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Wednesday January 25, 2012

  • National News

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/demofund/election-line/wp-content/themes/electionline/page-news.php on line 220
    National News LiveBallot gets overseas votes to the polls on time
  • AL
    Alabama Probate office to build elections website
    Alabama Voting center for precinct 44 changed
  • AZ
    Arizona State starts process of allowing voters to sign petitions online
    Arizona County sets presidential preference primary for Feb. 28
  • CA
    California New Fresno Co. elections clerk sworn in
    California Citizens to help design new voting system
  • CO
    Colorado Recall election brings new Saguache clerk
  • CT
    Connecticut Welcoming the secretary of state to Westport
    Connecticut County approves 12 polling sites
  • FL
    Florida Absentee votes at an all-time high in Brevard
    Florida Many Central Floridians turn out for early voting
  • HI
    Hawaii Committee stalls online voter registration
  • IL
    Illinois Colleagues remember Kane County's Jay Bennett, Jr., as go-to elections expert
    Illinois Everyone Counts' software to facilitate overseas voting
  • IN
    Indiana County works to have mega sites ready by primary
    Indiana Voting centers to be ready for May election
    Indiana Bill calls for voter data in absentee process
    Indiana Senate backs uncontested candidate law change
  • IA
    Iowa Secretary of state: Fix county redistricting problems
    Iowa November election will cost quarter million in Woodbury county
  • KS
    Kansas Confusion over free birth certificates
  • MD
    Maryland Cheerleaders forced to adjust as county prepares for election season
  • MA
    Massachusetts Exeter officials commend outgoing town clerk
  • MI
    Michigan US approves redistricting plans for Michigan
  • MN
    Minnesota Ethics officer recommends exempting election judges from mandatory seminars
  • MO
    Missouri Voter ID bill clears Missouri House panel
    Missouri Voter ID bill clears House committee
    Missouri Schoeller optimistic about chances of voter ID bill passage this year
  • NH
    New Hampshire Proposal would phase in voter ID
    New Hampshire New voter ID bill has more support
  • NM
    New Mexico Election reform still on session agenda
  • NY
    New York Troy voter fraud trial underway
  • OH
    Ohio Latina named to Lucas Co. board of elections
    Ohio Elections board saves on ballots
    Ohio Eastman to stay on Licking County BOE
  • TN
    Tennessee Bill requires senior citizens to have driver's license photos
  • TX
    Texas Judge moves up redistricting arguments
    Texas Uncertainty reigns in local primary elections
  • UT
    Utah Bill would drop nonvoters from registration rolls
  • WV
    West Virginia Tennant visits Glenville State College
  • WI
    Wisconsin Be prepared for voter ID, official says
    Wisconsin School district requests background checks for poll workers
  • There are no results matching the filter settings

January 2012 Dailies

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