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October 18 - 20, 2014

  • National News
    National News 7 in 10 Americans favor restoring voting rights to nonviolent drug felons
    National News Voter ID actions push fight past November

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    National News Justices resist voting changes before election
  • AK
    Alaska Voter pamphlet omission may have affected earliest-mailed ballots
  • AZ
    Arizona Consolidated polling places OK'd for general election
  • AR
    Arkansas Election board responding to voter ID ruling
  • CA
    California Monday is final day to register to vote; registration efforts in high gear
    California Registrar of voters hopes change fixes 2012 ballot problem in Los Banos
    California Mayoral candidates prep for return of ranked choice voting
    California Foothills resident shares frustration over address mistake
  • CO
    Colorado Aurora's county clerks making the vote count
    Colorado More than 100 voters have received bad ballots
    Colorado Campaigns in Colorado ramp up pressure on voters to return ballots
    Colorado Wayne Williams vies for SoS
    Colorado Ballot errors in Palisade, Fremont Co.
    Colorado Polling and voting centers open across Colo. Monday
  • DC
    District of Columbia Early voting begins today
  • FL
    Florida Beat the lines, early voting begins Monday
    Florida Safeguards seen to blunt vote conflict
  • GA
    Georgia Early voting polls open on Sunday for first time in Georgia
  • IL
    Illinois County clerk's last election
    Illinois $50K to fix Winnebago Co. ballot error
    Illinois Early voting sites in McHenry Co. open today
  • IN
    Indiana Early voting numbers down, but officials expect a change
    Indiana Board says candidate can work in election office
  • IA
    Iowa Meet the Candidate: Brad Anderson
    Iowa Satellite voting offered at multiple locations
  • KY
    Kentucky Election school preps poll workers for November
    Kentucky Appeals court rules in electioneering ban
  • MA
    Massachusetts From staffing to voting machines, election costs add up for cities and towns
    Massachusetts SoS candidate eyes open approach
  • MI
    Michigan Public can try out voting machine
    Michigan Wayne residents asked to consider ward voting
  • MN
    Minnesota Open race for secretary of state heats up
    Minnesota More voters requesting absentee ballots
  • MS
    Mississippi 7 indicted in voter fraud in Hattiesburg mayoral election
  • MO
    Missouri Early voting proposal on Nov. 4 ballot
  • MT
    Montana Tribes miss increased early voting access opportunity
    Montana Election day voter registration faces referendum
    Montana Ending same-day registration sees no support
  • NE
    Nebraska Convenience and ease of early voting has helped its popularity
    Nebraska Mobile app allows Nebraska voters to access registration, polling place info
  • NV
    Nevada Convenience, importance big draws for early voters
  • NM
    New Mexico Four new centers open for early voting in San Juan Co.
    New Mexico Candidates spar over voter ID in closely watched race
    New Mexico 2012 election suit appeal angers Republicans
  • NY
    New York BOE records say voter is 164 years old
    New York Tioga Co. BOE to extend hours for absentee voting
  • NC
    North Carolina More machines, longer hours to greet voters Thursday
    North Carolina Gastonia council will vote on changing election cycle
    North Carolina Voting site at Appalachian State blocked, for now
    North Carolina Misdirected mail confuses elections official
    North Carolina Elections official calls for fewer voting sites in Cumberland Co.
    North Carolina Service members encouraged to vote
    North Carolina Board approves new school design  
  • ND
    North Dakota More than 18K North Dakotans have voted
  • OH
    Ohio Husted says he takes a bipartisan approach to job
    Ohio Husted orders Summit Co. BOE to adopt policy on digital devices
    Ohio Husted faces challenge from Turner
    Ohio Posting photo of ballot on Facebook could be a felony in Ohio
  • OK
    Oklahoma Anyone can vote by mail in Oklahoma
  • OR
    Oregon Big donor backs Oregon open primary measure
    Oregon Brown issues voter turnout challenge
  • SC
    South Carolina Absentee ballots re-issued in Kershaw Co.
  • SD
    South Dakota Jackson Co. agrees to open satellite voting office Wanblee
    South Dakota Jackson Co. to open satellite voting site
  • TN
    Tennessee Sumner Co. voters will be seeing red again
    Tennessee Some early voters in Sumner Co. got wrong ballots
  • TX
    Texas Finally time to cast ballots as early voting starts Monday
    Texas Supreme Court lets Texas enforce voter ID law in November
    Texas The court won't interrupt Texas voter ID law
    Texas Supreme Court keeps Texas voter ID law
    Texas Attorneys pledge battle over voter ID law 'isn't over'
    Texas Castro asks GAO to analyze Texas voter ID law
    Texas State reports record high voter registration
    Texas New voting equipment to be used for November election
    Texas Record number of early voting sites open Monday
    Texas Early vote training on new equipment
    Texas Early voting begins with voter ID law in place
  • USVI
    US Virgin Islands Elections chairman files appeal of judge's denial to take candidate off ballot
    US Virgin Islands St. Thomas elections board says early voting will begin Monday
  • VA
    Virginia Embattled Charlottesville registrar had credit cards revoked by the city
    Virginia Rules committee mulls moving Cardova polling station
    Virginia Budget cuts cause layoffs at board of elections
  • WI
    Wisconsin Wisconsin's on-again, off-again voter ID law is off
    Wisconsin Early voting begins for November election
    Wisconsin New rules for early voters
  • There are no results matching the filter settings

October 2014 Dailies

October 31
October 30
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