In Focus This Week
I. In Focus This Week
Get hacked!
D.C. Board of Elections works with civic hackers for voting insights
By Ursula Kaczmarek
D.C. Board of Elections
Election administrators generate heaps of data beyond the election night returns that take center stage, but the data revolution that now drives decisions in campaigns, business, and parts of government has yet to transform how we run elections.
As the Presidential Commission on Election Administration noted in its report, a “new technological gap is beginning to emerge, between the data analytical capacity that has improved customer service in the private sector, and the lack of data-driven efforts to improve the experience of voters.”
A lack of money for election administrators to pay skilled data pros is largely responsible for creating and sustaining this gap. But fear not, cash-strapped election administrators, there is hope.
One of the great things about the data and tech communities in the U.S. is that they are eager to volunteer their skills to improve government processes and systems. These are hackers for good (also known as civic hackers), and they’re an untapped resource for election administrators.
Open Data Day is a worldwide hackathon that brings together local groups of civic hackers including statisticians, geographers, and coders to explore publicly available data sets and create useful things by analyzing them.
This year, the D.C. Board of Elections made its HAVA-mandated electronic voter file available to the Open Data Day D.C. crowd and got some insights about early voting in the bargain.
Open Data Day hacking is structured around project pitches that include a problem statement, available data sources, and the skills needed to arrive at a solution. Participants who are interested in the subject matter and have the skills or knowledge gather in project groups and get to work. At the close of the event, teams present their findings, their methodologies, and the tools they used.
We wanted to use our voter file data to inform our strategy for early voting outreach, and asked any interested analysts, geography nerds, and statisticians in the house to join us. After 5 hours of hacking, our project team learned the following:
1) Early voting has increased since its debut in 2010;
2) On a precinct level, early voting rates in the primary are partly predictive of early voting rates in the general; and
3) And voters who live within a half mile of an early voting site were likeliest to have ever voted early.
More of our findings are here.
Open Data Day happens only once a year, but there is a growing number of local civic hacker groups that meet regularly. Check out to see if there’s one near you, and look at nationwide organizations that seek to partner with local government, like Code for America.
If you decide to join in a hackathon (and we certainly hope you do), here are some pro tips:
- Make doubly sure to abide by your jurisdiction’s laws and regulations governing the dissemination of voter information or other data sets. A quick guide to the rules governing HAVA voter files is available at the United States Elections Project.
- Learn about the open source tools hackers are using. These web and software applications are not only free, they come with super helpful user communities who are glad to assist people who are learning on their own. The open source tools we used at Open Data Day that don’t require coding skills included Tableau Public for visualization, and QGISand CartoDB for geography. We also used R, an open source statistical package that does require coding skills, but the free-to-use Swirl greatly helps with the coding learning curve.
- Get the most from your data by combining it with data sets available on open government sites. The Census Bureau is a great place to start for demographics, and many cities and states host catalogues on their Chief Technology Officer and open data sites. At Open Data Day D.C., we used the Master Address Repository available from D.C.’s open data site to calculate distances and create maps.
- Go to the workshops. If you’re a newbie, they demystify tech. Create your first data visualization. Learn how to use an API.
- And most importantly, collaborate! If civic hackers have a motto, it’s “build with, not for.”
Ursula Kaczmarek works to answer questions with data at the D.C. Board of Elections and serves as secretary of the board of US Vote Foundation. She tweets about elections and D.C’s woeful public transit at @uakinwdc.
Primary Round Up
II. Primary Round Up
Et tu Super Tuesday?!
Voters head to polls in five states on Ides of March
Voters headed to the polls in five states–Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio–on the Ides of March and the day was a mixed-bag of issues, but nothing systematic.
There were ballot shortages, long lines, late opening polls and late closing polls. There were also many, many counties that had no issues whatsoever. Here is a look at some of the issues that did arise on Tuesday. Also check out our Election Day Dispatches.
Not enough ballots
Counties in some states struggled with having enough ballots to meet demand. In Orange County, Florida, several precincts ran out of ballots.
The county asked for additional voting time, but was denied. On Wednesday Supervisor of Elections Bill Cowles said that this election was the first time precinct-specific ballots were used and that, combined with human error, was likely the reason for the shortage.
Numerous Illinois counties ran out of ballots including Sangamon, Adams, Madison and St. Clair counties. While voters were frustrated with the lack of ballots, and the long lines it created, many elections officials tried to spin it in a positive light. “I think it’s a good problem,” Madison County Clerk Debra Ming-Mendoza told the Belleville News-Democrat. “More people coming out to vote — how better can it be?”
Mahoning County, Ohio also had a shortage of GOP ballots.
Electronic poll books
While no one suffered problems similar to what counties in Ohio did in 2015 with their electronic polls books, there were still scattered problems with the electronic check-in method in Ohio and other states.
Duval County, Florida had to move to paper poll books when the polls opened on Tuesday morning because of a software glitch with the e-poll books. The problem was fixed in most precincts by about 2:30 in the afternoon. Supervisor of Elections Mike Hogan praised his poll workers’ handling of the problem. “I will tell you the poll workers, this was a bad day for them,” Supervisor of Elections Mike Hogan said. “And I really feel bad for them. They had to go back to the old system, and they had to do it on the fly. So we are very proud of them.”
Cumberland County, North Carolina also suffered problems with its electronic check-in system.
In Kansas City, Missouri, an upgrade to the city’s electronic poll books may have actually slowed them down.
“We are adding different modules to the server. We are thinking maybe we overloaded it, maybe we need to step back a little bit and see what caused the bog-down on Election Day,” Shawn Kieffer, director of the Kansas City Election Board told KSHB.
Voter ID
North Carolina rolled out voter ID for the first time and how it went depends on who you speak with. State officials said they received very few calls from those experiencing ID problems.
“Most of the calls coming in are about voter registration, unaffiliated voters, and people who have moved,” state election board spokeswoman Jackie Hyland told The Charlotte Observer.
However, Bob Hall, executive director of the voter advocacy group Democracy North Carolina, told the paper hundreds of callers to a hotline reported problems including ID problems, especially from college students.
Odd and ends
Elections, no matter how well planned and how well executed, always have their fair share of odd problems–usually man-made–and Et tu Tuesday was no different.
In Polk County, Florida poll workers told voters that the election was only for Republicans because they had no Democratic ballots. Turns out the ballots were at the bottom of a closet.
There was a report of a person with a gun that briefly closed a polling place in Edgecombe County, North Carolina. The polling place was closed for about 35 minutes.Whitney May with the Center for Technology & Civic Life volunteered at the Chicago polls on Tuesday and got to meet actor David Eigenberg who stars in NBC’s Chicago Fire. May said he was a very friendly and engaging voter.
In other gun news, two poll workers in Cleveland, Ohio got into an argument that ended with one of the poll workers pulling out a gun. No one was hurt and the poll worker was arrested.
A car crash that tied up traffic in several counties in Ohio forced a judge to keep the polls open an additional hour in Hamilton, Butler, Clermont and Warren counties even though elections officials had already begun posting results. Poll workers complained that they were not properly notified and had begun shutting down polling sites.
One Cabarrus County, North Carolina polling place opened late because the chief judge overslept. According to published reports, about four voters left the site before the judge showed up and it was open for voting.
In a story that certainly has electionline a bit fired up, many voters in Chicago complained about not getting “I Voted” stickers. The county stopped issuing the stickers because according to a spokesman for the board of elections, not only did the stickers not drive turnout, but janitors and officials at polling places complained that they had to spend hours removing the stickers that had been stuck on things other than someone’s shirt.
And in a Missouri there was a report that therapy dog was stolen from a polling place. The dog got loose from its home and then ran to a nearby polling place where someone took the dog. The dog was fortunately returned to the family the next morning.
Election News This Week
III. Election News This Week
- Gallatin County, Montana Clerk & Recorder Charlotte Mills is relying on the U.S. Postal Service for more than just mailed ballots. Mills recently sent out more than 6,000 letters to county residents aged 65-75 in an effort to recruit them to serve as poll workers during the upcoming election season. “We’ve been near crisis in past elections,” Mills told the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. “It’s not just a Gallatin County problem. It’s statewide.” Although she only needs about 209 poll workers, she’s hoping to get about 400 folks to sign up.
- Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman is championing the idea of “Pac-12 Primary” for 2020. Modeled after this year’s “SEC Primary,” the “Pac-12 Primary” would have primaries in Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, Hawaii, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and possibly Nevada and Utah. “I think that after the season we’re having right now, people are going to be a little more willing about talking about trying to move that primary up and make it relevant so that Washington voters have a voice in the process and are not just really affected by the rest of the country,” Wyman told KIRO.
- Volunteers and officials from the NYC Campaign Finance Board will be visiting schools throughout New York City on Friday in an effort to get more than 20,000 students registered to vote. Schools are setting aside time during the school day to educate students on the voting process and to have those that are eligible fill out a voter registration form.
- Following a successful roll out on Super Tuesday, Benton County, Arkansas elections officials have said they will go with vote centers for the November 8 general election as well. “The election, I felt, went exceptionally well,” said Russ Anzalone, commission chairman. “We didn’t have any problem from our standpoint.”
- Kentucky has officially joined the growing list of state’s offering online voter registration. The system quietly launched on March 1 and in that time 100,000 voters in Jefferson County have used the system to update their information or register. At a press conference announcing the launch, Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes noted that even a 93-year-old Kentuckian had used the system.
- While legislators in Colorado continue to debate a possible switch to primaries vs. caucuses for presidential elections, some of the state’s clerks have said they support the move, although they did caution that it would come with a cost–literally. Clerks in Pitkin, Garfield and Eagle counties said adding a primary could cost anywhere between $30,000 to $75,000 depending on the size of the county.
- Pennsylvania Secretary of State Pedro Cortes announced a new voter education program in the Commonwealth this week. Everyone votesPA will provide a web-based educational toolkit as well as a series of in-person trainings to be held at locations around the Commonwealth. The material is aimed at the voting public, civic engagement groups and educational institutions. DOS is partnering with a variety of community groups, colleges and universities, and county library systems to distribute the voter toolkit.
- Personnel News: Stephanie Singer ended her tenure on the Philadelphia County board of elections in early 2016 and is now working as a freelance consultant on government data and election technology and serves as a senior advisor to the Open Source Election Technology Foundation. Kent Wall, retiring Davidson County, Tennessee elections administrator might be staying a bit longer. The county elections commission has asked him to stay on past his March 31 retirement date to allow the commission to find a replacement. Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley has joined the board of All About The Vote, a nonprofit that works to educate voters on voter ID requirements. David J. Rushford, Worcester, Massachusetts city clerk for more than two decades announced his retirement this week. Heather Dill is the new deputy clerk for Douglas County, Kansas.
Legislative Updates
IV. Legislative Updates
Alaska: The Bethel City Council is considering a proposal that will move the city to all vote-by-mail elections in an effort to increase turnout.
Arizona: A bill to keep voters from casting ballots using the names of dead people received preliminary approval Monday in the Arizona Senate even though there was no evidence that type of fraud was occurring in the state.
Colorado: Secretary of State Wayne Williams has approved the circulation of petitions that support a ballot initiative to put automatic voter registration before the voters. Proposal organizers must collect 98,492 valid voter signatures and submit them by 3 p.m. June 24 to the Secretary of State’s office for review.
Also in Colorado, legislation requiring voters to show a photo ID in order to vote has advanced in the Senate.
Florida: Gov. Rick Scott has signed SB 112 into law. Under the new law, elections officials will be allowed to refer to ballots as vote-by-mail ballots instead of absentee ballots.
Idaho: The Senate State Affairs Committee is considering legislation that would allow conceal carry permits to serve as one of the acceptable forms of ID in order to vote.
Iowa: House File 2147 has been approved by both chambers of the legislature and signed into law by Gov. Terry Branstad. The bill, championed by Secretary of State Paul Pate, gives Iowans serving or visiting overseas an extra 30 days to request, receive and return special absentee ballots, extending the time from 90 days to 120 days prior to an election.
Kentucky: A Senate committee has approved a constitutional amendment that would give the General Assembly the power to restore voting rights to convicted felons without the need for a gubernatorial pardon. Senate Bill 299 wouldn’t automatically restore voting rights, but instead it would allow the legislature to do it by statute. It passed the Senate State and Local Government Committee on a 10-0 vote.
Michigan: A bill before the House Elections Committee would allow voters to take a photo of themselves or their ballot in a polling place, but photographing others would remain illegal.
New Hampshire: The House has approved legislation to institute a 10-day residency requirement for potential voters. Last year, Gov. Maggie Hassan vetoed a 30-day residency requirement.
New Jersey: Lawmakers heard testimony this week in support of legislation that would allow New Jersey residents to go online to register to vote.
Rhode Island: By a 30-6 vote, the Senate has approved legislation to allow for online voter registration. The House approved a similar bill last month and Gov. Gina Raimondo is expected to sign it.
Washington: The Senate has rejected two bills supported by Secretary of State Kim Wyman. One bill would have created automatic voter registration and the other would have allowed 17-year-olds to pre-register to vote.
West Virginia: Legislation requiring West Virginians to show an ID is on its way to Gov. Early Ray Tomblin’s desk following some amendments to the acceptable forms of ID. Acceptable forms of ID include: local, county or state-issued government card, a debit or bank card, a health insurance card, as well as an affidavit signed by a poll worker on site identifying the voter as someone they have known for at least six months.
Wisconsin: The Senate has given final approval to online voter registration. In addition, the bill also allows veterans to use their veteran ID to cast a ballot. Gov. Scott Walker signed the bill into law on Wednesday. The veteran voter ID provision will be in place by the April 5 election.
Legal Updates
V. Legal Updates
Arizona: On Monday Judge Roger Brodman denied the state’s redistricting commission’s request to bar Secretary of State Michele Reagan from acting as a plaintiff in an ongoing lawsuit.
Kentucky: Scott Lynn McCarty pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge that he aided and abetted the payment of a woman for her vote in the May 2014 Magoffin County primary.
Nevada: Voting rights advocates and the state of Nevada settled a lawsuit over the state’s implementation of a federal law aimed at registering low-income voters. Under terms of the settlement, the state’s Department of Health and Human Services will provide each of its clients a voter registration application, help them fill out the forms and send the applications to state election officials. The lawsuit was brought by the National Council of La Raza and NAACP branches in Reno and Las Vegas in 2012.
Ohio: On Friday, Common Pleas Court Judge Richard Frye ruled that 17-year-olds who will be 18 by the time of the general election in November, may in fact vote in the presidential primary. Secretary of State Jon Husted’s interpretation of the 1908 law allowing 17-year-olds to vote said that it did not apply to presidential primaries because they are electing delegates, not candidates. “The secretary has a clear legal duty to promptly advise all 88 county boards of election to discontinue giving oral or written instructions to otherwise qualified 17-year old voters that their choice of presidential convention delegates will not be counted,” Frye said in his decision. Husted announced that he would not appeal the decision.
Texas: Two Houston-area Democratic lawmakers have sent the Department of Justice requesting that DOJ look into the distribution of voting machines and polling places in the March 1 primary. Turnout exceeded predictions by more than a third and left many voters standing in long lines for hours. “I can’t see how anyone can blame them or us because we were all caught off guard,” Harris County Clerk Stan Stanart told the Houston Chronicle. “Voters are the reason why we had the ‘problem’, but in that sense it’s also a good problem.”
A losing candidate has filed a suit seeking a new election in McLennan County. Lawyers for the candidate say that clerical errors uncovered several of the county’s mistakes. In documents submitted to the court, an email from the voting machine operated to county election officials warn against using the coded ballots. The email didn’t arrive however until 8 days after the election. According to published reports, the suit is on a fast-track for the judge’s ruling.
Also in Texas, a lawsuit has been filed on behalf of four voters who were denied the right to vote because the Texas Dept. of Public Safety is in violation of NVRA. The suit argues that the state treats those who show up at the DPS differently than those who conduct transactions online because the DPS website does not provide the complete voter registration information.
In other NVRA lawsuit news, the American Civil Rights Union has sued Starr County Election Administrator Rafael Montalvo failed to keep an accurate list of registered voters in violation of Section 8 of the act. According to the suit, Starr County voter rolls reported more registered voters than citizens eligible to vote in 2014, 2012 and 2010.
Tech Thursday
VI. Tech Thursday
National Tech: At SXSW Interactive, Voto Latino announced the launch of a new downloadable Apple application, VoterPal, allowing people to scan their ID to register to vote. The online fields automatically populate, followed by a confirmation email sent in a matter of seconds, cutting down the time from the usual paper registration process. Maria Teresa Kumar, president and CEO of Voto Latino said the aim in developing VoterPal is to mobilize peer-to-peer voter registration as a solution to stimulating voter turnout. “So when we’re trying to figure on how to franchise the next group of Americans, we have to figure out where they are, how they talk, and more importantly, we have to use the technology that they crave,” Kumar said.
Indiana: Voters with disabilities in Vigo County will be able to use a new voting system this year that talks to the voters. The voting machine also allows voters to enlarge the screen so it’s easier to read the ballot.
Opinions This Week
VII. Opinions This Week
National Opinions: Voter ID | Primaries vs caucuses | Online voting
Arizona: State election officials | Vote centers
Arkansas: Voter turnout
California: Special elections | Voting modernization
Colorado: Primaries
Connecticut: Polling places
Florida: Pinellas County | Voter registration drives
Illinois: ‘I Voted’ stickers
Indiana: ISU vote center
Kansas: Voter ID
Kentucky: Early voting
Maryland: Ex-felon voting rights
Massachusetts: Salem elections | Early voting
Mississippi: Election reform
North Carolina: Fun with voting | Election laws | Voter ID
North Dakota: Voter access | Voting system
Ohio: 17-year-olds, II | Election lawsuits
Oregon: Secretary of state
Pennsylvania: Special election | Election reform
Texas: Voter ID, II | Better voting experience | McLennan County | Vote-by-mail | Voter fraud, II
Virginia: Voting issues
Washington: Voter registration, II
Available Funding/Awards
VIII. Available Funding/Awards
Charles T. Manatt Democracy Award
The International Foundation for Electoral Systems’ (IFES) Charles T. Manatt Democracy Award recognizes the exceptional work of individuals who demonstrate unwavering commitment to freedom and democracy. IFES presents the Democracy Award annually to three individuals: a Republican, a Democrat and a member of the international community.
The recipients of the Democracy Award embody the character and spirit of former U.S. Ambassador and IFES Board of Directors Chairman Charles T. Manatt. Manatt served as Chairman of IFES’ Board of Directors from 1993 to 1999 and was a distinct leader, dedicated to spreading democracy around the world and nurturing the next generation of political leaders.
The three Democracy Awards are presented in a single ceremony each year. To nominate someone, click here.
Innovation in American Government Awards
Applications are now being accepted for the $100,000 Innovations in American Government Awards. Offered by Harvard Kennedy School’s Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, the Innovations Award is the nation’s premier award for the public sector. It recognizes programs that demonstrate creative and effective government at its best.
All units of government — federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial — from all policy areas are eligible to apply for recognition.
This year, the Ash Center is also once again offering the Roy and Lila Ash Innovations Award for Public Engagement in Government, a special Innovations Award that will recognize government-led programs that demonstrate novel and effective approaches to increasing public engagement and participation in the governance of towns, cities, states, and the nation.
The winners of the Innovations in American Government Award and the Roy and Lila Ash Award will each receive a $100,000 grant to support replication and dissemination activities in 2017. Top finalists will also receive monetary grants.
Applications and additional information is available here. Applications are due April 15.
Upcoming Events
IX. Upcoming Events
Election Center Special Workshop — “The Calm Before the Storm” is an Election Center special workshop that will cover issues such as media relations in a presidential year (including a discussion on press releases), tips and reasons for gathering data; voter registration and elections litigation update, updated information from the USPS, vote-by-mail and other issues and the impacts polls and media projections have on election administrators. There will also be two CERA/CERV/CEM core courses 3 and 4 and Renewal Course 24. When: April 27-May 1. Where: Kansas City, Kansas. For more information and to register, click here.
NACRC/IACREOT Annual Conference — the 2016 annual conference—the last to be held under the NACRC/IACREOT banner will feature plenary sessions, a trade show, committee and board meeting, awards breakfast, annual banquet and a ballgame. When: June 25-30. Where: Memphis, Tennessee. For more information and to register, click here.
National Association of Secretaries of State Summer Conference — NASS will hold its annual summer meeting in Nashville this year. Agenda programming will include: policy discussions on important issues facing secretaries of state, idea-sharing panels highlighting best practices in state programming, sessions designed for professional development and networking, induction of national officers for the 2016-2017 cycle and excursions to explore Tennessee and learn more about the culture and state government. When: July 14-17. Where: Nashville, Tennessee. For more information and to register, click here.
National Association of State Election Directors Summer Conference — the 2016 NASED summer conference will be held in Nashville, Tennessee. Details about the event are still being hammered out, so be sure to check the website often. When: July 14-17. Where: Nashville, Tennessee. For more information, click here.
National Association of Counties Annual Conference — NACo’s Annual Conference and Exposition provides an opportunity for all county leaders and staff to learn, network and guide the direction of the association. The 2016 Annual Conference is hosted by Los Angeles County. The conference will be held at the Long Beach Convention Center. Attending the Annual Conference provides member county officials with the opportunity to vote on NACo’s policies related to federal legislation and regulation; elect officers; network with colleagues; learn about innovative county programs; learn more about issues impacting counties across the country; and view products and services from participating companies and exhibitors. When: July 22-25. Where: Long Beach, California. For more information and to register, click here.
National Conference of State Legislators Summer Meeting — the 2016 Legislative Summit will be held in Chicago and will feature standing committee/issue meetings, genera sessions, programming for legislative staff, the NCSL Business Meeting, a prayer breakfast, a walk for wellness and a bipartisan bike ride. When: Aug. 8-11. Where: Chicago. For more information and to register, click here.
Job Postings This Week
X. Job Postings This Week
electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.
Customer Relations Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico–Dominion Voting is searching for a highly motivated, enthusiastic, and hands-on Customer Relations Associate for our Albuquerque, NM office. The key responsibilities for this role will be to manage one or more customer accounts to include product support, problem resolution, and placing product and service orders. In addition, this role will be responsible for managing customer projects such as election support, new product implementations, upgrades, and providing superior customer service. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Customer Relations Manager, Dominion Voting Systems, San Leandro, California — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic, Customer Relations Manager, to be based in our San Leandro, California office! This position will be responsible for supporting customers by partnering with the sales and operations teams to exceed customer needs and requirements; addressing and resolving customer concerns; and, identifying ways to implement preventive measures for continuous process improvement. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply,click here.
Elections Data Specialist, Boulder County, Colorado — Boulder County Election’s Division has an opportunity for an individual who is passionate about serving the voters of Boulder County and enjoys analyzing data, systems, processes, and designing creative solutions. The Elections Data Specialist II will provide analysis and reporting, as well as database application support and troubleshooting. This individual will also monitor and assure elections data integrity through data extraction, storage, processing and analysis.The ideal candidate is self-motivated and collaborative. This individual will have strong analytical, quantitative and problem-solving abilities, along with a thorough knowledge of relational database theory and practice. The candidate will have excellent communication skills with the ability to effectively communicate technical information to non-technical personnel, both orally and in written form. Additionally, the candidate will demonstrate and encourage the need for process standards and documentation. Salary: $53,100 – $61,100. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Technician, Wayne County, North Carolina — Installs hardware and software, manages system upgrades, and coordinates with county IT department. Implements upgrades and/or updates to the State Election Information Management Software (SEIMS) as provided by the State Board of Elections. Manages voting equipment to include inventory, preparation of voting equipment and systems for elections, delivery and return of equipment for each election, and general maintenance or oversight of maintenance in accordance with federal and state regulations. Trains and supervises small technical work group during voting equipment preparation for polling location and as Election Day support. Prepares and administers polling location computerized poll books and voting tabulation software. Inspects and prepares supplies for each polling location prior to each election. Supervises temporary and part time elections workers. Conducts voting machine training for both technical and user level. Administers and maintains county elections website. Salary: $40,994 – $63,937. Deadline: March 25. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Junior Product Support Specialist, Toronto, Ontario— Dominion Voting Systems is seeking an out-going, technology savvy, Junior Product Support Specialist, to be based in our downtown Toronto office. This position is responsible for supporting installation, operation, repair, and maintenance of all Dominion Voting Systems products; as well as developing and executing training sessions; and assisting with warehousing and logistics. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here
Network & Systems Specialist, Denver, Colorado — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a tech-savvy and detail oriented, Network & Systems Specialist, to be based in our downtown Denver, Colorado office. This role is responsible for assisting with the deployment and troubleshooting of advanced elections hardware and software system configurations; providing support to the logistics associated with procuring elections systems and equipment; performing tests and evaluations of various voting solutions; and providing election support to customers both remotely and/or on-site. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply,click here.
Product Support Specialist, Toronto, Ontario — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking an experienced and motivated, Product Support Specialist, to be based in our downtown Toronto office. This position is responsible for supporting installation, operation, repair, and maintenance of all Dominion Voting Systems products; as well as developing and executing training sessions; and working closely with the Operations and Development Teams on a number of critical projects. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply,click here.
Program Associate, Governance Program, Democracy Fund — The Democracy Fund seeks to hire a Program Associate to support our Governance Initiative, which is focused on how we can help major governing institutions to work more effectively in the face of increasing polarization. We are looking for candidates who are passionate about making our political system work better and have a strong understanding about how Congress and other governing institutions work. Strong candidates will be excellent writers, have strong research skills, work well with others, have an ability to think systemically, and have a proven track record of being able to get things done in a complex professional environment. As a bipartisan organization, we welcome applications from Republicans, Democrats, and Independents – a willingness to work across the aisle is essential. A major area of responsibility for the Program Associate will be to work with the Program Director of our Governance Initiative in sourcing and evaluating grant opportunities, as well as working with our portfolio of grantee organizations to help them succeed. Among our existing grantees within this initiative are the Bipartisan Policy Center, the Congressional Institute, the No Labels Foundation, the Aspen Institute’s Congressional Program, and the Faith & Politics Institute. Beyond grant making, Program Associates will work with the Democracy Fund team to design and implement strategies to more directly advance our goals through research, convening, and advocacy. Deadline: Open until filled. Application:For the complete job listing and to apply,click here.
Programming Specialist, Toronto, Ontario — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a highly-driven and detail-oriented, Programming Specialist, to be based in our downtown Toronto office. This position is responsible for elections design and programming; ensuring elections systems meet all performance criteria, standards and requirements; developing and executing trainings; implementing Dominion Voting System products; and providing technical support to customers, co-workers and election officials. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply,click here.
XI. Marketplace
electionline provides no guarantees as to the quality of the items being sold and the accuracy of the information provided about the sale items in the Marketplace. Ads are provided directly by sellers and are not verified by electionline. If you have an ad for Marketplace, please email it to: