In Focus This Week
What makes an effective elections website?
By Kurt Sampsel
Center for Technology and Civic Life
(Editor’s Note: This week we continue our series of stories about the relevance of effective communications in elections. In addition to Alton Dillard’s story last week on Communications 101, in future weeks we’ll cover branding and more.)
At the Center for Technology and Civic Life, we look at a lot of election websites.
Our Civic Data team combs through thousands of them to gather ballot and candidate data, while our Government Services staff audits election websites as part of our work supporting civic communication.
Some election websites are smart and stylish. Others have cartoon characters and “waving flag” gifs. Some of the sites overwhelm us with information, while others are bare. Most sites reflect today’s best practices in design and security, but it’s not uncommon to find one that evokes the days of Windows 95 and dial-up internet.
Having spent so much time with election websites, we’ve developed a sense of what works and what doesn’t. In this article, I’ll share some of what we’ve learned and point you to resources to help you improve your site or create one.
I’m emphasizing that making an effective election website boils down to two key responsibilities.
First, identify which pieces of information voters are most likely to be looking for. Second, use your website design to deliver that information as quickly and straightforwardly as possible.
Understanding voters’ informational needs

Websites are hard! Kurt works with Danaë Rivera-Marasco (L) and Nanci Cornwell (R) at a training in Orange County, Florida. Photo by Whitney May.
In general, I don’t think election officials need to be convinced that having a website is important. It’s 2019, and we understand that when people need information, they look online.
But what information should an election website include? The answer is not as intuitive as you might think.
It could be tempting to rely on anecdotal data — like which questions you hear the most in phone calls — but instead, refer to the Center for Civic Design’s (CCD) excellent research on the topic.
Why? CCD has shown that voters think differently about elections than administrators do. In particular, voters approach elections by thinking about Election Day, and they move backward from there.
CCD’s Designing Election Department Websites identifies the following as voters’ 5 most commonly asked questions, in order:
- What is on the ballot?
- How do I get an absentee ballot and when is it due?
- Where do I vote?
- Who is in office now?
- How do I register to vote?
Of course, these aren’t voters’ only questions, and you also need to accommodate the informational needs of candidates, poll workers, journalists, and others.
Also consider about how elections are run in your area. Officials in vote-by-mail states, for instance, may see fit to tweak the list a little.
Still, these top questions provide a useful baseline — a list of “must haves.” Once you ensure your site addresses them, you can raise the bar and get more ambitious.
That might look like doing more to speak to new and infrequent voters.
2015 research led by CCD has shown that new voters, who are still developing civic habits, need general information about participating. So, have content on your site that walks readers through why we have elections, who can participate, why they might want to, and what voting options are available. These basics are easy to overlook but vital.
Once you know what information to provide, it’s time to think about how to provide it.
Using design to deliver information effectively
When we think of design, we usually think about how something looks. That’s part of it, but design also affects how we use and experience things — and it can impact whether it’s relatively easy or difficult to use something.
To make your election website easy to use, we suggest using principles of plain design. Plain language deservedly gets a lot of love in the election field, but there’s less talk about plain design. Its benefit is the same: greater usability.

Simple and straightforward: the Inyo County, California election website
I totally understand that plain design sounds boring. But keep in mind that an election website exists to do a job: to deliver civic information to the people who need it. It’s not a fashion show.
Once people have come to your website, they have a need, and they’ve come to exactly the right place. Your job is to deliver. Here are a few design tips to help. Remember: less is more!
Let your menu do the work. Website menus channel traffic, sending people in the right direction. But to function, menus need to be clear and unambiguous. They also need to be limited in number. Two menus is plenty; three or four is probably excessive.
Cut redundant content. I’ve noticed election home pages often include multiple links to the same information.This likely comes from a “cover your bases” mentality, but I think redundant information hurts rather than helps. Elections are already complicated, and with redundant content, you’re posting more material that readers must wade through to find what they need.
Use clear terminology. When people search for information on a website, they’re scanning for a particular word or phrase. Help them by using that term yourself instead of jargon. The key is empathy. For example, I often see election websites with one link for “voter information” and another for “election information.” That distinction might make sense to administrators but will baffle most voters.
In addition to these higher-order concerns, there are little things that make a big difference.
Make sure your web pages include white space to make content more manageable. Use a sans serif font that’s easy to read, and avoid using multiple fonts in the same space. Remember that people read top to bottom and left to right, so place important content at the top, left, or center of the page rather than the right or bottom.
Resources to help you
It’s true: making a strong website is easier said than done. But you’re not alone! Here are some resources to help.
For general best practices on election websites, you can’t beat the Center for Civic Design. Their field guide on Designing Election Department Websites gives guidance on infrastructure, information to include, and design. And the How Voters Get Information report contains insights on voters and nonvoters that you can use for a website or voter guide.
Meanwhile, the Center for Technology and Civic Life offers two relevant training courses. If you already have a site, Improving Your Election Website gives you tips as well as opportunities to practice navigation and writing in plain language. If you need to create a site, Building a New Election Website will help you set up shop with a template that CTCL created.
We’re pretty proud of that template, by the way. More than 10 counties are using it, including Inyo County, California and Hardeman County, Tennessee. Check it out to see how plain design really can support usability.
If you’re ambitious and want to create a site on your own, you can access the template for free in the Election Toolkit, which includes several other resources to help your website. For instance, with the Usability Testing Kit, you can show your website to people in your community, collect organized feedback, and make data-driven revisions.
As you work on your site, remember: effective election websites come in all shapes and sizes, and there’s plenty of room for variety and fresh approaches. The best sites simply have a few things in common: they’re simple, clear, and informative. Yours can be, too.
(Kurt Sampsel is a project manager for the Center for Technology and Civic Life, where his work focuses on developing training curricula and tools for election administrators. Before that, he spent ten years as an instructor of college communications courses and enjoyed a position as a researcher and editor in public-affairs community media. He is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University with a Ph.D. in the field of Cultural Studies.)
VVSG Public Comment
The U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s (EAC) four sitting Commissioners unanimously voted to publish the proposed Voluntary Voting System Guidelines 2.0 (VVSG) Principles and Guidelines in the Federal Register for a 90 day public comment period, after which comments and feedback on the proposed document will be compiled and presented to the Commissioners for discussion and consideration.
“Today’s unanimous vote demonstrates the Commissioners’ shared commitment to taking this next important step in consideration of the proposed VVSG 2.0 Principles and Guidelines. The EAC looks forward to holding hearings on these Principles and Guidelines soon and we encourage the public to provide their feedback on the proposed guidelines,” said EAC Chairman Thomas Hicks, who joined Vice Chair Christy McCormick, Commissioner Ben Hovland and Commissioner Donald Palmer in supporting the measure.
The proposed VVSG 2.0 Principles and Guidelines will be published in the Federal Register in accordance with sections 222(a)(1) and 222(d) of the Help America Vote Act of 2002. They will appear in the Federal Register for a period of 90 days. Separately, upon the completion of the VVSG 2.0’s accompanying Requirements developed by NIST and the EAC, those accompanying Requirements will also be subject to public review and comment, including distribution to the EAC’s Technical Guidelines Development Committee (TGDC), Standards Board and Board of Advisors. This review and comment period will take place prior to consideration and implementation by the Commission.
VVSG are a set of Principles, Guidelines and Requirements against which voting systems can be tested to determine if the systems meet required standards. Some factors examined under these tests include functionality, accessibility, accuracy, auditability and security capabilities.
The Help America Vote Act of 2002 mandates that EAC develop and maintain these requirements as well as testing and certifying voting systems. On December 13, 2005, the EAC unanimously adopted the 2005 VVSG, which significantly increased security requirements for voting systems and expanded access, including opportunities for individuals with disabilities to vote privately and independently. The 2005 guidelines updated and augmented the 2002 Voting System Standards, as required by HAVA, to address advancements in election practices and computer technologies. These guidelines were again updated by the EAC’s Commissioners on March 31, 2015. These guidelines are voluntary. States may decide to adopt them entirely or in part prior to the effective date.
The structure of the new VVSG reflects modifications proposed by the election community, EAC, NIST and the TGDC, which is comprised of election officials, voting system manufacturers, disability experts, cyber security experts, technology experts, and other key election stakeholders. The new guidelines are a high level set of principles that will be supplemented by accompanying documents that detail specific requirements for how systems can meet the new guidelines and obtain certification. The supplemental documents will also detail assertions for how the accredited test laboratories will validate that a system complies with those requirements.
Last Spring, the EAC convened its advisory boards to review and comment on the adoption of the newest version of the voluntary guidelines, VVSG 2.0. Both Boards recommended that the EAC adopt VVSG 2.0. Today’s unanimous Commissioner vote occurred less than two weeks after a quorum of Commissioners was restored at the EAC.
Election News This Week

Oregon Secretary of State Dennis Richardson
Oregon Secretary of State Dennis Richardson died this week after a very public battle with brain cancer. He was 69. “I am so sorry to hear of the passing of Secretary Richardson. For the time I knew him, he was a wonderful man and dedicated to doing right for his state,” said NASS President Jim Condos, Vermont Secretary of State. “We have all lost not just a colleague, but also a friend!” Richardson was first elected to the secretary of state’s office in 2016. Prior to that he served in the Oregon House of Representatives for six terms beginning in 2002. He was an attorney and served as a combat helicopter pilot in Vietnam. He was an active member of the National Association of Secretaries of State serving on the Elections, Business Services, State Heritage and Cybersecurity Committees. He was also an advocate for the Kid Governor Program, which encouraged NASS membership to officially partner with the program at its 2019 Winter Conference. “Dennis was a kind and good man who leaves behind a legacy of committed public service to the people of Oregon. I had the pleasure of working with him through our membership in the National Association of Secretaries of State where I observed his expertise and civility firsthand,” said New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver. “I’m saddened to learn of his passing and my thoughts are with his family at this difficult time.” Richardson is survived by his wife of 45 years, Cathy and nine children and 31 grandchildren.
Oops, it’s happened again! In this week’s installment of ballots that weren’t counted in the November 2018 election, the Howard County, Indiana clerk’s office announced that 1,100 uncounted ballots were discovered in the county’s secure Election Room. Newly elected Clerk Debbie Stewart found the 1,148 unopened ballots on January 21 and alerted the state elections division. The ballots have now been counted and no election results were altered by the additional votes. The ballots were discovered in a ballot storage cabinet that requires keys from both parties and the clerk to unlock. “The final closeout procedures for the election room were not implemented and as a result human error was allowed to occur and the absentee ballot cabinet was not cleared,” said Stewart who did not oversee the election.
North Carolina 9th: Shortly after Republican candidate Mark Harris called for a new election in North Carolina’s contested 9th District, the North Carolina State Board of Elections unanimously voted to hold a new election. According to the News & Observer, the state board will set dates for a new election in the district with election officials outlining a possible May primary and October general election. A new state law requires a primary election, though legal challenges are expected. On Wednesday, L. McCrae Dowless Jr., the man at the center of the ballot harvesting controversy, was indicted along with four others in Wake County.
Personnel News: Beverly Williams has been appointed to serve on the Lincoln County, Mississippi election commission. Jim Kimel has been named chairman of the Guilford County, North Carolina board of elections. Former Seminole County Supervisor of Elections Mike Ertel has rejoined the county elections office as a consultant. Christy McCormick has been installed to a second term as chair of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. Ron Johnson is resigning as the chairman of the Johnson County, Georgia board of elections.
In Memoriam: Former La Salle County, Illinois Clerk JoAnn Carretto has died. She was 62. Carretto did not run for a fourth four-year term in November citing health issues. Carretto began working in the clerk’s office in 1979 before running for and winning the job as clerk in 2006. “The one thing I really feel with all my heart and that I will take with me is what an honor it’s been to have been elected as the La Salle County Clerk and to have served the residents and voters for the past 12 years,” Carretto told The Times for a story after she chose not to seek re-election.
George Olin Jernigan Jr., former Arkansas secretary of state has died. He was 79. Jernigan served as secretary of state for two year after being appointed to the position following the death of then-Secretary of State Kelly Bryant. “He was a good man and a good citizen, and a friend of mine for over forty years since…” President Bill Clinton said in an emailed statement to the Arkansas Democrat Gazette. Clinton defeated Jernigan in a race for attorney general. Jernigan attended college and law school at the University of Arkansas, served as a captain in the U.S. Army and was lawyer.
Research and Report Summaries
Hart InterCivic released a white paper on election warehouse security last week. The paper focuses on four elements of fortifying long-term storage of voting equipment and sensitive election materials: monitoring events and patterns; controlling access; managing inventory and assets; and planning for continuity of operations.
The California Civic Engagement Project (CCEP) at the University of Southern California released two fact sheets this month about voter participation in California’s 2018 general elections. With 50.5 percent eligible turnout, California experienced the highest turnout rate in a midterm general election since 1982. The two fact sheets provide additional data and analysis regarding participation of youth, Latinos, and Asian Americans in the state.
- California’s Youth Vote – The fact sheet finds that young voters in the state experienced a significant increase in eligible voter turnout over the previous midterm general election, rising from 8.2 percent in 2014 to 27.5 percent in 2018. The fact sheet further highlights that the youth registration rate reached 61.6 percent in 2018, rising from 52 percent in 2014.
- California’s Latino and Asian-American Vote – The fact sheet finds that Latino eligible turnout rose from 17.3 percent in 2014 to 35.9 percent in 2018, while Asian-American eligible turnout rose from 18.4 percent to 33.0 percent over the same period. The fact sheet further highlights that the registration rate for Latinos rose from 62.9 percent in 2014 to 68.7 percent in 2018, while the registration rate for Asian Americans rose from 50.7 percent to 57.3 percent over the same period.
(Research and Report Summaries are written by David Kuennen.)
Legislative Updates
Federal Legislation: Rep. Terri Sewell (D-Alabama) has introduced legislation that would restore parts of the Voting Rights Act including returning 11 states—Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia—to preclearance. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) has introduced campaign legislation in the Senate.
Arizona: The Senate has approved a bill would prevent local elections officials from opening emergency early voting centers between 5pm on the Friday before an election and Election Day.
California: The Orange County board of supervisors voted unanimously this week to overhaul the county’s voting system and move to a vote-by-mail/vote center system beginning in 2020. The move is supported by Registrar of Voters Neal Kelley.
Colorado: The Legislature has approved a bill that if signed by the governor, would include Colorado in the National Popular Vote compact. According to Colorado Public Radio Gov. Jared Polis (D) has indicated he will sign it.
Florida: House Bill 967 would change the rules of signature matches for by-mail ballots.
Georgia: The House has approved a bill that would authorize the state to spend $150 million to replace the aging DRE voting system with a new ballot-marking system.
Illinois: Sen. Ann Gillespie (D-Arlington Heights) has introduced legislation banning firearms at polling places. Currently 20 percent of the state’s polling places are in buildings that are not designated as “gun-free zones”.
Iowa: A resolution proposing a constitutional amendment to automatically restore voting rights to felons who have completed their sentences unanimously passed a three-member state senate panel.
Kansas: The House Elections Committee voted 7-5 against a bill that would have allowed Kansas residents to register and vote on the same day. Republicans on the committee who voted against it argued that it would increase costs for county election offices.
Lawmakers are considering Senate Bill 130 that would require election officials to try to notify voters who send in ballot envelopes with missing signatures before ballots are officially counted. The change would also apply to any voter whose signature on a ballot envelope doesn’t match the signature on file. The Senate approved the bill 40-0. It now moves to the House.
Maine: Legislators are once again considering a bill that would require voters to show a photo ID in order to cast a ballot.
Maryland: House Bill 79 would require jurisdictions to have three early voting centers if they have between 100,000 and 200,000 registered voters. The current requirement is for those counties to have just one early voting site.
Under House Bill 706 online requests to absentee ballots online would be largely limited to military and overseas voters, voters with disabilities. Others would receive their ballots in the mail.
Montana: Secretary of State Corey Stapleton is championing a bill making its way through the Legislature that would allow his office to replace antiquated voting machines and replace them with voting machines that are more user-friendly for voters with disabilities.
Under House Bill 536 voters applying for or updating their driver’s license information would be automatically registered to vote unless they chose to opt out.
Montana county elections officials are supporting House Bill 557 that would finally allow the state to adopt online voter registration. State Elections Director Dana Corson testified that although the state is update the voter registration system it would be difficult to incorporate online voter registration with that.
Oklahoma: The Senate has approved Senate Bill 58 that will allow employees who live two or more house from their polling place to take leave to vote on the Thursday or Friday before an election when in-person absentee voting is permitted.
South Carolina: Budget writers for the House of Delegates have transferred the State Election Commission’s funds to purchase new voting machines from the Election Commission to the state’s Department of Administration. According to The State, the SEC will still be able to choose the new voting equipment, but lawmakers will have the authority to approve or veto the SEC’s decision.
South Dakota: By a 36-33 vote the House has approved House Bill 1178 that will reduce the state’s early voting window from 46 days to 32. The original version of the bill had shortened the early voting window to just 14 days. On Wednesday, after hearing from county elections officials, the Senate voted down the measure.
Tennessee: A bill that would have required residents to choose a party affiliation when registering to vote has failed in the House Local Committee.
Texas: Under House Bill 375, commissioner courts would be required to designate a polling place at “a location on the main campus” of colleges with at least 10,000 students enrolled.
Utah: Under H.B. 259 straight-ticket voting would be banned in Utah. This is the third attempt to pass such legislation after previous bills failed in 2013 and 2016.
West Virginia: Sen. Dave Sypolt, R-Preston, and Delegate Terri Funk Sypolt, R-Preston have each introduced legislation in their respective chambers that would open schools on Election Day. Currently state law mandates that Election Day is a holiday although fewer and fewer schools are used as polling places.
Wyoming: By a 14-11 vote, the Senate voted down House Bill 106 that would have closed the state’s primary elections to voters who switched their party affiliations.
Legal Updates
Michigan: U.S. District Judge Janet Neff has granted a request by Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson to pause a case involving the legality of ballot selfies so Benson and her team, who came into office in January, can review the case further.
New York: Kings County Supreme Court Judge Edgar Walker ruled in favor of New York City in its suit against the city’s board of elections over interpreters at the polls. The board of elections sued the city in an effort to keep the city from placing interpretation services in certain poll sites in Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean and Bangla, as required by the Voting Rights Act. The board of elections argued the translators should be outside the polling place. “Speculative claims regarding possible harm or that allowing the interpreters at the polling place might lead down a ‘slippery slope’ are insufficient to establish immediate irreparable harm,” Walker wrote in his decision.
North Carolina: Wake County Superior Court Judge Bryan Collins has sided with the state NAACP and voided a state mandate requiring a photo ID in order to cast a ballot. Collins ruled that the GOP-controlled Legislature lacked authority to put the constitutional amendment on the ballot because lawmakers has been elected from racially-biased districts two years earlier. The Republican lawmakers have appealed the judge’s ruling.
Texas: U.S. District Judge Fred Biery has ordered Texas officials to halt the removal of any registered voter from the state’s voter rolls who appeared on the initial list of potential noncitizens. “The evidence has shown in a hearing before this Court that there is no widespread voter fraud,” Biery wrote also noting that the state “created a mess” when it released the list without further vetting.
Tech Thursday
Cybersecurity: The Washington Post and New York Times are reporting this week that the U.S. military took down a Russian troll farm on Election Day in a cyberattack that continued for several days after the November 6 vote. The operation was intended to prevent the Internet Research Agency, based in St. Petersburg, Russia, from spreading propaganda or disinformation aimed at undermining confidence in the midterm vote or the results of the election, American officials told The New York Times. The operation was aimed at taking the Internet Research Agency off line for several days, from Election Day until the results were certified by local officials.
Opinions This Week
National Opinion: Voter ID | Who gets to vote | Voting Rights Act | Election fraud | Ex-felon voting rights
Arizona: Polling places | Ballot harvesting
California: San Louis Obispo County | Voting system | Election security
Colorado: National Popular Vote
Delaware: Voting system
Georgia: Voting system, II
Kansas: Ballot signatures, II | Ex-felon voting rights
Michigan: Detroit clerk
Minnesota: Election security funding
Mississippi: Jackson County
Missouri: Election fraud
New York: Automatic voter registration | Language assistance | Ranked choice voting | Special elections
North Carolina: Voter ID, II, III | Election fraud, II, III, IV, V, VI
Ohio: Poll workers
Pennsylvania: Vendors, II, III, IV, V | Election security, II | Equipment |
South Carolina: Vote-by-mail
Vermont: Voting rights
Available RFPs/RFIs/Awards
Rhode Island Department of State RFP
The Rhode Island Department of Administration/Division of Purchases, on behalf of the Rhode Island Department of State, is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to provide a centralized voter registration system in accordance with the terms of this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) and the State’s General Conditions of Purchase, which may be obtained at the Division of Purchases’ website at
The contract period will begin approximately in May 2019.
This is a Request for Proposals, not a Request for Quotes. Responses will be evaluated on the basis of the relative merits of the proposal, in addition to cost; there will be no public opening and reading of responses received by the Division of Purchases pursuant to this solicitation, other than to name those offerors who have submitted proposals.
StateScoop 50 Awards
The annual StateScoop 50 Awards honor the best and the brightest who make state government more efficient and effective. These awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of our peers and acknowledge their tireless efforts to make a positive impact in the government IT community and in public service. Nominations are now open (and close March 7) in the following categories: State executive of the year, state leadership of the year, state IT innovation of the year, state up & comer, state cybersecurity leader and industry leadership.
Upcoming Events
Unrig Summit 2019 — This is no ordinary conference. Unrig is fast-paced, solutions-oriented, and fun. No boring speeches — 2019’s lineup has more trainings, more workshops, more tools to power you up. Featuring America’s most powerful presenters, expert trainers, activists, musicians, artists and more, we’re bringing together the brightest minds from the right and left to build a new political future for America. 3 days. 2 nights. 1 vision: Unrig the System. Where: Nashville, TN When: Fri March 29 – Sun March 31.
Election Center Special Workshop —The Election Center will hold a special workshop that will include: Course 9 (Enfranchisement, Enhancement, Enforcement ); Course 10 (Constitution, Courts & Cases to 1965); and Renewal Course 14 (Crisis Management). Where: Virginia Beach. When: April 24-28.
International Association of Government Officials — IGO’s 2019 Annual Conference will be held in Houston, Texas, July 11-17. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
National Association of Counties — NACo’s 2019 Annual Conference will be held in Clark County (Las Vegas), Nevada July 11-15, 2019. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
National Association of State Election Directors — The NASED Summer Conference will be held in Austin, Texas, July 14-16, 2019. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
Job Postings This Week
electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link to Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.
Campus Outreach Lead, Democracy Works— As campus outreach lead, you will sustain and grow the TurboVote higher education partnerships program. You will be responsible for renewing contracts with existing higher education partners and bringing on new partners by generating leads, carrying those leads through necessary follow up tasks, and formalizing partnerships with signed contracts. In this role, you will build relationships with key stakeholders at colleges and universities, as well as with fellow nonprofit organizations that support civic engagement at colleges and universities. You’ll become an expert in the world of higher education and cultivate a passion for promoting civic engagement. Also, you will persistently navigate the bureaucracy of external organizations. Salary: $50,000 to $65,000. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Certification Manager (Denver, CO) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a Certification Manager to join our team in Denver, CO! This position is a cross -functional leader playing a key role in managing certification efforts for Dominion Voting products. In this role, you will act as a representative of the company with State and Federal certification officials, test labs, and other key internal and external stakeholders throughout the certification process. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Clerk of the Board/Elections Director, Santa Cruz County, Arizona — Under the direction of the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors and guidance from the Santa Cruz County Manager, performs statutory duties of the Clerk of the Board pursuant to ARS 11-241 and other statutory duties, to include preparing, publishing and posting the agenda for the Board of Supervisor meetings. Under limited supervision, performs work of considerable difficulty to plan, organize, coordinate, direct and manage all activities of the Santa Cruz County Elections Department in compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. This is an at-will position. Plans, organizes, coordinates, directs and manages all activities of the Santa Cruz County Elections Department in compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations; oversees daily operations and programing; develops and administers departmental budget and oversees expenditures, develops and administers training and education for election staff and volunteers. Develops and implements procedural and technical improvements as they relate to elections; ensures quality control of all aspects of election from ballot production to public information; manages projects, coordinates with other county/state departments and outside vendors. Salary: $69,186. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Deputy Director, Center for Election Innovation & Research — the Deputy Director will report to the Executive Director and have a broad range of responsibilities designed to support CEIR’s mission. In this position, the Deputy Director will play an integral role in the development and execution of CEIR’s programming, strategic communications, and continued growth as an organization. This is an excellent opportunity for an experienced and highly motivated individual who wants to make a substantial, positive, nonpartisan impact on elections and American democracy. The Deputy Director’s primary workplace will be CEIR’s Washington, DC office. The Deputy Director also must be available for business travel as needed. CEIR believes that working alongside and understanding the diverse mix of people who are affected by elections and American democracy is key to achieving our mission. That’s why we’re proud to be an equal opportunity employer committed to creating a diverse, non-discriminatory work environment. We recruit, employ, train, compensate, and promote regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, veteran status, and other protected status as required by applicable law. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Director of Voter Services, Hillsborough County, Florida — Responsible for planning, organization and management of voter services units, including eligibility and registration; establishment and operation of election cycle call center(s) – including election day voter eligibility phone bank — and live chat; issuance of standard and customized Voter Focus reports; list maintenance; and Vote By Mail. Responsible for agency-wide records management and compliance. Deadline: March 10. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Administrator, Adams County, Colorado — In collaboration with and oversight from the Clerk and Recorder or Chief Deputy, plan and oversee the conduct of elections, ensure the integrity of the process and the accuracy of operational tasks based on applicable federal and state laws, Secretary of State (SOS) rules and organizational policies. Reports directly to the Clerk & Recorder Chief Deputy. Participate in the preparation and execution of the department’s strategic and tactical plans, annual budgets, and asset management; provide direct supervision of the department staff, including managing work schedules and Clerk and Recorder policies and procedures. Salary: $75,850.65 – $106,190.91. Deadline: March 6. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections Technician Supervisor, San Joaquin County, California — The San Joaquin County Registrar of Voter’s Office is looking to fill two vital Elections Technician Supervisor positions within the department and to create an eligible list which may be used to fill future vacancies. This is a fast-paced elections office with a vibrant staff and diverse electorate. In 2019 we anticipate installing a new voting system and upgrading many of our operations. There are three areas the Elections Technician Supervisor may be assigned: Precinct Operations, Voter Registration and Candidate Filing & Campaign Services. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Election Technology Specialist, Boulder County, Colorado — The Boulder County Clerk and Recorder’s Office, Elections Division, has an opening for an Elections Technology Specialist. This position will learn and perform a variety of complex, technical, and specialized tasks associated with elections management, and voting systems. To be successful in this position you must be eager to learn, possess an aptitude for technical information and data analysis, and become comfortable in a high-stakes, team-focused work environment. We seek a person who is process-oriented and motivated to do meaningful work that facilitates the democratic process. The ideal candidate is self-motivated, enjoys both leading and supporting in a collaborative environment, and possesses excellent written and verbal communication skills. They have the demonstrated ability to use complicated software, perform moderately sophisticated tasks in MS Excel and Access, learn and apply new skills effectively with minimal support, and communicate technical information to nontechnical personnel. Additionally, they demonstrate creativity and innovation through problem-solving. Ability to work effectively under pressure while remaining positive and flexible is also key to success. Salary: $56,124 to $65,000. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Full Stack Architect / Senior Software Engineer, Clear Ballot— Clear Ballot is looking for an accomplished, Boston MA based Architect/Senior Software Engineer who wants to bring their technical and leadership skills to bear on a hugely consequential problem: Bringing transparency to democratic elections. The successful candidate will implement new products and features under tight deadlines. You will be using primarily Python and MySQL that interface with front-end web applications implemented in JavaScript and HTML5. The ideal candidate should have strong technical and leadership skills and a good working knowledge of the latest concepts in security, performance, and resilience. You will be working with a small team of highly skilled individuals to build and enhance a platform that is changing the elections industry. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Full Stack Software Developer, Clear Ballot — The successful candidate will build and enhance enterprise-level, highly available applications using primarily Python and MySQL that interface with frontend web applications implemented in JavaScript and HTML5. The ideal candidate should have strong technical skills and a good working knowledge of the latest concepts in performance, security and resilience. One of the hallmarks of our system is its emphasis on new visualization techniques made possible by sophisticated data structures that enable high-performance in a multi-user environment. You will be working with a small team of highly skilled individuals to build and enhance a platform that is changing the elections industry. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
IT Security Administrator (Denver) – Dominion Voting is looking for an IT Security Administrator to join our IT team in Denver, Colorado! We are looking for a security minded individual who can perform both day-to-day technical management and maintenance of IT security programs, and who can also strategically assess and enhance the overall IT security enterprise-wide. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Management and Budget Specialist, Montgomery County, Maryland— the Board of Elections for Montgomery County, Maryland, is looking for a Management and Budget Specialist. Duties include administering and preparing the annual budget; managing day-to-day financial transactions and recordkeeping; collecting and analyzing data; and writing reports, memoranda and presentations to inform and explain the department’s decisions. Salary: $55,176 to $91,314 annually. Application: For the complete job list and to apply, click here and view Job #IRC34280 under the category “General Professional”.
Project Manager, Hart InterCivic— Project Managers at Hart InterCivic are highly motivated “self-starters” who are enthusiastic about providing exceptional customer service. Working with other members of the Professional Services and Operations teams, the Project Manager directs activity, solves problems, and develops lasting and strong relationships with our customers. Hart InterCivic’s unique and industry known culture of innovation, transparency, and customer-centric focus creates an environment where team members will continually grow and be challenged to develop their careers. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Product Manager, Hart InterCivic — as Product Manager, you will join a team that is charged with product planning, design, and execution throughout the lifecycle of Hart’s products, in support of the company’s overall strategy and goals. This includes: gathering, validating, and prioritizing internal and external customer needs; documenting and communicating product and technical requirements; gathering market and competitive intelligence; supporting the certification, sales, and marketing teams. The Product Manager must possess a unique blend of business and technical savvy – with experience in elections technology or other government-oriented products preferred. To succeed in this role, the ideal candidate must spend time in the market to understand its unique attributes; demonstrate competence with specialized hardware and software; and find innovative solutions for the broader market. The Product Manager plays a key role in helping others to understand the product positioning, key benefits, and target customer, as well as providing advanced subject matter expertise in using the company’s products. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Regional Sales Manager, Clear Ballot— The Regional Sales Manager (RSM) position will represent Clear Ballot in a designated territory to engage prospective customers, educate them on the value of partnering with Clear Ballot, and close New Business. This position is a Hunter. The RSM will be responsible for managing and growing their assigned territory and meeting quarterly and annual sales goals. Previous sales experience in high growth organizations is a plus. RSM’s will be responsible for understanding the Clear Ballot portfolio and effectively communicating the value we bring to the market. Measures of success include: high levels of sales activity, regular and consistent reporting and communication of progress, progress toward quarterly and annual quota attainment, and overcoming obstacles to get the job done. We currently have open positions in Florida and Boston. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Sales Engineer, Clear Ballot — Our Sales and Marketing team is looking for a seasoned, hardworking and energetic Sales Engineer with proven experience and a passion for selling technology solutions. This role is responsible for being the primary technical resource for our sales force while also actively driving and managing the technology evaluation stage of the sales process. You will be required to have an in-depth technical knowledge of Clear Ballot’s Clear Vote suite and demonstrating the product capabilities to prospective customers. The ideal candidate must also be able to identify and provide reliable solutions for all technical issues to assure complete customer satisfaction. Measures of success include new customer acquisition rates, renewal rates, upselling, cross-selling, customer satisfaction and contribution to overall sales team and new customer success Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Research Support Associate, MEDSL— MIT Election Data and Science Lab (MEDSL), to support the data processing and research assistance needs of the lab. Responsibilities will include assisting with data management and research by collecting and cleaning data, performing data analysis, creating graphs and figures, visualizing data, drafting results and preparing tables for papers that are in the process of publication; assisting with the fielding of surveys; and performing general administrative duties including file organization, participating in meetings, and other miscellaneous tasks. This is an ideal position for someone interested in gaining research experience in political science and data science more broadly. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Software Developer (Toronto) – Dominion Voting is searching for an experienced and passionate Senior Software Developer to join our team in Toronto! These positions will be responsible for providing high-level technical expertise in design development, coding, testing and debugging new software or significant enhancements to existing software for our customers. You will work on a variety of our product lines and you may act as team leader on less complex projects and assists in training/mentoring less experienced software development staff. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Software Developer III (Toronto) – Dominion Voting is searching for an experienced and passionate Software Developer III to join our team in Toronto! These positions will be responsible for providing high-level technical expertise in design development, coding, testing and debugging new software or significant enhancements to existing software for our customers. You will work on a variety of our product lines and you may act as team leader on less complex projects and assists in training/mentoring less experienced software development staff. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Software Product Specialist II (Phoenix, AZ) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a Software Product Specialist II to join our team in Phoenix, AZ! This position will be responsible for delivering a wide variety of technical and non-technical customer support services related to the implementation, operation, repair, maintenance and upgrades of Dominion Voting Systems technology products. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Systems Engineer, Clear Ballot — We are looking for a talented Systems Engineer who has both a technical and services/support background which enables them to quickly assess customer needs and offer value to Clear Ballot’s customers. The Systems Engineer will gain a deep understanding of how Clear Ballot’s products operate and their optimal configuration to build a streamlined installation process of the Clear Vote election system. The ideal candidate for this position can prioritize mission critical tasks and coordinate the implementation and expansion of our systems. They will be able to work directly with customers, display innovation, think conceptually and act tactically to build consensus around system installation and enhancement and meet deadlines. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Technical Bid Specialist, Scytl — The Technical Bid Specialist is an essential member of the sales team, supporting business development initiatives as well as providing support to the Marketing department. Based in our Tampa Florida, offices, the Technical Bid Specialist is in charge of managing the coordination, completion and handover of tender proposals for our clients and prospects. This is a key position with a great deal of involvement in the sales process and a decisive influence in the achievement of each deal. To be able to perform this task, the Technical Bid Specialist needs to possess a solid technical background, outstanding writing capabilities and proven experience in pre-sales or consulting endeavors, always facing the client and having to put together complex IT proposals or projects. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
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Ballot Scanners
Ballot reader. $500. Buyer will be responsible for pick and shipping to buyer’s location. Contact Wilfred Cochico, purchasing officer City of Lakewood: 562-866-9771 ext. 2640 or via email:
Voting Booths
Each aluminum briefcase contains the following: aluminum legs, privacy shield, writing base, light assembly. All units are in great shape dimensions are 22”x 18”x 3“. MFG: ESL. Election supplies Limited, Napa California. Quantity: 400 Price per unit is $50. Contact Greg Larson 408.569.1004