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March 30 - April 1, 2013

  • National News

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/demofund/election-line/wp-content/themes/electionline/page-news.php on line 220
    National News States vote yes to online registration
    National News Voter registration an issue in nomination fight, lawsuits
  • AL
    Alabama Selma offers resolution keeping Section 5 part of Voting Rights Act
    Alabama City working on new voting places
  • AZ
    Arizona Election changes divisive
    Arizona Huachuca City readies for election recount
  • CA
    California Multiple elections to challenge county workers, candidates
    California Clerk's $4K recount charge disputed
    California City in ballot language flap
  • CO
    Colorado Gessler announces for re-election as secretary of state
    Colorado Election day is this Tuesday
    Colorado Longtime Larimer County Clerk Scott Doyle to retire
  • CT
    Connecticut West Hartford emergency election plan addresses long lines
    Connecticut New Haven Dems seek early-voting test
    Connecticut Manchester registrars seek return to 10 voting districts
  • IL
    Illinois Early voting judges like working in Elmwood Park
  • IA
    Iowa ACLU files lawsuit to stop voter registration rule
  • KS
    Kansas A change for voters at Kansas City polls tomorrow
  • MD
    Maryland Md. lawmakers near agreement on voting bill
    Maryland Senate president: Referendum curbs won't pass this session
  • MN
    Minnesota County to provide election services to Anoka-Hennepin district
  • MS
    Mississippi Voter cards reflect new city ward lines
  • MO
    Missouri Some St. Charles Co. voters will sign in on iPads instead of paper ledgers
    Missouri Senate approves overseas voting help
  • MT
    Montana Sanders County proposes dropping election precincts
  • NV
    Nevada Miller battles perceptions in pushing bill for photos in voter rosters
    Nevada State senate bill would allow betting on federal elections
  • NY
    New York Nassau must use electronic voting machines
  • NC
    North Carolina NAACP, other groups oppose limits on early voting in NC
  • OH
    Ohio Secretary of state says 450 votes under scrutiny from '12 election
    Ohio Elyria's redrawn wards take effect with May primary
    Ohio League of Women Voters weigh in on court battle
  • PA
    Pennsylvania Voter address changes urged
  • TN
    Tennessee Municipal elections set; no early voting in Gatlinburg
    Tennessee GOP election commissioners out in shake up
    Tennessee Commissioners debate cutting business manager post
    Tennessee Scott eyes exemption from Voting Rights Act provision
    Tennessee Apodaca proposes bill to end public election funds
  • UT
    Utah Elections will cost Farmington City about $9K
  • VA
    Virginia Officials get voting machines ready for special election
    Virginia What you need to know about the new photo ID law
  • WI
    Wisconsin Grant County backs same-day registration
    Wisconsin Plan to give out tickets at Wis. polling place OK
    Wisconsin Early voting is light in Milwaukee
  • There are no results matching the filter settings

March 2013 Dailies

March 30
March 29
March 28
March 27
March 26
March 23
March 22
March 21
March 20
March 19
March 16
March 15
March 14
March 13
March 12
March 9
March 8
March 7
March 6
March 5
March 2
March 1
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