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Tuesday January 24, 2012

  • National News

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/demofund/election-line/wp-content/themes/electionline/page-news.php on line 220
    National News ID bills target college-aged voters
    National News Black Caucus charges voter ID laws aimed at Obama supporters
    National News Science of elections: The problem with turnout
  • Overseas Voting News

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/demofund/election-line/wp-content/themes/electionline/page-news.php on line 220
    Overseas Voting News With Microsoft backing, Democracy Live brings ballot box to G.I.s overseas
  • AL
    Alabama Shelby Commission approves change in Riverchase voting site
  • AR
    Arkansas Senator, others sue over redistricting plan
  • CO
    Colorado Legislators won't push 'proof of citizenship' bill this session
    Colorado Gessler cites voter fraud in 2010 election
    Colorado Six voters cast ballots in both Colo., Kan.
    Colorado Comments sought on mail-in ballot only primary election
  • FL
    Florida Absentee voting costs more in Broward, Palm Beach than Miami-Dade
    Florida Florida trims early voting hours
    Florida Unraveling the mystery of absentee ballot postage
    Florida NAACP president to run for Manatee elections supervisor
    Florida Bus service offers rides to voting polls
    Florida Talk of changing August primary date draws static
  • GA
    Georgia Changes to voter ID law?
    Georgia Bill expands student ID voting
  • HI
    Hawaii Terminated elections employees seek damages
  • IN
    Indiana Some Hamilton County voters assigned new precincts
    Indiana Bill would change absentee ballot process
  • IA
    Iowa Des Moines man accused of secretary of state ID theft
  • KS
    Kansas Kobach touts voter ID law
    Kansas Mah, Kobach spar over voter ID law
    Kansas Six voters cast ballots in both Colo., Kan.
  • KY
    Kentucky Redistricting plan could cost Boone
  • LA
    Louisiana Secretary of state: DOJ abusing Motor Voter law for 'political agenda'
  • MD
    Maryland When should Baltimoreans vote?
  • MA
    Massachusetts Town Hall voting petition planned
  • MI
    Michigan Cutting polling precinct means savings for township
  • MO
    Missouri Senate panel backs voter registration changes
  • MT
    Montana Missoula Co. seeing response to election workers calls
  • NH
    New Hampshire Senate consdering new voting photo ID measure
  • NM
    New Mexico Senator says voter ID forum too one-sided
    New Mexico Republicans boycott voter ID forum
    New Mexico Forum presents downsides of voter ID laws
    New Mexico Farmington to offer convenience centers for voting
  • NY
    New York Opening arguments in Troy voter fraud trial today
  • NC
    North Carolina Possibility of voter ID law still looms
    North Carolina County to look at voter ID issues
  • OH
    Ohio Infante, O'Brien seek elections seat
    Ohio Elections board in need of poll workers
  • OK
    Oklahoma Redistricting changes 15 precincts in Lincoln County
    Oklahoma Boundaries change for 24 county voting precincts
  • OR
    Oregon Elections workers will make house calls for special needs voters
  • PA
    Pennsylvania Precinct presents challenges for department of elections
  • SC
    South Carolina Campaigns move on, upstate pays-up
    South Carolina Voter ID foes cite S.C. governor's heritage
    South Carolina Attorney general still investigating voter fraud case
  • TN
    Tennessee New voting center nearly ready
  • TX
    Texas Texas AG files suit to clear path for voter ID
    Texas Abbott sues DOJ over voter ID law
    Texas West Texans upset Abbott asks court to clear way for voter ID law
    Texas San Antonio court considers splitting party primaries
    Texas Redistricting delay gets mixed reaction from local officials
    Texas Redistricting map debacle creating chaos locally
  • UT
    Utah Committee clears proposal to 'clean up' voter rolls
    Utah Democrats, GOP spar over voter registration bill
  • WI
    Wisconsin Software used to review petitions in recall has its limits
  • There are no results matching the filter settings

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