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February 15 - 17, 2014

  • National News

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/demofund/election-line/wp-content/themes/electionline/page-news.php on line 220
    National News How felon voting policies restrict the black vote
  • AZ
    Arizona UA professor works to restore felons civil rights
    Arizona Voting rights activists burn petitions, swarm House in protest
  • AR
    Arkansas Ballot typo forces reprint for special election, costs $12,800
    Arkansas Poll workers train to check IDs
  • CA
    California Contest for Napa County elections chief heats up
    California Assistant county clerk-recorder plans to run for boss's job
  • CO
    Colorado Election bill likely to get swift signing
    Colorado Colorado Senate passes elections bill over stiff GOP opposition
    Colorado Boulder County seeks suggestions for fall election service centers
    Colorado Senate committee kills secretary of state bill on signatures
  • CT
    Connecticut Norwich could see rise in election costs
  • FL
    Florida Manatee cuts polling locations, touts better convenience
    Florida Closed precinct in minority district may get a reprieve
    Florida Poll workers need patience, sensitivity and thick skin
    Florida Rep. Castor: Make it quicker for felons to regain voting rights
  • GA
    Georgia Secretary of state talks elections
  • HI
    Hawaii Legislation would allow late Hawaii voter registration
  • IN
    Indiana Officials hope voting centers can cure people's ballot-box blues
  • IA
    Iowa Iowa's voter fraud probe becomes a numbers game
    Iowa Branstad snaps back at Holder over felon voting rights
    Iowa Easton Valley tax vote to be recounted
  • KS
    Kansas Law professor says 'dual elections' a real possibility this year
  • MD
    Maryland For Montgomery leaders, voting changes echo civil rights movement
  • MI
    Michigan Huron Township's voting precincts reorganized
  • MN
    Minnesota Pierz native named elections director for Minnesota
    Minnesota Secretary of state announces $126K in federal grants to fund polling place accessibility
    Minnesota Elections director named national president
  • MS
    Mississippi Voter ID is set to begin
  • MO
    Missouri State Senate considers replacing electronic voting machines with paper ballots
    Missouri Supporters pressing early voting initiative in Mo.
  • MT
    Montana McCulloch looks to bring online voter registration to Treasure State
    Montana Secretaries of state talk elections
  • NJ
    New Jersey Union County clerk offers one-stop 'vote-by-mail' service
  • NY
    New York Residents getting help with voter registration
    New York Schneiderman pushes voter challenge oath requirement
    New York District weighs fewer polling places
  • NC
    North Carolina Class explains electoral process, certifies poll workers
    North Carolina Report finds N.C.'s new election law disproportionately affects black voters
    North Carolina Election officials finalize early voting proposals
    North Carolina Photo ID not required this year, but poll workers will ask the question
    North Carolina GOP commissioners in Rockingham OK with polling place move
    North Carolina Fincannon recommended to fill opening on county BOE
  • OH
    Ohio Husted says there's little evidence of voter fraud in Ohio
    Ohio BOE delays decision on Maier candidacy
    Ohio Elections panel nixes petitions
    Ohio AG rejects proposed amendment to set hours for voting
    Ohio House panel readies for vote on new provisional ballot rules
  • OR
    Oregon Brown modifies elections rules as website breach keeps databases offline
  • PA
    Pennsylvania Civil rights groups holds hearing on voter issues
    Pennsylvania Paper or PDF?
    Pennsylvania Montgomery County seeking new voter services director--again
    Pennsylvania Morsch resigns as Montgomery County voter services director
  • TN
    Tennessee Write-in list for Dover election approved
  • TX
    Texas Local election officials are ready to go, if you are
    Texas Tips for dealing with voter ID law
    Texas Voter ID centers to be in county
    Texas Elections officials prepare for early voting
    Texas Ballot font appears to change name
    Texas Gregg County court to mull early voting extension
    Texas Gregg County adds early voting Sunday at three polls
  • UT
    Utah Proposal would move Utah to front of the line in 2016
  • WA
    Washington Former Caseyville mayor continues to fight for election recount
  • WI
    Wisconsin : http://wislawjournal.com/2014/02/17/ruling-in-penn-voter-id-case-buoys-wis-hopes/
    Wisconsin City must move polling location
  • There are no results matching the filter settings

February 2014 Dailies

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