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Wednesday March 28, 2012

  • Pennyslvania
    Pennyslvania Still paying a fee for free voter IDs
  • AK
    Alaska Redistricting board says it has adopted new election districts
  • CA
    California City may split cost of fixing ballot error
  • CT
    Connecticut Hearing on purging voting rolls slated for April 3
    Connecticut Council reduces voting districts from six to four
  • DE
    Delaware Bill would amend constitution to end waiting period before felons can vote
  • FL
    Florida Wellington canvassing board certifies revised election results subject to hand count
    Florida Redistricting passes House, goes to court
    Florida Florida's new election law blunts voter drives
    Florida Late maps could cause election problems
  • GA
    Georgia Gravley chairing board of elections
    Georgia Election package becomes collateral damage in ethics fight
  • ID
    Idaho May primary 'becoming the most complicated election'
  • IL
    Illinois Officials: Ballots missing tax question were caught early
    Illinois Bill seeks uniform rule on campaign signs
  • IN
    Indiana Lake County election officials to open express lanes for some voters
    Indiana Tippecanoe County eliminating vote center postcards to save taxpayers money
    Indiana Maddox resigns as election co-chair
  • ME
    Maine Summers criticized for keeping secretary of state job while running for Senate
  • MD
    Maryland Convenience of early voting earns voters' approval
  • MN
    Minnesota Conference committee will take up voter ID differences
    Minnesota Photo ID marches on, but critics vow litigation
  • MO
    Missouri Voting machine veto stands; county to re-bid election items
    Missouri St. Charles County council withdraws bill to buy voting machines
  • NE
    Nebraska Filibuster holds on voter ID bill
    Nebraska Vote looms on voter ID bill
    Nebraska Lawmakers tangle over Nebraska voter ID proposal
    Nebraska Voter ID debate moves to Hall County
    Nebraska Incorrect voting cards knowingly sent out
    Nebraska 6 precincts switch to mail voting
  • NV
    Nevada Voters can update registration online
  • NY
    New York County elections officials dealing with an added primary
  • NC
    North Carolina Robeson commissioners approve funding for primary, one-stop voting
  • OH
    Ohio Tie vote in Lake County election is decided by coin flip
    Ohio Lawrence BOE plans recount for several races
  • PR
    Puerto Rico Officials to recount votes cast during local primary
  • SC
    South Carolina League of Women Voters wants into SC voter ID suit
    South Carolina House panel OKs online voter registration bill
  • TN
    Tennessee Effort to repeal voter ID law fails
    Tennessee Requirement that seniors get photo taken for state ID passes
  • WV
    West Virginia State changes ruling, grants precinct waiver
  • WI
    Wisconsin Oshkosh poll workers prepare to help with voter ID law
    Wisconsin One week till primary, elections officials prepare for two scenarios
    Wisconsin County officials try to minimize confusion with new polling locations
    Wisconsin Judges: Collaboration needed on voting maps
    Wisconsin Elections board turns off recall webcam
  • There are no results matching the filter settings

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