In Focus This Week
I. In Focus This Week
First systematic evidence says 2016 voting lines were shorter than 2012
Overall, average in-person wait time in 2016 was 11 minutes
By Charles Stewart III, Kenan Sahin Distinguished Professor of Political Science
Department of Political Science
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology
In the midst of an election campaign full of concerns over whether voting machines were being hacked and vigilantes would confront voters in polling places, there is good news about the administration of elections in 2016. The first systematic evidence about the experience of voters in the election reveals that lines waiting to vote were shorter than in 2012.
This evidence is contained in the preliminary results from the Survey of the Performance of American Elections, conducted in the aftermath of the 2016 election. This survey, like the ones before it in 2008 and 2012, asked all in-person voters how long they waited in line to vote. (For those interested, the methodology of the SPAE is discussed at the end of this article.)
Overall, the average in-person voter waited 11 minutes to vote in 2016, compared to 13 minutes in 2012 and 16 minutes in 2008. The biggest improvements came in the states that had the longest lines in 2012. Racial disparities were reduced in 2016, though they still remain in some places, especially in early voting.
In 2012, voters from five states and the District of Columbia reported average wait times of greater than 20 minutes — Florida, D.C., Maryland, South Carolina, Virginia, and Michigan. All of these states’ voters reported significant decreases in average wait times in 2016. The most dramatic decrease came in Florida, which fell from an average of nearly 45 minutes in 2012 down to 8 minutes in 2016.
In past years there have been significant differences in wait times, comparing Election Day and early voting. For instance, in 2012 Election Day voters waited an average of 13 minutes to votes, compared to 20 minutes for early voters. These differences virtually disappeared in 2016, with Election Day voters waiting an average of 11 minutes to vote and early voters waiting 13 minutes.
Of great concern in the past have been racial discrepancies in wait times. These discrepancies were reduced in 2016, though not eliminated entirely. In 2012, whites waited an average of 12 minutes to votes, while Blacks waited 22 minutes. In 2016, average wait times for whites declined to 10 minutes, while the average wait time for Blacks declined to 16 minutes.
The report of the Presidential Commission on Election Administration declared that no voter should wait more than 30 minutes to cast a ballot. Although wait times in 2016 were significantly better than in 2012, the thirty-minute benchmark still has not been achieved in most states. Overall, 9 percent of voters waited more than 30 minutes. In 18 states plus DC, more than 10 percent of voters waited longer than 30 minutes.
This analysis was based on data that were literally hot off the press. More work needs to be done to probe the nuances of the data and, perhaps most importantly, explain what accounts for the improvements in 2016.
Upon initial examination, one explanation does not appear to hold much weight. It does not appear that shorter wait times were due to lower turnout or shifting voters out of Election Day into early voting or absentee modes. The sheer number of voters in 2012 was roughly the same in 2016, which eliminates lower turnout as a major contributor to short wait times.
Furthermore, the greatest improvements in wait times were in states, such as Florida, where early voting was not significantly different from 2012. Therefore, the most likely explanation for improve wait times in 2016 has to do with capacity building and other administrative improvements. These are factors that will probably not be easily documented through the survey research evidence, but will have to await other forms of investigation to verify.
The SPAE contains a treasure-trove of information about the experience of voters in the past election. Wait times are just one aspect of the election that was documented through this survey project. As the final dataset is prepared and careful examination of the data undertaken, expect more “voter-eye views” of the election to follow.
The Survey of the Performance of American Elections (SPAE) has been conducted following the federal elections of 2008, 2012, 2014, and 2016. The purpose of the SPAE is to document the experience of American voters as they cast their ballots in the federal election. The survey is administered to 200 registered voters in each state plus the District of Columbia, for a total sample size of 10,200. The survey was conducted by YouGov using an Internet panel. Observations have been weighted to provide a representative view of voters in each state. A full report of findings from the SPAE will be published in early 2017. The Survey of the Performance of American Elections was initially designed by members of the Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project and funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts, which bears no responsibility for any of the analysis conducted here.
Overseas Voting Initiative
II. Overseas Voting Initiative
CSG Overseas Voting Initiative working group releases recommendations
LEXINGTON, Ky. — The Council of State Governments Overseas Voting Initiative’s Technology Working Group, during the 2016 CSG National Conference in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, announced recommendations to address challenges facing military and overseas voters.
After more than two years of research and collaboration with the U.S. Department of Defense’s Federal Voting Assistance Program, or FVAP, the CSG OVI Technology Working Group developed recommendations in three core areas: 1) Unreadable/Damaged Ballot Duplication, 2) Common Access Card/Digital Signature, and 3) Verification and Data Standardization/Performance Metrics.
“The recommendations from the OVI Technology Working Group for improvement in the UOCAVA (Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act) voting process provide real-world examples that will serve as a model for legislators and election officials throughout the country,” FVAP Director Matt Boehmer said. “FVAP and CSG teamed to form the Overseas Voting Initiative three years ago, and we are very encouraged by the OVI’s progress to date.”
As more ballots are transmitted electronically, there is sometimes a need to duplicate damaged and unreadable ballots so vote tabulators can count the ballots. Among other suggestions, the report provides recommendations related to the ballot duplication process.
“Because UOCAVA citizens and other absentee voters are not marking their ballots in an election jurisdiction and placing them in scanner for review and eventual tabulation, there are a variety of unreadable or damaged ballot issues that can be encountered by election officials that require special attention by their staff members to ‘duplicate’ these ballots so they can be correctly tabulated according to each voter’s intent,” said Marci Andino, executive director of the South Carolina State Election Commission. “Through the CSG OVI Technology Working Group, my colleagues and I developed recommendations in this area to streamline this time-consuming process of ballot duplication to ensure all ballots—including ballots unreadable by scanners and damaged ballots—can be tabulated as the voters intended. I am very pleased to have led the OVI’s effort in the area of unreadable/damaged ballot duplication while working closely with my very skilled state and local election counterparts from across the country as we developed recommendations to simplify this procedure using technologies and processes that facilitate accurate and efficient ballot duplication.”
The recommendations also note that leveraging the U.S. Department of Defense Common Access Card, or CAC, ensures election officials can verify an individual’s identity using the best technology possible.
Lori Augino, director of elections in the Office of the Washington Secretary of State, led the subgroup that examined the use of Common Access Card digital signatures to complete election-related activities and provide an option for military personnel to designate their UOCAVA voting status using a state’s online election portal.
“Our fantastic team conducted significant research into this area and listened to many speakers on related topics in order to supply recommendations to state election officials and legislators surrounding use of a CAC digital signature to aid active service members absent from their voting residence who are registering to vote and requesting a blank ballot,” Augino said. “Leading this subgroup was particularly important to me. Our service members are fighting in the far stretches of the world for our freedom. It’s incumbent upon us to remove roadblocks so they can participate in our elections. Technology can help us achieve that.”
In addition, per the recommendations, capturing the election office-voter interactions in a standard data format allows big data analytics to be used to identify best practices in election administration for military and overseas voters.
“I really enjoyed participating in the OVI Data Standardization Subgroup as my Orange County, California, election team and I have been collecting, analyzing and making data available to researchers and the public for many years,” said Neal Kelley, registrar of voters in Orange County, California. “So I see this project as an excellent extension of this work we have been doing. Our group considered the benefits that would be achieved from having a single standard for collecting and reporting UOCAVA-specific voter data at the transaction level—each critical interaction between the voter and state or local election office—and during this review, we identified several important benefits to having a data standard for military and overseas voting, with some of these benefits realized by state and local election offices and others by FVAP and the EAC (U.S. Election Assistance Commission).”
CSG Overseas Voting Initiative Director Kamanzi Kalisa said the tech-based solutions and associated recommendations leverage existing knowledge and technologies, meaning that state and local election officials can easily implement the recommendations.
“On behalf of The Council of State Governments, I would like to thank Lori Augino, Director of Elections for the New Jersey Department of State Robert Giles and Neal Kelley for their leadership in directing the efforts of our Overseas Voting Initiative Technology Working Group research areas, and all the working group members who have contributed so much to this collaborative work effort that we hope spurs further dialog and action in these key subject areas affecting military and overseas voters,” Kalisa said.
About The Council of State Governments
The Council of State Governments is the nation’s only organization serving all three branches of state government. CSG is a region-based forum that fosters the exchange of insights and ideas to help state officials shape public policy. This offers unparalleled regional, national and international opportunities to network, develop leaders, collaborate and create problem-solving partnerships.
In late 2013, CSG entered into a four-year partnership with the U.S. Department of Defense’s Federal Voting Assistance Program to improve the voting process for service members, the families of service members and citizens living abroad. The creation of the OVI Technology Working Group was one component of the partnership. The group comprises state and local election officials from across the country.
Electionline Underwriting
III. Electionline Underwriting
For almost 15 years, has brought you all the election administration reform news and information of the day through electionlineToday and of the week through our weekly newsletter electionlineWeekly.
Because of the generosity of such organizations as The Pew Charitable Trusts, Democracy Fund and the Hewlett Foundation we were able to bring you that news and information for free and free of advertising.
In order to continue providing you with the important news of the day and week we are now offering monthly underwriting for our daily and weekly postings (think more NPR, less local radio and television).
Underwriting will be available for electionlineToday, the weekly email that reaches about 4,800 inboxes each week and the weekly newsletter. Underwriting is available on a per-month basis and costs $2,500 per section per month. The underwriting is available on a first come, first-served basis. Each section will be exclusive to one underwriter per month.
We will accept underwriting from a variety of entities in the elections world, but will not accept political advertising.
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Electionline Holiday Schedule
IV. Electionline Holiday Schedule
Due to the upcoming holidays, we’ll be altering our schedule a bit.
From December 27 through December 30, electionlineToday will publish each day by 9 a.m. instead of our typical 6 a.m. Also, due to the holidays, electionlineToday will NOT publish on December 26 and January 2, 2017.
electionlineWeekly will publish on Thursday, December 29 and feature our annual In & Out list. If you’ve got a submission, please feel free to let us know by December 28 (
Election News This Week
V. Election News This Week
Recounts Update: Recounts concluded in several states this week. In Nevada, the partial recount of the November 8 presidential election concluded with no change in numbers for the candidate requesting the recount. In North Carolina with a statewide recount of the auditor’s race almost complete, Republican candidate Chuck Stuber conceded, bringing the remaining recount to a halt. The Michigan Court of Appeals ordered the state board of canvassers to reject Green Party candidate Jill Stein’s request for a recount of the presidential ballots. The state Supreme Court affirmed that ruling Although the recount ended in Michigan, many questions still swirl about the voting process in Detroit and the state will audit the city’s election. Wisconsin was the only state to begin and complete a statewide recount of the 2016 presidential election and the recount found only a 131-vote change. “This was really a remarkable achievement by the county clerks, the canvassing boards, the tabulators, the municipal clerks,” elections administrator Michael Haas told The Capital Times. The recount did reveal some problems with older voting machines, but no major issues. And in Pennsylvania, U.S. District Judge Paul S. Diamond ruled against the Green Party’s request for a statewide recount. Diamond said that the last-minute tactics would mean “all of Pennsylvania’s six million voters could be disenfranchised.”
The DuPage County, Illinois board chairman, clerk and election commission have formally proposed merging the election commission and the county clerk’s office into one. When introducing the proposal, Chairman Don Cronin said the move could realize a cost savings for the county while expanding the bipartisan board of election commissioners. The proposal, which will need to be approved by the state legislature, would expand the board from three to five members, including two representatives from each major political party, appointed by the County Board chairman, and the county clerk as chairman.
Citing the success of the state’s new “Motor Voter” program which automatically registers Oregonians to vote, officials announced this week that Oregon shattered the state’s record for voting-age voter turnout. Overall, 70.4 percent of the state’s voting-age population sent in ballots. The previous record, set in 2008, was 66 percent. According to The Oregonian, about 44 percent of the new “motor voters” cast a ballot.
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced this week that his office will not seek any operational funds from the state in the next two-year state budget and that he’s asking for a 100 percent cut in his funding. Through a business licensing fees and cost-cutting measures, the secretary of state’s office has a $19 million surplus. “Well, I do want to lead by example in the sense that, let’s face it, if I had asked for an inflationary increase, everyone would have said ‘well, that’s just fine, go ahead, it’s just same old, same old.’ Well we are not going to do the same old, same old. We are trying to act responsibly. We are trying to act differently.”
After a printing error forced poll workers in Hudson County, New Jersey to hand count 20,931 mail-in ballots, the printing firm that made the mistake said it will reimburse the county almost $30,000 in costs that the county incurred from the hand count. According to the Burlington County Times, In addition to being reimbursed by the printer, the County Clerk’s Office, the Election Board and the Superintendent of Elections Office have identified additional actions and checkpoints that workers will perform before future elections in order to detect a similar error sooner.
Sometimes the real news is just as strange as the fake news. Recently, officials in Douglas County, Colorado told an election judge that he was no longer welcome to work for the county after a member of public heard the election judge boasting that on Election Day he had destroyed all the Democrat ballots. Despite the allegations, Douglas County said it knows none of their ballots were destroyed. “The fact that we received a complaint about the behavior of an election judge is enough to call into question that election judge’s ability to continue as an election judge in future elections,” Wendy Holmes, director of public affairs, told ABC7.
Personnel News: Hays County, Texas Elections Administrator and Voter Registrar Joyce Cowan will retire on December 31 after 31 years on the job. Lisa Terry, Montville, Connecticut clerk will retire on December 31 after nearly 20 years on the job.
In Memoriam: Ken Hechler, West Virginia secretary of state from 1985 to 2001, died this week. He was 102. Hechler became secretary of state after serving nine terms in the U.S. Congress. He stepped down as secretary of state—at age 95—to challenge then Gov. Joe Manchin in the Democratic primary for Senate. Hechler graduated from Swathmore College and Columbia University. He was a combat historian during World War II. He marched with Martin Luther King in Selma, Alabama. He was an adviser and special assistant to President Harry Truman. Hechler is survived by his wife Carol whom he married in 2013 at the age of 98, and a stepson.
Legislative Updates
VI. Legislative Updates
Federal Legislation: Virginia Sen. Mark Warner (D) has introduced the FAST Voting Act. The Fair, Accurate, Secure and Timely Voting Act of 2016 would create a competitive grant program—similar to the Race to the Top, encouraging states to aggressively pursue election reform. “The FAST Voting Act addresses these challenges by encouraging and helping states to make voting faster and more accessible through commonsense reforms like reducing long waiting times, expanding early voting opportunities, and eliminating other obstacles that prevent people from exercising their franchise,” Warner said in a statement.
Arkansas: Rep. Mark Lowery (R-Maumelle) filed a bill this week that would require voters to show a document or ID card to verify their registration — requirements similar to those that were struck down by the state’s Supreme Court in 2014. “I think it’s important to protect the integrity of the ballot,” he told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. “There are a lot of instances in our day-to-day life where photo ID is required, and it just seems to me to not be so big a stretch to say that something as important as a vote be verified by photo ID.” Lowery told the paper he believes the bill would hold up to a legal argument if it is passed by a two-thirds supermajority.
Michigan: Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof said this week that the Senate will not vote on stricter voter ID regulations during the remaining days of the lame duck session.
Nebraska: A group of activists have drafted a bill that would change the process for how ex-felons voting rights are restored. The activists are currently seeking a senator to introduce the legislation. Currently Nebraska ex-felons must wait two years to have their voting rights restored after the completion of their sentences. Under the proposal, the two-year wait time would be eliminated.
Also in Nebraska, at a meeting conducted by a special legislative committee on election technology, Sen. John Murante said that the state is eyeing a move to all-mail elections while Sen. Adam Morfled said he would support a hybrid vote-by-mail/vote center plan like in Colorado.
North Carolina: Rep. Larry Hall (D-Durham) met a 5 p.m. Tuesday deadline to file elections-related legislation for the upcoming special session. House Bill 5 would restore the hours and days to the early voting period that were removed in 2013 and House Bill 6 would create a nonpartisan redistricting committee.
Utah: Rep. Craig Hall (R-West Valley City) has said that he will sponsor legislation that will get rid of the state’s new universal vote-by-mail system. “Some people love vote-by-mail, and that’s great, but some people have absolutely no interest in voting by, and we ought to cater to the voter’s preference,” Hall told the Salt Lake Tribune.
Legal Updates
VII. Legal Updates
Iowa: A Des Moines woman accused of voting twice for Donald Trump has entered a plea of not guilty. She told Iowa Public Radio she voted twice because she was concerned her first vote for Trump would be changed to one for Hillary Clinton, and that “the polls are rigged.”
Texas: Attorney General Ken Paxton has formally asked the U.S. Supreme Court to take up the state’s voter ID law, which was ruled unconstitutional earlier this year by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The U.S. Dept. of Justice has said that the law was passed to disenfranchise African-American and Hispanic voters, but it’s unclear what the DOJ may do/say under a new administration.
Also in Texas. State District Judge Don Witting ruled that Hidalgo County must redo a June council election after he found “clear and convincing evidence” that one candidate received votes in violation of the Texas Election Code.
Utah: Saratoga Springs prosecutors filed a motion to dismiss a criminal case against a voter who work a Make America Great Again hat to a polling place during early voting. Tai Ho’o was cited for disorderly conduct after he refused to wear the hat and an argument ensued. The Utah County Clerk and the Lt. Governor’s Office investigated the accusations and determined that because “Make America Great Again” did not specifically name Donald Trump, it didn’t fall under their definition of electioneering.
Virginia: The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has turned back a challenge to Virginia’s voter ID law. In 2015, the state’s Democratic Party and two voters filed suit alleging that the Republican-controlled General Assembly had enacted the law to disenfranchise voters. In May, after a two-week trial in March, U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson upheld the photo ID requirement, and the plaintiffs appealed. This week, a three-judge panel of the Richmond-based appeals court upheld Hudson’s decision. “In sum, not only does the substance of (the law) not impose an undue burden on minority voting, there was no evidence to suggest racially discriminatory intent in the law’s enactment,” Judge Paul V. Niemeyer of the appeals court wrote.
Tech Thursday
VIII. Tech Thursday
Georgia: Secretary of State Brian Kemp is alleging that the state’s voter registration database was the target of an attempted hack from an IP address belonging to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. “This morning I sent a letter to DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson demanding to know why,” Kemp said in a Facebook post. According to The Wall Street Journal, the attempted hack took place on November 15. The Department of Homeland Security has informed Georgia election officials that there was no attempt to hack into the state’s election computer system, but did acknowledge an agency employee left an electronic paper trail that might make it appear something nefarious was afoot.
Opinions This Week
IX. Opinions This Week
National Opinions: Recounts, II | Election reform | Primary process | Hacked election | Voting rights | Voter suppression
Colorado: Voting system
Kentucky: Early voting
Louisiana: Lafayette Parish
Massachusetts: Voting machines
Michigan: Election errors | Recount, II | Voter ID |Election meltdown | Voting machines | Election system
Minnesota: Ranked choice voting, II | Voting transparency
Montana: Next generation of voters
Nevada: Election reform
New York: Election reform, II, III, IV, V
North Carolina: Election workers | Voter fraud | Past elections | Voter ID
Ohio: Poll workers
Oregon: Voter registration
Pennsylvania: Recount | Voting system
Rhode Island: State board of elections
Texas: Turnout
Utah: Vote-by-mail
Wisconsin: Recount | Election workers
Upcoming Events
X. Upcoming Events
Joint Election Official Liaison Committee Meeting — This annual meeting, which is open to current members of The Election Center, NASS, NASED, IaGO, IIMC, NCSL and NACo, will feature a report from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission as well as discussions on proposed and pending legislation, cyber security, U.S. Postal Service issues, state voter registration issues, DOJ issues and concerns, the Federal Voting Assistance Program and new Election Center security resources. When: January 5-6, 2017. Where: Ritz Carlton Hotel, Arlington, Virginia.
IaoGO 2017 Mid-Winter Conference —join the International Association of Government Officials at their mid-winter conference with the theme of Success Through Education. A tentative agenda can be found here. When: January 8-11, 2017. Where: Tucson, Arizona. For more information and to register, click here.
NASS 2017 Winter Conference — Mark your calendars now and stay tuned for more information and registration details on the National Association of Secretaries of State 2017 Winter Conference. When: February 15-18, 2017. Where: Washington, D.C.
Election Center Special Workshop — the Election Center will host a special winter workshop featuring courses in facilitating voter participation (Course 7), implementation of new programs (Course 8) and resources management (Renewal Course 26). When: February 15-19. Where: Savanah, Georgia.
NASED 2017 Winter Meeting — Mark your calendars now and stay tuned for more information and registration details on the National Association of State Election Directors 2017 Winter Meeting. When: February 15-18, 2017. Where: Washington, D.C.
IaoGO 2017 Annual Conference — Mark your calendars now and stay tuned for more information and registration details on the International Association of Government Officials 2017 Annual Conference. When: July 6-13, 2017. Where: Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin.
NASS 2017 Summer Conference — Mark your calendars now and stay tuned for more information and registration details on the National Association of Secretaries of State 2017 Summer Conference. When: July 7-10, 2017. Where: Indianapolis, Indiana.
NASED 2017 Summer Meeting— Mark your calendars now and stay tuned for more information and registration details on the National Association of State Election Directors 2017 Summer Meeting. When: August 22-25, 2017. Where: Anaheim, California.
Job Postings This Week
XI. Job Postings This Week
electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.
Ballot Production Services Consultant, Hart InterCivic — BPS Consultants at Hart work with our customers to design ballots and to provide printed ballots and voting media for customers. This is a customer-service position, and applicants must have exceptional customer service skills. This is a part-time hourly positon with opportunities for overtime pay during peak periods. This is not a replacement position, but a net new position at Hart. This is an ideal position for someone who wants to work varying hours, depending on the calendar. Preference is for this position to be Austin-based, but that is open to negotiation. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, please click here.
Customer Relations Manager, Dominion Voting Systems, Chicago, Illinois— Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic, Customer Relations Manager, based in the Chicago, Illinois area! This position will be responsible for providing world-class customer service in order to achieve our core purpose of delivering solutions for the advancement of fair, accessible, and secure elections! You will problem solve, collaborate, create and improve processes, and make our customers successful in the execution of seemingly impossible tasks. Excitement lives here!. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply click here.
Director of Elections/General Registrar, Fredericksburg, Virginia — the Electoral Board is seeking a qualified individual to lead and direct the administration of elections in Fredericksburg, Virginia. This position reports to and is accountable to the Fredericksburg Electoral Board. Work encompasses all aspects of running city elections. Duties are specified in Code of Virginia, § 24.2-114 and basic qualifications in § 24.2-110. Salary: $50,058-$55,590. Deadline: December 22, 2016. Application: For the complete listing and to apply, click here.
Director of Operations, West, Western United States — Dominion Voting Systems is looking for a talented and passionate Director of Operations, West to join our team! This position can be based in either Northern California or Nevada and will work remotely. This position will direct the day-to-day operations in the Western United States for Dominion Voting in order to meet and exceed business objectives for growth and profitability. This position will formulate and enact policies and strategies; work with leadership to set and achieve goals; forecast, set and manage budgets; hire, mentor and manage staff; and establish and maintain professional and positive business relationships with our customers. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections & Special Districts Director, Cochise County, Arizona — under general direction of the County Administrator, provides professional level project planning in all functions related to the conduct of voting and election activities for the County. Under limited supervision, perform work of considerable difficulty to plan, organize, coordinate, direct and control all activities of the Elections & Special Districts Department in compliance with statutory and regulatory federal and state requirements. Prepare and manage the annual fiscal budget for the department, develop long-range plans and anticipates/identifies long-term organizational needs. Sound judgment and considerable communication and interpersonal skills are required in this position. Salary: $60,000-$90,000. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Services Manager, Contra Costa County, California — Contra Costa County’s Clerk-Recorder’s office is offering an excellent career opportunity for individuals interested in an Election Services Manager Position for their downtown Martinez location. This management position reports to the Assistant Registrar in the Elections Division of the Clerk-Recorder’s Office and acts in the place of the Assistant Registrar during his/her absence. This position is responsible for assisting the Assistant Registrar in planning, organizing and directing the day to day activities of the Elections Division; the development, establishment, implementation and evaluation of County elections policies and procedures according to Election and Government Codes, applicable laws, rules, procedures, court cases, regulations and ordinances that affect the preparation and conduct of elections and registration of voters. The ideal candidate will possess knowledge and understanding of the election process, cycle and Election law as well as knowledge and understanding of the interrelationships of each unit of the Election Department. This classification will supervise Elections Division administrative, technical and supervisory staff. Strong management and administrative skills are required as the incumbent will have primary responsibility for day-to-day direction and coordination of the Election Division activities. Excellent Interpersonal skills are required, as the incumbent will interface with staff on all levels as well as county officials, news media, and the public. Salary: $6718-$8166 (monthly). Deadline: December 30. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Executive Director, ERIC, Washington, D.C.— Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director has overall strategic and operational responsibility for ERIC’s staff, programs, expansion, and execution of its mission. The Executive Director will be thoroughly committed to ERIC’s mission. S/he will develop a deep knowledge of ERIC’s core program, operations, budget and business plans. This is a full-time position that requires a motivated self-starter who is capable of working independently and productively in a home office environment and supervising staff and contractors from a distance. Frequent and effective communication with ERIC staff, board members and contractors is essential. Deadline: December 31. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Policy Analyst, Virginia Department of Elections, Richmond, Va.— analyze and interpret state, federal and local laws and policies in order to ensure uniformity in their interpretation and application to ensure legality and purity in all elections. Preferred Qualifications: Demonstrated experience in legislative and policy analysis and program evaluation, the ability to work under pressure, give exacting attention to detail and meet deadlines. Degree in public administration, political science, law or related area preferred, and/or equivalent relevant training and experience. Salary: $42,614-$62,000. Deadline: December 16, 2016. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Project Manager, Hart InterCivic — project managers at Hart InterCivic are highly motivated “self-starters” who are enthusiastic about providing exceptional customer service. Working with other members of the Professional Services and Operations teams, the project manager directs activity, solves problems and develops lasting and strong relationships with our customers. Hart InterCivic’s unique and industry known culture of innovation, transparency and customer-centric focus creates an environment where team members will continually grow and be challenged to develop their careers. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Product Specialist, Denver, Colorado — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a tech-savvy, passionate Product Specialist to join our team in downtown Denver! This position will be responsible for providing technical support on all Dominion Voting Systems products both on-site, via the telephone or via email; write detailed, technical documentation for distribution internally and externally; and interface directly with customers, co-workers, and election officials. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Product Specialist, Toronto, Ontario — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a tech-savvy and passionate, Product Specialist, to be based in our downtown Toronto, Ontario office. This role is responsible for responsible for the installation, operation, repair, and maintenance of all Dominion Voting Systems elections products; providing elections support services and customer training; and interfacing directly with customers, co-workers and election officials. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Purchasing Manager, Toronto, Ontario — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a technical and strategic Purchasing Manager to join our team in downtown Toronto! This is a new position on our Supply Chain team and it will be responsible for managing our contract manufacturers and the purchasing function for our global organization. This hybrid role will be focused on both, technical manufacturing engineering projects, and supply chain, purchasing, and procurement projects. If you enjoy being challenged, enjoy working in a fast-paced and high-growth company, and want to make a direct impact on the success of an organization – this position is for you! Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Project Manager, Denver, Colorado — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking an experienced, well-organized and passionate Senior Project Manager to join our team in downtown Denver! This position will be responsible for overseeing the successful execution of assigned projects in the State of Colorado as well as managing a team of local and remote employees. This position is critical to the success of our customers throughout the State of Colorado. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Product Manager, Denver, Colorado — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking an experienced Senior Product Manager to join our team in downtown Denver! This position will be responsible for end to-end product planning for the DVS portfolio including hardware, software and packaging components. Salary: Negotiable base + bonus target & benefits. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Technical Trainer, Clear Ballot, Boston, Massachusetts — our small and growing documentation and training team has an immediate need for a new member with intermediate-to-senior experience in: Instructional design, development of learning curricula, production of training materials, and hands-on, customer facing training. Generally, the training department, technical staff, and operations staff provide training at the customer’s site. We need an instructional designer and trainer who can analyze the learners and materials, and establish an appropriately targeted learning program. The opportunity exists to develop computer based training as an enhancement to our learning curriculum. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Voter Registration Specialist II, Yavapai County, Arizona — under minimal supervision, supervises temporary employees and performs all forms of customer service and office procedures. Also performs technical work of increasing difficulty in the operation of Voter Registration and specialized mailing and printing equipment. Major Duties and Responsibilities: Maintains complex voter registration database; manage all phases of printing and mailing of voter materials. Helps manage all phases of mailing and receiving ballots; purchases and maintains inventory of stock; accounts for beginning and ending inventory of ballots. Assists the Registrar of Voters in planning, organizing and preparing for upcoming Elections. Oversees day-to-day office duties; supervises and provides clerical operational support to assigned staff; maintains daily and monthly reports; monitors and performs the maintenance of voter registration records and lists. Prepares periodic and special reports including statistical reports to the Parties, statutory reports to Secretary of State’s office and audit reports to election for canvass. Provides information to the public by answering questions and resolving complaints regarding election/VR laws and procedures. Orders supplies for the Voter Registration department. Performs other job related duties as assigned. Salary: $17.18-$19.75/hour. Deadline: Open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
XII. Marketplace
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