service. Working with other members of the Professional Services and Operations teams, the Project Manager directs activity, solves problems, and develops lasting and strong relationships with our customers. Hart InterCivic’s unique and industry known culture of innovation, transparency, and customer-centric focus creates an environment where team members will continually grow and be challenged to develop their careers. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Product Manager, Hart InterCivic — as Product Manager, you will join a team that is charged with product planning, design, and execution throughout the lifecycle of Hart’s products, in support of the company’s overall strategy and goals. This includes: gathering, validating, and prioritizing internal and external customer needs; documenting and communicating product and technical requirements; gathering market and competitive intelligence; supporting the certification, sales, and marketing teams. The Product Manager must possess a unique blend of business and technical savvy – with experience in elections technology or other government-oriented products preferred. To succeed in this role, the ideal candidate must spend time in the market to understand its unique attributes; demonstrate competence with specialized hardware and software; and find innovative solutions for the broader market. The Product Manager plays a key role in helping others to understand the product positioning, key benefits, and target customer, as well as providing advanced subject matter expertise in using the company’s products. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Systems Software Specialist, Yolo County, California — The Elections Branch of Yolo County ACE (Assessor/Clerk-Recorder/Elections Department) in coordination with the Yolo County Information Technology department are recruiting for a Systems Software Specialist. This recruitment is on-going until filled. The Systems Software Specialist class series is responsible for the design, coding, implementation, maintenance and evaluation of computer software. This includes, but is not limited to, operating systems, control systems, proprietary software packages, telecommunications software and database management software. The class also aides in solving problems and achieving the best use of available hardware and software; work with staff to design and implement network segmentation, domain addressing and routing strategies; work with technical staff to ensure effective operations of complex multiple hardware and software configurations; and act as a lead persons over other personnel and program projects and performs related duties as required. If you would like to join a dynamic organization committed to supporting an environment where employees feel a true sense of passion, purpose and commitment to their job… Yolo County ACE is where you want to be! Our department strives to honor the public’s trust and redefine excellence through innovation and the commitment of a highly-engaged and empowered team. Check out all the exciting things ACE has going on by visiting our social media pages (Facebook: /YoloACE, Instagram: /YoloCoACE, and Twitter: @YoloCoACE). You can be the next Yolo ACE – come and join our team! Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Technical Bid Specialist, Scytl — The Technical Bid Specialist is an essential member of the sales team, supporting business development initiatives as well as providing support to the Marketing department. Based in our Tampa Florida, offices, the Technical Bid Specialist is in charge of managing the coordination, completion and handover of tender proposals for our clients and prospects. This is a key position with a great deal of involvement in the sales process and a decisive influence in the achievement of each deal. To be able to perform this task, the Technical Bid Specialist needs to possess a solid technical background, outstanding writing capabilities and proven experience in pre-sales or consulting endeavors, always facing the client and having to put together complex IT proposals or projects. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
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Excess Equipment
Pinal County, Arizona has some excess elections equipment including 19 OS machines and approximately 300 voter booths. If interested, contact Stephanie Cooper, Pinal County elections supervisor at 520-866-7552 or drop her an email at
Ballot Scanners
Ballot reader. $500. Buyer will be responsible for pick and shipping to buyer’s location. Contact Wilfred Cochico, purchasing officer City of Lakewood: 562-866-9771 ext. 2640 or via email:
Voting Booths
Each aluminum briefcase contains the following: aluminum legs, privacy shield, writing base, light assembly. All units are in great shape dimensions are 22”x 18”x 3“. MFG: ESL. Election supplies Limited, Napa California. Quantity: 400 Price per unit is $50. Contact Greg Larson 408.569.1004