In Focus This Week
I. In Focus This Week
Colorado leads the way with risk limiting audits
First-ever RLA shows accuracy of elections in The Centennial State
By M. Mindy Moretti
With the roll of the dice, Colorado recently became the first state in the nation to conduct a post-election risk-limiting audit (RLA).
It’s taken a while to get this point — the legislation requiring RLAs was first approved in 2009, but Secretary of State Wayne Williams said the result was worth the wait.
“We’ve been preparing for this for a number of years,” Williams said noting the need to promulgate the rules for the audit, for new voting systems and training at the state and county level. “It required a lot of work and effort from my office and the county clerks and they all came through fabulously. I was thrilled with the success. The fact that every single county passed, I think gives everyone a very high level of assurance of elections in Colorado.”
Dice are lined up ready for the RLA daw. (Credit: Judd Choate)Williams said it’s important to note that Colorado didn’t begin the RLA process in response to recent concerns about the accuracy of elections, but it is very timely because of concerns being raised.
The state of Maryland conducted an audit of the 2016 general election using auditing software from Clear Ballot. While it was a sophisticated audit, it was not an RLA.
“…[I[t’s not a risk limiting audit because the random assignment of ballots to be audited isn’t based on the number of ballots cast in a specific race and the closeness of the outcome,” Colorado Director of Elections Judd Choate explained. “In order to do an RLA, you must have the associated statistical equation, which randomly picks ballots based on the likelihood that the ballots selected can show the auditor (to a 91 percent confidence) that the outcome was correct.”
The audit began on Friday, November 17 and all counties were done the beginning of the following week. Although a statewide audit, several counties did not participate because they did not conduct elections this November and at least two did not participate because they are so small and already hand count their ballots.
Once the 20 random numbers were chosen through the roll of the dice they were entered into the software developed by Free & Fair. The software cost the state about $86,000 to create. It was the software that chose the specific ballots from each county that would be audited.
According to Lynn Bartels, spokeswoman for the secretary of state’s office, the software compared the audit boards’ reports of the voter markings to the manner in which they were interpreted by the voting machines. If there were no discrepancies between the human and machine interpretations, the audit stopped and the county could certify official election results. But some discrepancies discovered in the first round may require the county to proceed to another round before the risk limit is satisfied and the audit can be concluded.
Besides learning that the state’s most recent election was accurate — which is a pretty big deal — what else did Colorado learn about the process for next time?
“Since this was the first statewide implementation we expected to learn a lot, and we found several areas where we can improve in the next audit,” Choate said. “From a technology standpoint, we believe some enhancements to the RLA software will help make the audit even more efficient and help us avoid some of the user issues we encountered.
Choate said the changes would include the ability for counties auditing a larger number of ballots to have multiple audit teams working simultaneously, additional information in some of the county reports, and better warning messages for critical activities.
They also found some areas where additional training and work on county processes would be beneficial and could help counties avoid some of the organization challenges they saw in this election.
“We are already beginning to work on updating the user manuals for the next election,” Choate said. “And we’ll be updating our contingency planning guide with some of the creative solutions that counties implemented when they ran into challenges, such as temporary loss of power.”
The RLA was followed closely by “election geeks” nationwide, but Williams pointed out that they weren’t the only ones following along.
“It’s not just the election geeks,” Williams said. “I’ve had people talk to me who are friends/ associates, people that I know in context other than elections who saw the articles and information about the audit and are excited that yes, they can say with assurance that Colorado’s elections are accurately counted.”
Representatives from Rhode Island’s secretary of state’s office were on hand to watch the process as were members of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC). There were lots of eyes on Colorado’s first RLA including EAC Commissioner Tom Hicks and Chairman Matthew Masterson, pictured here with Secretary of State Wayne Wiliams, Arapahoe clerk staffer Jonathan Layman and Arapahoe County Clerk Matt Crane. (Photo Credit: Colorado Secretary of State’s Office)
“Colorado is a national leader in exploring innovative solutions for accessible, secure and auditable elections,” EAC Chairman Matthew Masterson said. “Colorado’s risk-limiting audit provided great insights into how to conduct more efficient and effective post-election audits. The EAC is eager to share some of the lessons learned with election officials across America.”
With other states watching closely watching the process, Williams said that there are two reasons they should consider making RLAs part of their elections process.
“There are really two aspects to the benefit of the RLA,” Williams said. “One is to assure that the election was accurately counted, but the other is to provide the public with that assurance. When you live in a nation where the integrity of the election is the whole basis of our democracy, that confidence is critical.”
Federal-State Updates
II. Federal-State Updates
It seems like it will be 2018 before we hear much more from the President’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, at least according to an order issued by U.S. District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly. In the order, Kollar-Kotelly noted that a Justice Department attorney told the court that the commission “will not meet in December.”
In a different DC court house, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit questioned whether privacy advocates have the right to sue the presidential election commission to try to block the collection of data. According to The Washington Post, the judges seemed skeptical of the specific harm collecting the data may cause.
Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap, who is a Democratic member of the President’s election integrity committee has asked a federal court for an injunction in his request that the commission release documents he claims have been withheld from him. According to Maine Public Radio, if granted, the injunction would shorten the timeframe for the commission to respond to his complaint from two months to one week.
According to Bloomberg, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has begun offering security clearances to state officials so that they may more easily share classified information about the threat of cybersecurity attacks.
“We’re offering security clearances initially to senior election officials, and we’re also exploring additional clearances to other state officials,” Chris Krebs, a DHS senior official performing the duties of under secretary for the National Protection and Programs Directorate told a House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee hearing on Wednesday. “These relationships are built and sustained on trust. Breaking that trust will have far-ranging consequences in our ability to collaboratively counter this growing threat.”
Illinois: In a 4-4 partisan vote, the state board of elections rejected an effort to remove Illinois from the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program.
Election Day 2017
III. Election Day 2017
Michigan: Wayne County Judge Robert Colombo has thrown out a lawsuit against Detroit Clerk Janice Winfrey which claimed that Winfrey’s office used copies of absentee vote envelopes, rather than originals, to verify voter information for about 1,200 absentee votes dropped off at the clerks’ office on Election Day. Colombo said there was “no evidence” that the office mishandled the ballots or violated state law.
Also in Detroit, candidate for clerk Garlin Gilchrist, II has requested a recount of votes in some precincts. Gilchrist is asking for a recount of all 100 absentee voting boards — or precincts — in the city. He is also looking into possibly requesting a recount of some select precincts where he said he had heard about issues.
Pennsylvania: Officials in York County have completed a review of ballots with potential overvotes and found that there were about 2,900 overvotes.
“Based on the audit and based on the certification of that audit, there is no indication that any overvote would’ve affected the outcome of this election,” county solicitor Glenn Smith told The York Dispatch.
However, The Dispatch and several other media outlets reported that numbers released by elections officials indicate that the West York Borough Council race could have been impacted by the overvotes.
Virginia: Judge Claude M. Hilton declined to force Stafford County to count 55 late-arriving absentee ballots in a close House of Delegates race. “These ballots were late,” he said according to The Washington Post. Everyone, Hilton added, wonders sometimes “what’s wrong with the mail.” But he saw no evidence of “improprieties” here.
Also in Virginia, the State Board of Elections delayed the certification of a close House of Delegates race after it was discovered that 83 voters in Fredericksburg were assigned to the wrong district. The difference in the race is 82 votes. On November 27, the State Board of Elections ultimately certified the races. A candidate in Newport News has filed for a recount in a race decided by 13 votes.
Ties: Much to the surprise of the public, but not to anyone who follows elections, every year there are elections that end in a tie. However, this year, we’ve noticed more tied elections than we have in the past. Whether or not that’s a product of better media coverage (maybe) or low turnout (probably), we don’t know, but it is an interesting look into how localities settle these ties from coin flips to drawing lots to allowing the affected body decide, fortunately there are no draconian process like pistols at high noon.
Election News This Week
IV. Election News This Week
What happens to the DuPage County, Illinois elections commission may ultimately come down to the voters in DuPage County. Members of the county board are planning to put an advisory referendum on the March 2018 ballot to ask voters if they want to dissolve the commission or not. According to the Daily Herald, Chairman Dan Cronin earlier this year was counting on state lawmakers to adopt legislation to merge the election commission with the county clerk’s office and create a five-member panel to provide bipartisan oversight of elections. But the measure got bogged down in the Illinois House after being approved in early May by the state Senate. The March vote will just be advisory and a decision must still be made by the Legislature, but Cronin hopes it will help move the process forward. “Let’s just fold it into the clerk’s office and be done with it,” Cronin told the paper.
The election 2017 cycle may almost be just about over, but they are still talking about the May special election in Montana. This week outgoing Missoula County Elections Administrator Rebecca Connors told the county commission about a survey of rejected ballots her office conducted. Overall 91 ballots were rejected with 35 arriving late, 39 with mismatched signatures and 13 with no signature at all. The survey of the voters found that most of those with mismatched signatures were the result of someone in household signing the wrong absentee ballot. According to The Missoulan, a majority of the voters reached said they heard from the elections office about their ballot and got instructions on how to resolve the issue, but many said they were too busy — or lacked easy access to a computer — to make it happen before the election. Also this week, Secretary of State Corey Stapleton told county elections officials in a phone conference, that he’s looked into whether or not there was election fraud during the May special and that he has seen no evidence of voter fraud. According to Montana Public Radio, Ruth Baker president of the Montana Association of Clerks and Recorders says that Stapleton has changed how he talks about voter fraud and illegal ballots. “The choice of words used has shifted a little bit from ‘fraud’ to ‘misconduct.’ The more information we receive and how the process works, the better we understand what goes on. And I think that is what happened,” Baker said.
U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri) has sent a letter to the U.S. Post Master General asking the U.S. Postal Service to “take immediate action” to fix a years’ long problem that assigned Iowa addresses to dozens of people living in a sparsely populated of Missouri near the border with Iowa. The situation has caused issues residents from everything to taxes and to voting. Jenny Church, Clark County clerk, said she lists the address of the 30 Clark County residents as the county courthouse. “The notion that Missouri residents have faced numerous hassles for decades because they have an Iowa mailing address is one of the dumbest things I’ve come across,” McCaskill said. “This needs to get fixed, and I plan on doing everything I can to help.”
With the prevalence of social media in our every day lives, we’re surprised we’ve not seen more stories like this one. A Cuyahoga County, Ohio board of elections employee has been place on administrative leave due to allegations the employee made personal Facebook posts during work hours in support of a candidate. According to a release from the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections, four members of the board agreed that the employees actions warranted ‘serious discipline.’ However, a motion to demote the employee and a follow-up motion to terminate them both ended in a tie vote. To break the tie, the case has now been forwarded to the Ohio Secretary of State for a final decision.
Personnel News: Jared Smesler-Dearing is the new Kentucky board of elections director and Jennifer Scutchfield is the new assistant director. Sharon Anderson is the new Cass County, Minnesota election administrator. George Darany is the new Dearborn, Michigan clerk. Carla Gomez has announced her retirement as the Saguache County, Colorado clerk. After almost four decades, La Salle County, Illinois Clerk JoAnn Carretto has announced that she will not seek re-election.
Research and Report Summaries
V. Research and Report Summaries
electionline provides brief summaries of recent research and reports in the field of election administration. The summaries are courtesy of Sean Greene, director of research for the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.
EAVS Deep Dive: Poll Workers and Polling Places– U.S. Election Assistance Commission, November 2017: Using data from the 2016 Election Administration and Voting Survey, the EAC examined polling places and poll workers and found:
- Local election officials operated 116,990 polling places, including 8,616 early voting locations, across the country. These polling sites were operated by 917,694 poll workers.
- Nearly 65 percent of jurisdictions reported that it was “very difficult” or “somewhat difficult” to obtain a sufficient number of poll workers.
- There has been a continued decrease in physical polling places, which can likely be explained by the expansion of alternative voting options, the increased use of these options by voters, and the corresponding decrease in in-person voters on Election Day.
- More populous jurisdictions faced greater challenges when recruiting poll workers.
Of the age data reported for approximately 53 percent of poll workers who served in 2016, 24 percent of poll workers were 71 or older and another 32 percent were between the ages of 61 and 70.
Ballot Measure Readability Scores, 2017 – Ballotpedia, November 2017: In examining 27 ballot questions in 2017, the average ballot question required a graduate school-level of education to read and comprehend.
Legislative Updates
VI. Legislative Updates
Federal Legislation: Democratic Representatives Bennie Thompson (Mississippi) and Robert Brady (Pennsylvania) have sent a letter to the House Appropriations Committee requesting that the committee allot $400 million for states to update and secure their voting equipment.
Florida: Rep. Cyndi Stevenson and Sen. Tom Lee have each filed legislation that would shield the personal information of voters and pre-registered minor voter registration applicants. The bill would exempt the “legal residential address, date of birth, telephone number, and e-mail address of a voter registration applicant or voter” from public records requirements, in addition to “information concerning preregistered voter registration applicants who are 16 or 17 years of age.” Election officials, as well as political candidates, committees, and parties, would have access to this information.
Georgia: Rep. Bob Trammell (D) has introduced legislation that would repeal a state law that has allowed elections officials to remove voters who haven’t recently cast ballots or had contact with state or local elections officials.
Illinois: Sens. Kwame Raoul (D) and Bill Cunningham (D) announced plans to introduce legislation that would end the state’s participation in the Interstate Crosscheck. “If the Board of Elections will not act to protect Illinois voters, then it is our duty as legislators to do so,” Raoul said in a written statement. “The right to vote is sacred, and citizens in our state should know that their information is secure when they cast their ballots.”
Montana: The Gallatin County commission has approved a resolution that would change who is in charge of the county elections. The resolution proposes splitting the elections duties from the clerk’s office to a separate, hired elections administrator.
New Hampshire: House Bill 1540 would bring ranked choice voting to New Hampshire in races where more than two candidates are seeking a seat.
An amendment to House Bill 372 that would limit voting to New Hampshire residents passed a Senate committee this week. The proposed change would require residency in the state, setting a higher bar for eligibility than present election law, which requires only that voters be “domiciled.”
New York: The New York City Council has approved a bill that will require the New York City Campaign Finance Board to create a secure website and app so that residents may register, or update their registrations, online.
Wisconsin: Rep. Janel Brandtjen (R-Menomonee Falls) has introduced a bill that would allow clerks to conduct early voting using electronic voting machines, not just paper ballots. The decision would be left to local governments.
Also in Wisconsin, Sen. Dave Craig (R-Town of Vernon) has introduced a bill that would legalize ballot selfies in the Badger State.
Legal Updates
VII. Legal Updates
Alabama: Secretary of State John Merrill has announced that there were 140 confirmed crossover voters in the September Republican runoff for Senate. Merrill also said that none will be investigated further for prosecution. “After these reviews and the conversations were completed, there were no instances in which a local Probate Judge deemed it necessary to pursue additional investigations that could potentially lead to prosecution,” Merrill said. “Without new information being introduced in this review, this matter is now considered closed.”
Connecticut: Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis is considering whether or not to order a new primary in a Bridgeport council race. According to the Connecticut Post, Bellis said she had serious concerns about the way absentee ballots were handled in the special election.
Idaho: A grand jury has indicted Richard Floyd Farley, Jr. on one federal voter fraud charge for submitting a voter registration form he knew was false. Farley voted on November 7 but was not eligible because he’s on felony probation.
Kentucky: Judicial Watch has added Kentucky to the list of states that it is suing over what it alleges are bloated voter rolls. The suit claims that 48 counties have more registered voters than the number of age-eligible citizens.
Also in Kentucky, former deputy director of the state board of elections, Matthew Selph, has filed suit in Franklin Circuit Court alleging that the state violated whistleblower laws when it terminated him after he filed formal complaints alleging mismanagement and potential violations of the law in the secretary of state’s office.
Maryland: A foreign national — whose real name prosecutors still don’t know — was convicted Friday in U.S. District Court of stealing a U.S. citizen’s identity and committing voter fraud, Social Security fraud and passport fraud over the course of 20 years. According to The Baltimore Sun, the defendant used the victim’s personal information to obtain driver’s licenses and other identification cards in the summer of 1997, according to evidence presented at his trial. He then built on these documents, acquiring a U.S. passport, Social Security card and registering to vote. He most recently voted in the 2016 presidential election, officials said.
Minnesota: Chiquita Baptiste, 24, has been charged with one count of unlawful voting for twice in the 2016 election. Alysse Miranda Fitzpatrick, 26, of Lake Crystal, Ashley Nicole Williams, 23, of Mankato, and Taylor Mitchel Spence, 27, of Mapleton, were charged Wednesday with voting while ineligible to vote in Blue Earth County District Court. Noah Summers, 45, of Mankato, was charged with registering to vote while ineligible.
New Hampshire: According to NHPR, the lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Senate Bill 3 which adds tougher penalties for people who fail to provide certain kinds of documentation showing they live where they’re trying to vote heads to trial in August 2018.
New Mexico: Judge David Thomson has ordered the city of Santa Fe to implement the voter-approved ranked choice voting system beginning with the city’s March 2018 primary. Voters approved using the voting system in 2008, but since then it’s been tied up in court with local officials claiming that the election systems they employ could not handle the process.
Ohio: The U.S. Supreme Court announced that oral arguments in Husted v. A Philip Randolph Institute will begin on Jan. 10.
Virginia: A political rights activist has filed suit against the City of Virginia Beach alleging that the city’s at-large voting system violate the Voting Rights Act. According to WTKR, the lawsuit further alleges that the city is depriving elderly individuals and people with disabilities accessible or alternate polling places on Election Day, which is in violation of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act of 1984 (VAEHA).
Wisconsin: Jamie L. Sammons, 36, of Eau Claire has been charged with felony election fraud for registering to vote in the 2016 election even though she is a convicted felon.
Opinions This Week
VIII. Opinions This Week
National Opinions: Voting Rights Act, II, III | Voting infrastructure | Crosscheck
Alabama: Dothan elections | Secretary of state
California: Student voter participation | Mail ballots | Polling places | Voting Rights Act
Colorado: Logan County
Florida: Ex-felon voting rights, II
Idaho: Secretary of state | Crosscheck
Illinois: Crosscheck, II
Indiana: Vote centers | Vigo County
Kansas: Voter ID | Election dates | Crosscheck
Maine: Ranked choice voting
Massachusetts: Election schedule | Voter access
Michigan: Detroit clerk
Minnesota: Polling place speech
Missouri: Address problems
New Hampshire: Audits | Secretary of state
New Mexico: Turnout | Ranked choice voting
Ohio: Voting system
Pennsylvania: Voting machines | Greene County | Election issues
Rhode Island: Election check-up | Voter fraud | Early voting
South Carolina: Voting rights
Tennessee: Ranked choice voting
Utah: Mail ballots
Virginia: Stafford County, II, III, IV | Every vote counts | Absentee ballots
West Virginia: Voter rolls
Wisconsin: Election commission staff | Voter ID
Upcoming Events
IX. Upcoming Events
NCSL Capitol Forum 2017— the NCSL Capitol Forum is the meeting where NCSL Standing Committees meet to discuss policy and set the agenda for the states. The NCSL Standing Committees are composed of legislators and legislative staff who are appointed by the leadership of the legislatures. The committees are the main organizational mechanism for serving NCSL members. There are nine committees that deal with both state and state-federal issues. The jurisdictions of the standing committees are similar to those of committees in the state legislatures. When: December 10-13. Where: San Diego.
iGO Mid-Winter Conference 2018 — Mark your calendars now and stay tuned for more information and registration details on iGO’s mid-winter conference. When: Jan. 5-10, 2018. Where: San Diego.
Joint Election Officials Liaison Committee — Mark your calendars now and stay tuned for more information and registration details on the Joint Election Officials Liaison Committee meeting. When: Jan. 11-12, 2018. Where: Ritz Carlton Hotel, Arlington, Virginia.
NASED 2018 Winter Meeting — Mark your calendars now and stay tuned for more information and registration details on NASED’s 2018 winter meeting. When: February 16-19. Where: Washington, D.C.
NASS 2018 Winter Conference — Mark your calendars now and stay tuned for more information and registration details on NASS’s 2018 winter meeting When: February 16-19. Where: Washington, D.C.
Job Postings This Week
X. Job Postings This Week
electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link to Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.
Account Manager (Michigan)-ES&S — serves as the interface between customer service and sales with respect to the full array of ES&S product lines. Operating as the lead point of contact for any and all matters specific to customers within the assigned territory from initial implementation of new voting systems through each election cycle. Ultimately, Account Managers are responsible for building and maintaining long-lasting customer relationships, negotiating and promoting Account Management contracts and agreements to maximize profit, and acting as the overall liaison between the customer and internal team members. Account Managers partner with our customers to ensure their long-term success. The Account Manager role includes managing a portfolio of assigned customers, developing new business from existing clients and actively seeking new opportunities. Account Management responsibilities include developing strong relationships with customers, and connecting with key county/jurisdiction officials. Account Managers will liaise between customers and cross-functional internal teams to ensure the timely and successful delivery of our solutions and to proactively identify customer needs and improve the entire customer experience. In addition, Account Managers collaborate with our Sales team to achieve sales quotas and grow our business. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Chief Security Officer (Denver) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a senior executive Chief Security Officer to join our team in Denver, Colorado! The CSO will be accountable for the development, implementation, and management of enterprise-wide strategies, policies, and programs intended for the mitigation and reduction of operational, financial and reputational risk relating to the security of our products, data, personnel, customers, and facilities globally. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Clerk-Recorder Services Specialist, Contra Costa County, California — the Contra Costa County Clerk-Recorder is currently recruiting for the position of Clerk-Recorder Services Specialist, located in the Recorder’s Division of the Clerk-Recorder-Elections Department, in downtown Martinez, CA. The Clerk-Recorder Services Specialist is a lead technical position assigned to one of the specialized units of the Recorder’s Division: Recording, Clerk Services, Imaging/Indexing and Archive/Warehouse Services. This position performs the most complex and technical support activities associated with the day-to-day operations of the Clerk-Recorder Division; provides lead direction to Clerk-Recorder Division personnel, including Clerk-Recorder Services Technicians, clerical and temporary staff. Salary: $50,264-$61,096. Deadline: December 1. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Customer Relations Manager (Toronto) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a customer focused and passionate Customer Relations Manager to join our team in Toronto! This position is responsible for providing world-class customer service to our customers in order to achieve our core purpose of delivering solutions for the advancement of fair, accessible, and secure elections! Salary: Negotiable base + bonus & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Customer Relations Manager (Phoenix, AZ) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a customer focused and passionate Customer Relations Manager to join our team in Phoenix, AZ! This position is responsible for effectively and proactively managing the day-to-day relationship, administration and technical/product support of one or more assigned customer accounts. Additionally, the CRM will serve as project manager for specialized projects such as pre- and post-election day support, new product implementations, and/or product upgrades/updates. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Warehouse Technician, Yavapai County, Arizona — this is not a typical warehouse job; no hard hats or heavy equipment operator licenses are necessary. The major functions of this position are: election equipment testing and maintenance, leading a group of seasonal staff, project planning, and preparing documents. Under minimal supervision, coordinates all the logistical activities for obtaining and equipping the county’s polling locations. This includes assuring that these sites are in compliance with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) and Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA). Employment with Yavapai County Government is contingent upon successfully passing a criminal background check and verification of work history, academic credentials, licenses and certifications, as applicable. We provide equal access and equal opportunity in employment and services and do not discriminate. Salary: $35,731-$41,073. Deadline: December 5. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
GIS Specialist, Polk County, Florida— This position consists primarily of technical work using geographic information system software to create and maintain maps and street index representing political subdivisions in Polk County, Florida. Illustrative duties include: Identify voter registration addresses; Assist with creation of precincts; Maintains districts and voter addresses on maps; Research residential land parcels; Maintain accurate street index; Provide members of the public with maps and data; Assists with ballot layout and proofreading; Maintain and update website maps; and Performs related duties as required. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Payroll & AP Administrator, Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking an experienced Payroll & AP Administrator to be join our team in Denver, CO! This position will be responsible for managing and organizing of all functions related to payroll administration and accounts payable, including, but not limited to: recording, processing and obtaining approvals; and Processing all matters in a timely and accurate fashion, including following up on items related to the various accounts payable, payroll and month-end deadlines. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Product Manager, TurboVote — as Product Manager for TurboVote, you will be acting as a product owner and project manager, working from end-to-end— from sitting with our executive leadership to make strategic choices AND down in the details of planning sprints and onboarding partners. In doing so, you’ll be supported by a constellation of software developers; a researcher who brings extensive knowledge of election administration; a partner support team with significant experience implementing across higher education, nonprofit, and corporate environments; and a COO dedicated to corralling the external resources you need to succeed. Deadline: Open until filled. Salary: $90,000 to $120,000 per year. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Product & System Specialist (Jamestown, NY) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking tech-savvy and passionate Product & System Specialist to join our team in Jamestown, NY! This position is responsible for delivering internal and external technical support services related to the implementation, operation, repair, maintenance and upgrades of Dominion’s hardware and software technologies and products. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Regional Sales Manager (West), Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking is highly-motivated and accomplished Regional Sales Manager to work remotely and be based in the Western United States; preferably California. The Regional Sales Manager is responsible for long term sales (3-5 years) of the company’s election products and services in a specified geographic region to governmental agencies. This position uses technical, organizational and customer knowledge to influence customers and assist them in applying the products and services to their needs, resulting in revenue generation. In addition, the position provides input and participates in the marketing, planning and development of products and services. Salary: Negotiable base + commission & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Manager, Technical Product Support (Denver, CO) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a tech-savvy, passionate Senior Manager, Technical Product Support to join our team in Denver, CO! This position is responsible for strategically leading and developing a multi-state team of election technology software and hardware Product Specialists through a number of critical projects throughout the Western United States. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
XI. Marketplace
electionline provides no guarantees as to the quality of the items being sold and the accuracy of the information provided about the sale items in the Marketplace. Ads are provided directly by sellers and are not verified by electionline. If you have an ad for Marketplace, please email it to: