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Wednesday January 25, 2017

  • National News

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/demofund/election-line/wp-content/themes/electionline/page-news.php on line 220
    National News Agency seeks clarity on DHS election role
    National News AG pick share's some of president's voter fraud views. Here's what it could mean
    National News White House says president's false claim of voter fraud is his 'long-standing belief'

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/demofund/election-line/wp-content/themes/electionline/page-news.php on line 220
    National News President still insists millions voted illegally (there's still no evidence of that)
    National News State election officials: We don't know 'of any evidence' backing voter fraud claims

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/demofund/election-line/wp-content/themes/electionline/page-news.php on line 220
    National News Ballot selfies pit tradition vs. technology
  • AL
    Alabama Early voting not on secretary of state's agenda
    Alabama Secretary of state: Still no movement on voter fraud laws
  • CA
    California Gonzalez Fletcher moves to make postage for mail ballots free for voters
  • CO
    Colorado Vote fraud in Colorado is extremely rare, officials say
    Colorado Bill looks to lift ban on ballot selfies, but faces hurdles
  • GA
    Georgia Homeland security requested documents over alleged hack in Ga.
  • IN
    Indiana Barker rules ballot photo ban unconstitutional
  • IA
    Iowa Secretary of state's Voter Integrity Act focuses on tech upgrades
  • KS
    Kansas Sedgwick Co. election office preparing for special election
    Kansas ACLU wants federal court to force Kobach to turn over voter registration documents
  • KY
    Kentucky Secretary of state says illegal voting claims are 'simply not true'
  • MI
    Michigan Michigan plans to replace all voting machines by 2018
    Michigan State of Michigan selects vendors for new voting machines
    Michigan Some Michigan lawmakers want to make voting easier
    Michigan State chief: 'Nothing fraudulent' in Detroit election
  • MN
    Minnesota Doing your taxes? Why not register to vote too
  • MS
    Mississippi Bills would ease early voting and online voter registration
  • MT
    Montana Bill would limit who can drop off ballots for people
  • NE
    Nebraska Officials: One 'potential' case of 2016 vote fraud
    Nebraska Legislative proposal to require more early voting locations gets cool reception
  • NH
    New Hampshire NH assesses motives for voter-fraud claim
    New Hampshire New bill could broaden powers of secretary of state's office
    New Hampshire Citing school safety concerns, bill would ban guns at polling places
  • NJ
    New Jersey Verona remembers longtime poll worker
  • ND
    North Dakota House votes down funding for new election equipment
  • OH
    Ohio Elections board deputy director terminated
  • TX
    Texas Plaintiffs ask court to penalize state officials in stalled Motor Voter lawsuit
    Texas DeWitt Co. voting becoming completely electronic
  • UT
    Utah After 30K ballots rejected last year, House passes notification bill
    Utah Some 'spoiled' ballots would be counted under proposal
  • VA
    Virginia Write-in votes may be left nameless if bill goes forward
    Virginia Bill would end Va.'s winner-take-all electoral vote system
  • WA
    Washington Wyman proposes presidential primary date change, other election reforms
    Washington Wyman pushing for earlier presidential primary
  • There are no results matching the filter settings

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