In Focus This Week
Election security at your fingertips
Florida counties use biometrics to enhance security
By M. Mindy Moretti
In 2018, the federal government authorized $380 million in grants for states to improve their election security. Since then, elections officials have been finding a variety of ways to spend their funding to secure the franchise.
While some states kept the HAVA II funding at the state level, in other states like Florida the money has trickled down to the counties. Two Florida counties — Brevard and Collier — are choosing to enhance their elections security through biometrics.
Once the thing of science fiction movies, biometric authentication has moved mainstream with it being used by banks, airport security, hospitals, business for time and attendance tracking and now even elections offices.
So what exactly is biometrics? Biometric authentication is a security process that relies on the unique biological characteristics of an individual, say a fingerprint, to verify that they are who they say they are. Typically, biometric authentication is used to manage access to physical and digital resources such as buildings, rooms and computers.
Brevard and Collier are using biometrics authentication as one step in multi-factor authentication for employees and in Brevard, for seasonal staff as well.
“Multi-factor authentication is considered a best practice by the Center for Internet Security and the National Institute of Technology, and it is a pre-emptive measure to improve our office’s security posture,” explained Kimberly Dale, communications director for the Brevard County Supervisor of Elections Office. “Biometric authentication is intended to act as a second factor to supplement strong password security requirements for our users to log in to their workstations and email and help safeguard data.”
Both counties have contracted with BIO-Key to provide the biometrics equipment and software. The company has worked internationally in elections, but their work with Brevard and Collier is their first foray into U.S. elections.
“It’s interesting. We’ve done quite a bit internationally on the election front where they’ve been using biometrics for voter security, actually securing a vote cast,” explained Michael W. DePasquale, chairman and CEO of BIO-Key. “They reached out to us because they had received the money and were looking for a very straight forward multi-factor authentication tool.”
DePasquale explained that the system is fairly simple to set up and use, which seemed to appeal to both counties because it didn’t take a lot of extra time from their busy schedules. He noted that the system is in use everywhere from nursery schools for attendance taking to high schools for lunch programs. But it’s the work the company is now doing with elections offices that has him excited.

BIO-Key’s finger-scanning device.
How it works: Essentially anyone using the system has two-four fingerprints scanned into the system—multiple fingerprints in case you get a cut DePasquale notes—and then those fingerprints are connected to a user name and password. A small fingerprint scanner is attached to computer through a USB port and then when an employee signs in, they also scan their fingerprint for access.
“We see the opportunity to really make an impact here and to really make a difference and secure the infrastructure for what is one of our most precious benefits as an American,” DePasquale said.
Collier County began using biometric authentication in 2018 with the plan to have it rolled out to staff in all departments by 2020. Trish Robertson, elections communications coordinator for the supervisor of elections office said that set up and implementation time has been minimal and it cost the county under $10,000 for the equipment and the licensing.
Brevard has used about $6,000 of its HAVA 2 funds for the system.
“BIO-Key is able to provide a hardware solution, the fingerprint readers, along with a software solution, ID Director for Windows, which integrates with our current IT environment, and the use of biometrics is convenient for our staff to utilize. Ease of use was an important factor in our decision,” Dale in Brevard County explained. “After a demonstration of the software, the decision was made. Other alternatives examined were Duo, YubiKey, and Microsoft’s Windows Hello for Business, but these did not present themselves as user-friendly as BIO-Key.”
Although the counties will be using biometric authentication with staff and seasonal workers, it won’t be used at the polling place on Election Day.
“We do use e-poll books (EViDs), [but] [w]e do not plan to use the dual-authentication system with our election workers using the EViDs,” Robertson in Collier County explained. “They are required to enter their initials for any of the work they do on the EViDs so every transaction done on the EViD is tracked.”
Federal-State Updates
The House Oversight Committee held a hearing on HR 1 this week and the rhetoric was heated. Rep. Clay Higgins (Louisiana) said the bill “resembles Russian government policy” which drew a strong response from Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland). “Voting is crucial, and I don’t give a damn how you look at it,” Cummings said, voice booming. “There are efforts to stop people from voting. That’s not right.”
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-California) sent a “Dear Colleague” letter on Monday letting colleagues know of her intention to move HR 1 forward in the month of February. However, according to Roll Call, her spokesman Drew Hammill said she didn’t necessarily mean a floor vote in February.
The U.S. Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security sent a report to the president this week saying that there was “no evidence to date” that any foreign government had a material impact on voting machines or election infrastructure during the 2018 midterm elections.
According to a statement from acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker and Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, there is “no evidence to date that any identified activities of a foreign government or foreign agent had a material impact on the integrity or security of election infrastructure or political/campaign infrastructure used in the 2018 midterm election.”
The report to the president remains confidential.
Election News This Week
This week, The Democracy Fund released early results from a 2018 survey of local election officials. LEO Views on Voter Education and Access: Perspectives from local election officials on their roles ( found, among other things, that compared to when they first started, most of the local election officials surveyed say that it is easier today for people to register and vote, and easier for them as election officials to administer registration and voting processes. Eighty-two percent either “somewhat” or “strongly agree” with the statement, “Compared to when I started, it is easier today for voters…to register to vote.” Nearly as many believe that it is easier for voters to find their polling place. Seventy-seven percent believe that it is easier for voters to choose to vote early in person or by mail. About as many also believe that it is easier for voters to vote, regardless of the mode of voting. Early results also found that an overwhelming majority of local election officials enjoy educating voters and demonstrate a commitment to conducting voter education and outreach. Local election officials also feel constrained by time and resources when planning for voter education and outreach activities and express the need for more funding.
The North Carolina State Board of Elections has told county boards of elections that a request from U.S. Customs and Immigration (ICE) to hand over millions of voter records has been reduced to 789 voter records. Eastern North Carolina counties will turn over records of 289 voters, and the State Board of Elections will send 500 voters’ registration records, a memo to the counties said. According to the News & Observer, a spokesman for the SBOE wouldn’t say how the 789 voters were selected.
The best Super Bowl LIII commercial may not actually have aired during the Super Bowl at all. In honor of the annual adfest that also includes a football game, the Contra Costa County, California Elections released their own ad on YouTube touting the benefits of vote-by-mail. We think it’s pretty great and there is even a meet cute at the end!
Oregon Secretary of State Dennis Richardson announced this week he would further scale back his hours as he continues his battle with brain cancer. “Beginning this week, I will be scaling back my in-office hours to be able to rest and give my treatment every opportunity to succeed,” Richardson wrote in an email. “I will, of course, continue to be in frequent and regular contact with my staff that has been doing incredible work since the day we took office over two years ago. I will also continue to be the decision-maker on all important issues.” We wish Secretary Richardson well on his fight.
Personnel News: Bryce Minor has been hired as the new Columbiana County, Ohio deputy director of elections. Barb Frank is retiring after 22 years as the Jefferson County, Wisconsin clerk. After 16 years as the Arlington County, Virginia elections chief, Linda Lindberg announced this week that she will be retiring in the summer. California Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher announced her plans to run for secretary of state in 2022. Adam Booth has resigned as the Columbiana County, Ohio board of elections director.
Research and Report Summaries
The League of Women Voters of Kentucky released a report on felony disenfranchisement in the commonwealth in January. The report finds that Kentucky is one of three states that permanently disenfranchises persons with felony convictions from voting. The report highlights that 312,046 Kentuckians are disenfranchised due to a felony conviction, an increase of 67 percent since 2006, and that the rate of felony disenfranchisement in Kentucky is three times the national average.
The Turnout, LLC issued a report on UOCAVA electronic ballot transmission on February 4. The report’s recommendations seek to mitigate security risks regarding electronic transmission, including steps election officials can take related to ballot receipt verification, faxing and e-mailing of ballots, and ballot return portals.
The National States Geographic Information Council’s (NSGIC’s) Geo-Enabled Elections initiative released a report summarizing its recent survey of 23 state election directors on geographic information systems (GIS) in elections. Among its findings, the report notes that while few of the surveyed states’ voter registration systems currently support geospatial information, most think that their systems will do so in the next five years. The report further explores voter address management practices, electoral jurisdiction and administration boundary data management, and transitioning to GIS.
Freedom House released its annual Freedom in the World report on February 4: Democracy in Retreat: Freedom in the World 2019. The report evaluates the state of freedom in 195 countries and 14 territories during 2018. While the report continues to score the United States as “free,” it finds a gradual erosion of democracy in the U.S. over the past eight years, highlighting attacks on the legitimacy of elections. The U.S. receives a score of 10 out of 12 for questions related to the electoral process.
The Southern Political Science Association (SPSA) held its annual conference from January 17 to 19 in Austin. The program included several papers on election administration topics, one of which is summarized below. Additional SPSA papers were highlighted in the last two weeks’ electionline Weekly.
- Administering Voter Confidence in Elections by Cameron Wimpy, MIT Election Data and Science Lab. The paper explores the role that variation in the applications of election administration can have on voter confidence, leveraging data from the Elections Performance Index (EPI) and the Survey of the Performance of American Elections (SPAE). The paper finds that allowance of provisional ballots corresponds with an increase in voter confidence, while rejection of provisional ballots, rejection of absentee ballots, and longer wait times correspond with a decrease in voter confidence. Other variables examined by the study do not have a significant relationship.
If you would like your SPSA paper highlighted in electionline Weekly, please share it with us via the content submission web-form.
(Research and Report Summaries are written by David Kuennen.)
Legislative Updates
Arizona: Sen. J.D. Mesnard has introduced SB1484 that would allow anyone to call for a recount of any election as long as they can pay for the costs of the recount.
A bill that would prohibit voters from dropping off early ballots at polling places on Election Day appears to be headed for defeat. Although it was approved on a voice vote, it still needs a roll call vote and according to local media sources, there aren’t enough votes for a roll call passage.
Hawaii: A bill that would have moved Hawaii to a top-two primary system will not receive a committee hearing and is effectively dead. A bill to move the entire state to a vote-by-mail system is moving forward.
Indiana: The House Elections Committee has voted down a proposal that would have allowed for no-excuse absentee voting. According to Indiana Public Radio, House Elections Committee Chair Tim Wesco (R-Osceola) says the state should encourage in-person voting, whenever possible. “Absentee voting should, frankly, be discouraged, although allowed – that’s my personal position,” Wesco said.
The House Elections and Apportionment Committee heard testimony on behalf House Bill 1311 that would move the deadline for absentee ballots from eight days before an election to 12 days.
Iowa: The House Judiciary Committee has advanced Gov. Kim Reynolds’ proposal to automatically restore voting rights to felons after they’ve completed the terms of their sentences.
Maryland: Because the town of Mount Airy lies in both Carroll and Frederick counties, and there are Mount Airy ZIP codes in Howard and Montgomery counties, the town gets a handful of voters who think they are at the right polling place but are not and so the town council has unanimously approved the use of provisional ballots.
Minnesota: Rep. Jennifer Schultz (DFL-Duluth) has introduced a bill that would implement automatic voter registration in Minnesota. Voters applying for a license, state ID or learner’s permit would have the option to opt-out.
Rep. Samantha Vang has introduced a bill that would change who is allowed to help voters who need assistance casting a ballot. Currently there are numerous restrictions on who may help a voter cast a ballot including no one person may help more than three people. Vang’s bill seeks to change that provision of the existing law.
Mississippi: Under Senate Bill 2806, it would get a bit easier for students to cast absentee ballots. Under provisions of the proposed legislation, students would not need to get their absentee ballot notarized and they would be able to make one request for an absentee ballot for all elections in a calendar year.
Missouri: House Bill 26 and Senate Bill 109 would change the state’s open primary system to a closed primary system.
New York: A bill proposed by Sen. Michael Gianaris (D-Queens) would automatically register voters when they deal with government agencies including public housing authorities. Voters would be automatically registered unless they declined within 21 days of receiving written notification from the board of elections.
North Dakota: By a 78-13 vote, the House has defeated a bill that would have allowed college students to use university-issued IDs to cast a ballot.
Rhode Island: Sen. Gayle L. Goldin has introduced a bill that would allow 17-year-olds to vote in primaries as long as they 18 by the time of the general election.
Pennsylvania: Rep. Pam Snyder (D-Jefferson) has introduced a bill that would allow for early voting in the commonwealth and would eliminate the need to have an excuse in order to cast an absentee ballot.
South Dakota: Under House Bill 1178, the window for early voting would go from 46 days to 14 days. One of the bill’s co-sponsors told KELO that he thinks 14 days may not be the right answer, but that a compromise can be reached.
Texas: Rep. Jay Dean (R-Longview) has introduced House Bill 1406 that gives voter registrars more clear guidance when they investigate whether someone lives at an address they claim on their voter registration application.
Virginia: The Senate Finance Committee has approved SB 1018 that will require each county, city and town to review voters district assignment in each jurisdiction by comparing the information in the voter registration system with the boundaries of districts outlined in a GIS map.
A bill that would have allowed out-of-state students to use their student IDs as a form of voter ID has failed in the House of Delegates.
The House Privilege and Elections Committee has advanced a bill that would allow no-excuse absentee voting.
The Senate has approved a bill that eliminates split voting precincts in Virginia. The bill passed the Senate unanimously and now moves to the House of Delegates.
By a 10-4 vote the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections has killed a bill that would have allowed localities to conduct elections using ranked choice voting.
Washington: By a 29-18 vote, the Senate has approved Bill 5273 that will move the presidential primary to the second Tuesday in March, or on a date with other Western states. The presidential primary is currently the fourth Tuesday in May.
The Senate has a approved a bill that will expand voting services on tribal reservations. Along with drop boxes, the proposal also allows tribal members to use tribal identification cards to register to vote, and to register using non-traditional addresses, including a narrative description of the location of a voter’s residence.
West Virginia: The Senate Judiciary Committee has passed a bill to extend the implementation of automatic voter registration by another two years. AVR was initially approved in 2016 with a deadline for implementation 2017. In 2017, that deadline was moved to 2019 and now the deadline will be 2021.
Wyoming: By a 20-10 vote the Senate has approved a bill that would prohibit voters from changing their party affiliation less than five weeks before an election.
Also in Wyoming, House Bill 192, that would have required voters to show a photo ID in order to cast a ballot failed on a 30-29 vote.
Legal Updates
California: According to The Los Angeles Times, Secretary of State Alex Padilla and leaders of the agency that oversees the DMV agreed to settle a federal lawsuit brought by advocacy groups including the League of Women Voters of California and the American Civil Liberties Union. The settlement, in part, states that Padilla’s office will “take steps to ensure that every vote is counted” if ballots were rejected and will provide “guidance to elections officials in the relevant jurisdiction(s) on how to count the affected ballots and, if appropriate, recertify election results.”
Kansas: Lawyers for the state have settled with the American Civil Liberties Union and the secretary of state’s office will pay the ACLU $20,000 for legal fees stemming from the fight over the state’s proof-of-citizenship law.
Also in Kansas, District Judge David Huber has ruled in favor of voting rights advocate Davis Hammet of Loud Light how had asked Johnson County election officials for the names those who cast a provisional ballot in the August 2018 and why their ballots were tossed. Huber ruled that the refusal to provide the names violated the Kansas Open Records Act.
New Mexico: The New Mexico Supreme Court has shot down a case brought by voters who argued it is unconstitutional to bar independents from casting ballots in party primaries. In the order, the state’s highest court left that decision up to the Legislature.
Ohio: According to The Columbus Dispatch, groups in Columbus and half a dozen other Ohio communities have filed suit in federal court after their efforts to place initiatives on local ballots were blocked by elections boards. They’re hoping the federal court will do what state courts have not to date — rule that Ohio’s process for reviewing and potentially barring citizen-led initiatives from ballots is unconstitutional. The suit names Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose, his predecessor and current Lieutenant Gov. Jon Husted, and the elections boards in each community, including all four Franklin County members.
Rhode Island: The Providence Journal has filed suit against Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea, alleging she violated the state’s open-records law by denying the newspaper’s request for a digital copy of the Rhode Island voter database, with full names and birth dates of each voter.
Texas: Bernice Annette Garza, 44, has been charged with voter impersonation, illegal voting and providing false information. Garza, who was previously the director of the Crime Victims Unit of the Starr County District Attorney’s Office is accused of using the identity of a dead woman to cast a ballot in 2016.
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments in a case over Texas’s motor voter law. Under current law, the state only updates the voter registration of people who update their information in-person at a Department of Public Safety Office. Voters who update their licenses online are not able to update their voter registration.
Wisconsin: Voting machine manufacturers Electronic Systems & Software and Dominion Voting Systems are appealing a Wisconsin judge’s ruling allowing former Green Party candidate Jill Stein’s experts to comment on their review of the state’s election software.
Tech Thursday
Maryland: Elections Administrator Linda Lamone announced this week that the state will use Intelishift, a Virginia-based data center, and its subsidiary, The Sidus Group, through Dec. 31 to host the state’s election data. The Sidus Group was previously a division of ByteGrid LLC which the FBI announced had ties to a Russian oligarch. According to The Baltimore Sun, neither Intelishift or ByteGrid responded to a request for comment on the transfer of ownership of The Sidus Group. “The State Board of Election is in the process of confirming with our federal government partners the corporate and financial background of Intelishift,” Lamone said in a statement according to the paper.
Opinions This Week
National Opinion: HR 1, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII | Election Day holiday, II, III, IV | Suffrage |Voting rights
Arizona: Ballot drop-off bill, II
Arkansas: Uncounted ballots
California: San Luis Obispo County
Florida: Early voting | Palm Beach County
Iowa: Contested election | Ex-felon voting rights
Kansas: Ranked choice voting
Kentucky: Secretary of state
Maine: Presidential primary
Minnesota: Automatic voter registration | Late ballots | Ex-felon voting rights
Mississippi: Automatic voter registration
New Hampshire: Election security | Weather closures
New Jersey: Voting machines
New Mexico: Vote by mail | Same day registration | Open primaries
North Carolina: Election fraud, II | State board of elections
Oregon: Primaries
Pennsylvania: Election reform | Voting machines | Automatic voter registration | Election reform
Tennessee: Ex-felon voting rights
Texas: Voter suppression | List maintenance, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI | Voter fraud | Secretary of state
Available Awards/RFPs/RFIs
Rhode Island Department of State RFP
The Rhode Island Department of Administration/Division of Purchases, on behalf of the Rhode Island Department of State, is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to provide a centralized voter registration system in accordance with the terms of this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) and the State’s General Conditions of Purchase, which may be obtained at the Division of Purchases’ website at
The contract period will begin approximately in May 2019.
This is a Request for Proposals, not a Request for Quotes. Responses will be evaluated on the basis of the relative merits of the proposal, in addition to cost; there will be no public opening and reading of responses received by the Division of Purchases pursuant to this solicitation, other than to name those offerors who have submitted proposals.
StateScoop 50 Awards
The annual StateScoop 50 Awards honor the best and the brightest who make state government more efficient and effective. These awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of our peers and acknowledge their tireless efforts to make a positive impact in the government IT community and in public service. Nominations are now open (and close March 7) in the following categories: State executive of the year, state leadership of the year, state IT innovation of the year, state up & comer, state cybersecurity leader and industry leadership.
Upcoming Events
CTCL Online Series: Cybersecurity for Elections Officials —Data breaches, ransomware, and denial-of-service attacks are becoming regular headlines in America, but election officials are uniquely positioned on the front lines to help safeguard our democracy while ensuring that each vote counts. Join election officials from around the country in our online series that will empower your election office to manage cyber threats and communicate with the public about cybersecurity in 2019. Where: Online. When: Feb. 12 and 14.
The Voting Experience: 2018 and the Future— Please save the date as the Bipartisan Policy Center and the Democracy Fund analyze key moments in election administration during the 2018 midterm elections, and look ahead to what steps can be taken to improve the voting experience for all Americans in 2020. Where: Washington, DC. When: February 14.
Election Center Special Workshop — The Election Center will hold a special workshop that will include: Course 7 (Facilitating Voter Participation); Course 8 (Implementation of New Programs); and Renewal Course 31 (Election Storytelling ). Where: Birmingham, Alabama. When: February 25-26.
Election Center Special Workshop —The Election Center will hold a special workshop that will include: Course 9 (Enfranchisement, Enhancement, Enforcement ); Course 10 (Constitution, Courts & Cases to 1965); and Renewal Course 14 (Crisis Management). Where: Virginia Beach. When: April 24-28.
International Association of Government Officials — IGO’s 2019 Annual Conference will be held in Houston, Texas, July 11-17. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
National Association of Counties — NACo’s 2019 Annual Conference will be held in Clark County (Las Vegas), Nevada July 11-15, 2019. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
National Association of State Election Directors — The NASED Summer Conference will be held in Austin, Texas, July 14-16, 2019. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
Job Postings This Week
electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link to Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.
Administrative Assistant, Center for Election Innovation & Research— the Administrative Assistant will work full-time and play a critical role in managing the day-to-day effectiveness of CEIR, including our program operations, finance, and human resources functions. This person will collaborate in developing and implementing systems that increase the effectiveness and efficiency of our work, supporting our ability to grow and expand our impact. This is an excellent opportunity for a motivated and detail-oriented individual who wants to make a substantial impact while gaining a broad set of experiences relevant to nonprofit leadership. The Administrative Assistant will work in the Washington, DC Metro Area, usually in CEIR’s office, although sometimes working from home may be possible. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Administrative Specialist III (Ballot Collection Lead), King County, Washington — King County Elections is recruiting for an Administrative Specialist III (Ballot Collection Lead) position. This position will provide logistical support for ballot collection, fleet, and warehouse tasks as well as lead processes, projects and temporary staff. With over 60 ballot drop box locations throughout King County, this is a work group that continues to grow and evolve. The workweek is typically 35 hours per week, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. This is a great opportunity for a detail oriented person with warehouse/receiving experience, data entry and strong interpersonal skills. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Administrative Specialist III (Elections Specialist Lead), King County, Washington — King County Elections is recruiting for two Administrative Specialist III (Elections Specialist Lead) positions in Ballot Processing and Voter Services. These positions will lead processes, projects, and people which will include leading, coaching, mentoring, and training temporary and regular staff. Leads may also provide assistance and/or participate in long-term cross-training in multiple work areas to meet organizational agile efforts. The workweek is typically 35 hours per week, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. This is a great opportunity for a customer service oriented person with strong communication and interpersonal skills. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Business Development Associate, Scytl — We are looking for Business Development Associate to work hand in hand with our Director of US Sales. You will have control over your day and how you get it done but the goal each week of developing qualified leads and booking sales appointments, completing Net Promoter surveys and being the central hub of a busy sales team. Some of your daily/weekly tasks include: Generate and qualify leads through cold calling, online prospecting, and marketing campaign collaboration; Lead management and data management in Salesforce; Conduct initial sales presentations and product demos via the phone and internet; Produce activity reports by documenting all activity into Salesforce and properly communicating data to management; Net Promoter surveys; New market and project research; Event organization and coordination with marketing; and be part of something amazing. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Campus Outreach Lead, Democracy Works— As campus outreach lead, you will sustain and grow the TurboVote higher education partnerships program. You will be responsible for renewing contracts with existing higher education partners and bringing on new partners by generating leads, carrying those leads through necessary follow up tasks, and formalizing partnerships with signed contracts. In this role, you will build relationships with key stakeholders at colleges and universities, as well as with fellow nonprofit organizations that support civic engagement at colleges and universities. You’ll become an expert in the world of higher education and cultivate a passion for promoting civic engagement. Also, you will persistently navigate the bureaucracy of external organizations. Salary: $50,000 to $65,000. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Certification Manager (Denver, CO) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a Certification Manager to join our team in Denver, CO! This position is a cross -functional leader playing a key role in managing certification efforts for Dominion Voting products. In this role, you will act as a representative of the company with State and Federal certification officials, test labs, and other key internal and external stakeholders throughout the certification process. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Chief Information Officer, Virginia Department of Elections— Are you a leader in Information Technology Services? Do you have a passion for strategic IT Operations in the public sector? The Virginia Department of Elections may have an opportunity just for you! This position will serve as the Chief Information Officer for the Department of Elections (ELECT) in an executive leadership role. Responsible for the oversight of business operations, system development, database management, IT Governance, and systems security. This position will lead the agency in the management and delivery of strategic technology services that includes disaster recovery, security, IT strategic planning, budget, application and system configuration and change. Also, this position plans, organizes, and controls all activities of Elections information services and technology to ensure the effective, efficient, and secure operations of all automated data processing systems; and provide access to election information for all internal and external stakeholders. Salary: Up to $150,000. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Clerk of the Board/Elections Director, Santa Cruz County, Arizona — Under the direction of the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors and guidance from the Santa Cruz County Manager, performs statutory duties of the Clerk of the Board pursuant to ARS 11-241 and other statutory duties, to include preparing, publishing and posting the agenda for the Board of Supervisor meetings. Under limited supervision, performs work of considerable difficulty to plan, organize, coordinate, direct and manage all activities of the Santa Cruz County Elections Department in compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. This is an at-will position. Plans, organizes, coordinates, directs and manages all activities of the Santa Cruz County Elections Department in compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations; oversees daily operations and programing; develops and administers departmental budget and oversees expenditures, develops and administers training and education for election staff and volunteers. Develops and implements procedural and technical improvements as they relate to elections; ensures quality control of all aspects of election from ballot production to public information; manages projects, coordinates with other county/state departments and outside vendors. Salary: $69,186. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Deputy Director, Center for Election Innovation & Research — the Deputy Director will report to the Executive Director and have a broad range of responsibilities designed to support CEIR’s mission. In this position, the Deputy Director will play an integral role in the development and execution of CEIR’s programming, strategic communications, and continued growth as an organization. This is an excellent opportunity for an experienced and highly motivated individual who wants to make a substantial, positive, nonpartisan impact on elections and American democracy. The Deputy Director’s primary workplace will be CEIR’s Washington, DC office. The Deputy Director also must be available for business travel as needed. CEIR believes that working alongside and understanding the diverse mix of people who are affected by elections and American democracy is key to achieving our mission. That’s why we’re proud to be an equal opportunity employer committed to creating a diverse, non-discriminatory work environment. We recruit, employ, train, compensate, and promote regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, veteran status, and other protected status as required by applicable law. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Election Director, Harford County, Maryland — An Election Director II is the supervisory or managerial level of work directing elections in local jurisdictions within the State. The work of this classification may require travel throughout the State to exchange information regarding the election process and promote voter registration. Employees supervise office support staff which may include subordinate supervisors. Employees in this classification receive managerial supervision from the State Administrator or Deputy State Administrator of Election Laws. Employees may be required to work evenings and weekends. Position allocation to the Election Director series is determined by the size of the local jurisdiction as reflected by the number of registered voters. Copies of this supplemental job evaluation standard can be found in the Offices of the State and local Boards of Elections and in the Department of Budget and Management Office of Personnel Services and Benefits. The Election Director I-III is differentiated from the Election Deputy Director I-III in that the Election Director I-III is responsible for the entire operations of local election board offices and the conduct of elections for those offices while the Election Deputy Director I-III assist the Election Director I-III in the office operations and the conduct of elections for local election board offices and has the authority to act in the absence of the Election Director. Salary: $61,754.00 – $105,818.00/year. Deadline: Feb. 15. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Division Director, Ada County, Idaho— The Ada County Clerk’s Office is currently seeking candidates for the Elections Division Director position. The Elections Division Director collaborates with the Clerk of the District and Chief Deputy to plan, oversee, and administer elections for over 200,000 registered voters across 150 precincts. The Elections Director is responsible for ensuring all of the necessary resources are acquired and in place, poll workers are well prepared, and that Ada County’s elections are conducted in an accurate, efficient, and transparent manner that leaves Ada County voters with the upmost confidence in the elections process. A qualified candidate would have a Bachelor’s Degree in a related field and prior management or event planning experience. It is preferred that candidates have experience with the election process, but is not required. Application: For more information and to apply click here.
Elections Technician Supervisor, San Joaquin County, California — The San Joaquin County Registrar of Voter’s Office is looking to fill two vital Elections Technician Supervisor positions within the department and to create an eligible list which may be used to fill future vacancies. This is a fast-paced elections office with a vibrant staff and diverse electorate. In 2019 we anticipate installing a new voting system and upgrading many of our operations. There are three areas the Elections Technician Supervisor may be assigned: Precinct Operations, Voter Registration and Candidate Filing & Campaign Services. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Election Technology Specialist, Boulder County, Colorado — The Boulder County Clerk and Recorder’s Office, Elections Division, has an opening for an Elections Technology Specialist. This position will learn and perform a variety of complex, technical, and specialized tasks associated with elections management, and voting systems. To be successful in this position you must be eager to learn, possess an aptitude for technical information and data analysis, and become comfortable in a high-stakes, team-focused work environment. We seek a person who is process-oriented and motivated to do meaningful work that facilitates the democratic process. The ideal candidate is self-motivated, enjoys both leading and supporting in a collaborative environment, and possesses excellent written and verbal communication skills. They have the demonstrated ability to use complicated software, perform moderately sophisticated tasks in MS Excel and Access, learn and apply new skills effectively with minimal support, and communicate technical information to nontechnical personnel. Additionally, they demonstrate creativity and innovation through problem-solving. Ability to work effectively under pressure while remaining positive and flexible is also key to success. Salary: $56,124 to $65,000. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Field Sales Director, Hart InterCivic — the Field Sales Director works primarily on the road and from a home office when he/she is not on business travel. The Field Sales Director is responsible for creating news sales with prospects and existing clients in a defined region. Today, this role is a single contributor and does not directly manage people. This position will report to the VP of Sales. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Full Stack Architect / Senior Software Engineer, Clear Ballot— Clear Ballot is looking for an accomplished, Boston MA based Architect/Senior Software Engineer who wants to bring their technical and leadership skills to bear on a hugely consequential problem: Bringing transparency to democratic elections. The successful candidate will implement new products and features under tight deadlines. You will be using primarily Python and MySQL that interface with front-end web applications implemented in JavaScript and HTML5. The ideal candidate should have strong technical and leadership skills and a good working knowledge of the latest concepts in security, performance, and resilience. You will be working with a small team of highly skilled individuals to build and enhance a platform that is changing the elections industry. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Full Stack Software Developer, Clear Ballot — The successful candidate will build and enhance enterprise-level, highly available applications using primarily Python and MySQL that interface with frontend web applications implemented in JavaScript and HTML5. The ideal candidate should have strong technical skills and a good working knowledge of the latest concepts in performance, security and resilience. One of the hallmarks of our system is its emphasis on new visualization techniques made possible by sophisticated data structures that enable high-performance in a multi-user environment. You will be working with a small team of highly skilled individuals to build and enhance a platform that is changing the elections industry. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
IT Security Administrator (Denver) – Dominion Voting is looking for an IT Security Administrator to join our IT team in Denver, Colorado! We are looking for a security minded individual who can perform both day-to-day technical management and maintenance of IT security programs, and who can also strategically assess and enhance the overall IT security enterprise-wide. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Management and Budget Specialist, Montgomery County, Maryland— the Board of Elections for Montgomery County, Maryland, is looking for a Management and Budget Specialist. Duties include administering and preparing the annual budget; managing day-to-day financial transactions and recordkeeping; collecting and analyzing data; and writing reports, memoranda and presentations to inform and explain the department’s decisions. Salary: $55,176 to $91,314 annually. Application: For the complete job list and to apply, click here and view Job #IRC34280 under the category “General Professional”.
Project Manager (Austin, TX) – Hart InterCivic — Hart InterCivic is looking for a project manager to work with our Professional Services Team. The project manager oversees the deployment of voting systems and training to both existing and new Hart customers. The ideal candidate has experience in the elections industry, is PMP certified, and is motivated to achieve success for our customers with initiative. Travel up to 80 percent. Reports to the Manager of Professional Services. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Regional Sales Manager, Clear Ballot— The Regional Sales Manager (RSM) position will represent Clear Ballot in a designated territory to engage prospective customers, educate them on the value of partnering with Clear Ballot, and close New Business. This position is a Hunter. The RSM will be responsible for managing and growing their assigned territory and meeting quarterly and annual sales goals. Previous sales experience in high growth organizations is a plus. RSM’s will be responsible for understanding the Clear Ballot portfolio and effectively communicating the value we bring to the market. Measures of success include: high levels of sales activity, regular and consistent reporting and communication of progress, progress toward quarterly and annual quota attainment, and overcoming obstacles to get the job done. We currently have open positions in Florida and Boston. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Sales Engineer, Clear Ballot — Our Sales and Marketing team is looking for a seasoned, hardworking and energetic Sales Engineer with proven experience and a passion for selling technology solutions. This role is responsible for being the primary technical resource for our sales force while also actively driving and managing the technology evaluation stage of the sales process. You will be required to have an in-depth technical knowledge of Clear Ballot’s Clear Vote suite and demonstrating the product capabilities to prospective customers. The ideal candidate must also be able to identify and provide reliable solutions for all technical issues to assure complete customer satisfaction. Measures of success include new customer acquisition rates, renewal rates, upselling, cross-selling, customer satisfaction and contribution to overall sales team and new customer success Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Research Support Associate, MEDSL— MIT Election Data and Science Lab (MEDSL), to support the data processing and research assistance needs of the lab. Responsibilities will include assisting with data management and research by collecting and cleaning data, performing data analysis, creating graphs and figures, visualizing data, drafting results and preparing tables for papers that are in the process of publication; assisting with the fielding of surveys; and performing general administrative duties including file organization, participating in meetings, and other miscellaneous tasks. This is an ideal position for someone interested in gaining research experience in political science and data science more broadly. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Software Developer (Toronto) – Dominion Voting is searching for an experienced and passionate Senior Software Developer to join our team in Toronto! These positions will be responsible for providing high-level technical expertise in design development, coding, testing and debugging new software or significant enhancements to existing software for our customers. You will work on a variety of our product lines and you may act as team leader on less complex projects and assists in training/mentoring less experienced software development staff. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Software Developer III (Toronto) – Dominion Voting is searching for an experienced and passionate Software Developer III to join our team in Toronto! These positions will be responsible for providing high-level technical expertise in design development, coding, testing and debugging new software or significant enhancements to existing software for our customers. You will work on a variety of our product lines and you may act as team leader on less complex projects and assists in training/mentoring less experienced software development staff. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Software Product Specialist II (Phoenix, AZ) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a Software Product Specialist II to join our team in Phoenix, AZ! This position will be responsible for delivering a wide variety of technical and non-technical customer support services related to the implementation, operation, repair, maintenance and upgrades of Dominion Voting Systems technology products. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Systems Data Analyst, ERIC — Using independent judgment and delegated decision-making authority, the Systems and Data Specialist performs analysis, project management, trouble shooting, problem resolution, quality assurance, and documentation concerning mission-critical ERIC functions: 1) uploading of state data and data from secondary sources to ERIC; 2) delivery of timely and accurate reports to ERIC members; 3) hosting and maintenance of ERIC data; and 4) providing consistently high quality service and support to ERIC members. This position actively participates in business continuity planning, risk assessments, security reviews, and other efforts to protect ERIC’s system and data. Salary: $80,000-$95,000. Deadline: Feb. 11. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Systems Engineer, Clear Ballot — We are looking for a talented Systems Engineer who has both a technical and services/support background which enables them to quickly assess customer needs and offer value to Clear Ballot’s customers. The Systems Engineer will gain a deep understanding of how Clear Ballot’s products operate and their optimal configuration to build a streamlined installation process of the Clear Vote election system. The ideal candidate for this position can prioritize mission critical tasks and coordinate the implementation and expansion of our systems. They will be able to work directly with customers, display innovation, think conceptually and act tactically to build consensus around system installation and enhancement and meet deadlines. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Technical Bid Specialist, Scytl — The Technical Bid Specialist is an essential member of the sales team, supporting business development initiatives as well as providing support to the Marketing department. Based in our Tampa Florida, offices, the Technical Bid Specialist is in charge of managing the coordination, completion and handover of tender proposals for our clients and prospects. This is a key position with a great deal of involvement in the sales process and a decisive influence in the achievement of each deal. To be able to perform this task, the Technical Bid Specialist needs to possess a solid technical background, outstanding writing capabilities and proven experience in pre-sales or consulting endeavors, always facing the client and having to put together complex IT proposals or projects. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
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Ballot Scanners
Ballot reader. $500. Buyer will be responsible for pick and shipping to buyer’s location. Contact Wilfred Cochico, purchasing officer City of Lakewood: 562-866-9771 ext. 2640 or via email:
Voting Booths
Each aluminum briefcase contains the following: aluminum legs, privacy shield, writing base, light assembly. All units are in great shape dimensions are 22”x 18”x 3“. MFG: ESL. Election supplies Limited, Napa California. Quantity: 400 Price per unit is $50. Contact Greg Larson 408.569.1004