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Friday January 13, 2012

  • National News
    National News Political battle brewing over new voter ID laws

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/demofund/election-line/wp-content/themes/electionline/page-news.php on line 220
    National News Vote on the weekend? Government study inconclusive

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/demofund/election-line/wp-content/themes/electionline/page-news.php on line 220
    National News Should elections be held on weekends?
  • Overseas News

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/demofund/election-line/wp-content/themes/electionline/page-news.php on line 220
    Overseas News U.S. nationals get a voting reminder from new U.S. consul
  • AK
    Alaska Testimony: Alaska's redistricting plan was the best option available
    Alaska Wasilla preps for rare election
  • AZ
    Arizona ACLU intervenes in Voting Rights case
  • CA
    California Group: 2010 election in Freson County probed
  • CO
    Colorado Breckenridge OKs mail-in ballot elections
  • CT
    Connecticut Polling places could close to save money
  • FL
    Florida Leon County gears up for primary
    Florida Hillsborough County to get a jump on early voting
  • IN
    Indiana FEMA wants county to repay unused flood funds
    Indiana Smith-Ille to head Monroe County elections board
  • KS
    Kansas First vote cast under new ID law
  • KY
    Kentucky Activists pushing for automatic voting rights restoration for felons
  • MD
    Maryland Mt. Airy voter registration a month early
  • MI
    Michigan Arbitrator: Holland City Clerk Jennifer French's 2006 firing justified
  • MO
    Missouri Cape Girardeau considering proposals for electronic polling equipment
    Missouri Cape voting precincts consolidated to save money
  • NE
    Nebraska Voter ID bill, LB239, taken off legislative agenda
  • NV
    Nevada Judge denies motion to reconsider decision in North Las Vegas election
  • NH
    New Hampshire NH AG's office investigating voter video
    New Hampshire A house divided on voter ID
    New Hampshire Lynch: There's not voter fraud problem in New Hampshire
    New Hampshire Town councilor allegedly accosts election official at primary polls
    New Hampshire Some don't want schools used for votes
  • NY
    New York Auditor selected for county board of elections probe
  • OH
    Ohio County Council OKs election baord purchase
    Ohio On-demand paper ballots to save county money
  • OK
    Oklahoma Mock election a success
    Oklahoma Mock voting continues
  • OR
    Oregon Oregon tests voting on iPads
  • PA
    Pennsylvania Wellsville voting issues: New polling place needed
  • SC
    South Carolina Several precinct changes for the upcoming primary
    South Carolina Elections leader wants probe of more than 900 dead voters
  • TX
    Texas Texas responds to fed data demad on voter ID bill
    Texas Forum set for this weekend on state's voter ID law
    Texas January voter registration certificates mailing delayed
    Texas County election chiefs await Supreme Court redistricting ruling
  • UT
    Utah Navajos seek new voting map
  • WA
    Washington Voting bills for youth, same-day registration get hearing
    Washington Billig bill preregisters youth vote
  • WV
    West Virginia Tennant in 'wait and see' mode
  • WI
    Wisconsin Voters must come prepared
    Wisconsin Voting? Do you have your ID?
    Wisconsin Redistricting issue a headache for clerks
    Wisconsin Elections board to create petition database, request more time
    Wisconsin Elections board gets new chairman
  • There are no results matching the filter settings

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