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August 18 - 20, 2012

  • National News

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/demofund/election-line/wp-content/themes/electionline/page-news.php on line 220
    National News New election laws show partisan wrangling for voters--by both parties
    National News People frustrated by the demands of voter ID

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/demofund/election-line/wp-content/themes/electionline/page-news.php on line 220
    National News Voter empowerment that fits in your pocket
    National News State laws vary widely on voting rights for felons
  • AK
    Alaska Absentee, early voting open in Alaska
  • AZ
    Arizona US judge rebuffs Horne on vote forms
    Arizona Court OKs vote on Arizona open-primary initiative
  • AR
    Arkansas Pulaski clerk asks secretary of state for apology
  • CA
    California E-ballots to be sent to deployed SJ military
  • CO
    Colorado Did your ballot get counted? Clerk making it easier to find out
  • CT
    Connecticut Canty leads in recount; ballot search to take place
    Connecticut State used primary to pilot new election results reporting system
  • FL
    Florida Port St. Lucie race goes to recount again Monday
    Florida Election headed to manual recount
    Florida Florida law could sharply reduce minority votes, federal court says
    Florida Federal court decision puts kink in early voting system
    Florida As always, Florida in the middle of voting wars
    Florida Hialeah activist: I hired ballot-broker private eye
  • GA
    Georgia Despite high-tech system, old methods slow election reporting
    Georgia The student ID may not get you into the voting booth
    Georgia Herding voters to the polls, again, challenges runoff candidates
  • HI
    Hawaii Hawaii County clerk responds to report
    Hawaii Hawaii County Clerk: State election office being 'overly critical'
    Hawaii County clerk blasted in post primary report
    Hawaii awauchi, Yagong disagree with critical report on election
    Hawaii Elections: State cites 'poor planning, implementation and leadership'
  • IA
    Iowa State wants to dismiss voter list lawsuit
    Iowa Scott County to receive flagged voter list
    Iowa Secretary of state clarifies ineligible voter rules
  • KS
    Kansas Preliminary plans for special election in place
  • ME
    Maine Maine election practices hearing set
    Maine Election officials review claims of improprieties
  • MD
    Maryland Maryland online voting registration begins
    Maryland She's the 'strong right arm' of county elections board
  • MI
    Michigan Johnson working on plan so clerks see reminders to send military ballots
  • MN
    Minnesota Judge interrupts voter ID spin
    Minnesota Judge dismisses suit aimed at ending same-day registration
  • NV
    Nevada Secretary of state wins his MMA debut, retires
  • NY
    New York Poll workers prep for September primary and November elections
    New York Schneiderman likes online voter registration
  • NC
    North Carolina OC Board of elections confirms early voting sites
  • OH
    Ohio Ohio's elections chief suspends 2 officials Friday
    Ohio Ohio's election chief says voting should be easy
    Ohio Montgomery County elections board members suspended
    Ohio Early voting decision leaves everyone unhappy
    Ohio Extra voting hours? That'll be $406 an hour, please
  • PA
    Pennsylvania New technology aids voting, but familiar hurdles remain
    Pennsylvania Now the real work on voter ID
    Pennsylvania Local man's voter ID efforts highlight law requirements
  • RI
    Rhode Island Secretary of state to register voters before PawSox game
  • TN
    Tennessee Democrats seek to reopen Belle Morris precinct
    Tennessee Davidson County election commission is asked about wrong ballot
    Tennessee Closing arguments set in murder trial
  • TX
    Texas Texas AG is positioned to become point man on historic challenge to voting law
  • UT
    Utah Weber County kids and teens exposed to the voting process
  • VA
    Virginia 'All of a sudden, my world started rocking'
  • WI
    Wisconsin State election officials road tripped to Racine
  • There are no results matching the filter settings

August 2012 Dailies

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August 1