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Friday October 29, 2010

  • National News
    National News Concerns grow about election fraud and voter intimidation
    National News DOJ prepares for Election Day
  • Technology News

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/demofund/election-line/wp-content/themes/electionline/page-news.php on line 220
    Technology News Paperless voting a concern this election, say watchdogs
  • AL
    Alabama Legislators weigh-in on registrar controversy
    Alabama Election official says no delay in Tuesday's vote
  • AK
    Alaska Supreme Court grants oral arguments in write-in list controversy
    Alaska Supreme Court asked to ban write-in candidate list
    Alaska Alaska mails more than 30K absentee ballots
    Alaska Senate write-in candidates flood elections office
  • AZ
    Arizona Secretary of state speaks on voter fraud rumors
  • CA
    California Voters say they didn't want to register as Republicans
    California Investigators probe possible voter fraud
    California Ranked choice voting in place
  • CO
    Colorado Routt County caught up on ballot copying
  • CT
    Connecticut Residents report concerns about possible voter scam
  • FL
    Florida Feds ready to handle voting abuses
    Florida Who will be the brains behind the ballot in 2011?
    Florida Delay may spawn dilemma at polls
    Florida Absentee voting even when he doesn't want to
  • ID
    Idaho U.S. Attorneys will field election-day complaints
    Idaho Write-in may clog counts
  • IL
    Illinois Low student turnout, high costs for early campus voting
    Illinois Write-in campaigns mean more time to count ballots
    Illinois Glitch in vote-by-mail applications may disenfranchise voters
  • IN
    Indiana Candidate Charlie White faces new allegation of campaign violation
  • IA
    Iowa Campaign countdown
  • KS
    Kansas Kobach, Biggs spar over voter registration records
    Kansas Ethics complaint filed against secretary of state candidate
    Kansas Amendement 2 aims to protect voting rights
    Kansas U.S. Attorney to monitor election complaints in Kansas
  • ME
    Maine Clerks gear-up for write-in ballots
  • MA
    Massachusetts Poll workers ready for big turnout
  • MN
    Minnesota 'I.D. Me' group to test polling place law
    Minnesota Vote fraud debate escalates loudly
  • NH
    New Hampshire Internet voting complaints still coming in
  • NM
    New Mexico Police investigate alleged voter registration fraud
  • NY
    New York Voters are encouraged to report any problems with machines
    New York Board of elections
  • NC
    North Carolina GOP threaten suit over voting machines
    North Carolina GOP says voting machines are faulty
    North Carolina Elections board dismisses GOP concerns
    North Carolina Election workers fired after speaking to WITN
    North Carolina Judicial ballot count changed by elections board
  • ND
    North Dakota Secretary of state race heats up as election nears
    North Dakota Spirit Lake Nation polling sites set
  • OR
    Oregon Ballot sort begins in anticipation of Election Day
  • PA
    Pennsylvania Bucks election board to hear GOP allegations of absentee voter fraud by Democrats
    Pennsylvania County residents raise concerns about privacy on absentee ballot requests
  • SC
    South Carolina Skeptics say voting machines may not be reliable
    South Carolina Election commission comments on voting machine concerns
  • TN
    Tennessee 25 prisoners escorted to elections office to vote after slip-up
  • TX
    Texas S.A. lawyer credited with voting rights victory
    Texas Election workers claim police harassed them
  • VT
    Vermont Condos accuses Gibbs of tea pary membership
    Vermont Gibbs
  • WA
    Washington Future elections may see ballots redone
    Washington New ballot envelopes pose no great risk to voters' privacy
    Washington Spencer challenges vote handling
  • WV
    West Virginia Vote tallying machine repaired
    West Virginia Secretary of state clarifies Berkeley County council race voting
  • WI
    Wisconsin More than 12K voters don't match
    Wisconsin Voters to see procedure change at polling place
  • There are no results matching the filter settings

October 2010 Dailies

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