In Focus This Week
I. In Focus This Week
The last mile
DHS partners with states on cybersecurity poster project
By M. Mindy Moretti
At the recent National Association of State Election Directors and National Association of Secretaries of State Annual Conferences a lot — but not all — of the discussion focused on cybersecurity and the protection our elections. Many ideas and best practices were shared but there was one idea that had people getting out of their seats to take a closer look at and even snap a few photos of.
What was all the fuss? A poster.
A project launched by the Department of Homeland Security in conjunction with states that on the surface seems so simple, but that ultimately provides critical information at no cost to states and counties.
The posters are divided in to three sections, safeguards, threats/risks and the checklist. Geoff Hale, cybersecurity strategy and integration program manager, andwho spearheaded the project for DHS said the poster is totally customizable to the states/counties and while DHS encourages them to include some information about certain safeguards (phishing), nothing is required.
“Election officials love a checklist,” said Matt Masterson, senior cybersecurity advisor for the DHS. “If we can lay out some of the risks and mitigations so [a] county feels ownership and provide that in a checklist — they are gonna put that thing up their office and get that checklist done.”
The first state DHS worked with was Iowa. Dawn Williams, director of elections for the State of Iowa had already been thinking about her own poster project, one that she could have all the counties post in their employee area as a reminder of the everyday importance of strong cybersecurity practices. When Masters was in Iowa to speak about cybersecurity, Williams had a chance to talk to him about her poster idea and he told her about DHS’ poster. It was the perfect launching point.
“The poster is the perfect tool to address the competing needs to keep the details of cybersecurity measures confidential and the need to communicate and bolster public confidence,” Williams said. “It provides a thorough overview of cybersecurity environment in Iowa which then assists election administrators to provide information in an organized and accurate manner, which bolsters public confidence in our elections.”
After working closely with Williams in Iowa to get the posters just right, in the early days of the project, DHS also worked with Ohio, Rhode Island and Washington so they could scale the posters for any type of voting climate — vote-by-mail, elections run by towns and municipalities instead of counties, etc.
Since the NASED and NASS conferences Masterson said they have heard from quite a few states about implementing the poster project there.
DHS is working with a contractor to produce the posters and Masterson said they are prepared to scale pretty significantly based on demand. It takes about 2-3 weeks to turn the project around depending on state-specific needs.
While the poster project starts with the states, Masterson said DHS would love to hear from counties that are interested so he and Hale can then work with the county reach out to that state and get them onboard.
“That’s the part that makes this scaleable,” Masterson said. “We knocked out all 99 counties [in Iowa] all together in one project. To be able to reach a state on that scale makes it easy for us.”
Masterson and Hale don’t anticipate this project just being for 2018 so that’s why they would encourage states to reach out to them at any time. The anticipation is that even states who have already received posters will need new/updated ones as threats change and evolve.
And while it may seem simple on the surface, Masterson noted that the importance of this poster project reaches to the highest levels at DHS.
“Secretary [Kristjen] Nielsen mentioned it at NASS in her remarks. We refer to it as the last mile,” Masterson said. “This is how we answer the need to reach those mid and small counties. We know how to get ahold of [Los Angeles County or Cook County], this effort is the first step in bridging that gap.”
Any state or county interested in getting involved in DHS’ poster project should reach out directly to Matt Masterson and Geoff Hale. electionline will be happy to provide you with their contact emails, just let us know (
Electionline Help
II. Electionline Help
As electionline closes in on 20 years and we prepare for a new and improved website, we want to hear from you. Whether you’re a long-time reader or new to electionline, let us know, in 200 words or less, what you like about electionline and why you read it every day or every week. One lucky reader might even get to film their comments for our new site. Please send your thoughts to by August 1.
Our Say
III. Our Say
On the 28th Anniversary of the ADA, Reaffirming Our Commitment to Accessibility
By Thomas Hicks and Christy McCormick
As the 2018 Federal Election approaches, the importance of election security continues to shape headlines across the country and spark discussion about how to secure the vote. While every state and jurisdiction should consider security when selecting the election equipment and procedures that best serves their voters, they must remember that the law requires every American – including the more than 35 million Americans who have a disability – to have the opportunity to vote privately and independently.
This week, as we mark the twenty-eighth anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), it is important to remember that election security cannot come at the expense of election accessibility.
Recently in Baltimore, we held a forum to hear in our capacity as Commissioners from members of the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) about their experiences at the polls. We also want to assure these Americans that the work to secure elections would not undermine their legal right to cast their ballot without assistance.
Voting accessibility has long been a priority for the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC), as well as for the election officials and voters we serve. The EAC was established in 2002 as part of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), legislation which built upon the disability protections enshrined in the ADA by outlining a clear mandate to ensure Americans with disabilities be given the same opportunity to vote freely and independently as other voters. It was the first time Congress set forth such a measure and it is one we must not ignore.
Nearly one-sixth of the total U.S. electorate has one of a broad range of disabilities, including mobility, communicative, physical and cognitive impairments. This ever-growing population of voters may also face educational, cultural and political barriers that could make participating in elections even more difficult. It is imperative that these men and women have a seat at the table as election officials make critical decisions about how they run elections.
The work to ensure accessible elections is not easy. We recognize that election officials with limited manpower and budgets may often feel they face a broad range of challenges that are in tension with the responsibility to provide accessible elections. The EAC works to help election officials navigate these obstacles through the distribution of resources, best practices, and federal funds.
For example, in March, Congress allocated $380 million in funds for states to improve the administration of elections for Federal office. All 55 eligible states and territories have applied for and are in the midst of drawing down these funds to pay for improvements to better serve their voters. Each state will determine how they spend these federal dollars, but some will certainly seek ways to improve election systems to make them more accessible and secure.
As they do, the EAC will serve as a trusted federal partner that can help identify procedures and practices that have a proven record of serving the needs of all voters, including priorities such as accessibility, security and efficiency. We can also connect election officials with accessibility experts and advocacy groups that stand ready to assist in the effort to help Americans vote.
Beyond the EAC’s convening power and our administration of federal funding, the Commission uses its voluntary testing and certification of election systems, its creation of resources such as voting rights cards in Braille and large print, and its effort to identify and lift up innovative approaches and best practices to serve American voters who need assistance at the polls. The EAC has also contributed funds to develop new innovations, such as Prime III, which includes for example a remote ballot marking system, to expand accessibility for voters with disabilities.
The recent gathering in Baltimore is just one stop in our ongoing journey across the country to directly engage with election officials and voters. These conversations not only shape the creation of new EAC resources, but provide forums for us to dispel myths such as the false choice between security and accessibility. We also encourage voters with disabilities to get involved in the election process beyond registering and casting a ballot, such as becoming a poll worker.
Ensuring the rights of voters with disabilities isn’t a choice, nor is it a partisan issue. It’s the law. We can never forget that as we work to improve elections.
(Thomas Hicks is chairman of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission and Christy McCormick serves as a commissioner.)
Federal-State Updates
IV. Federal-State Updates
Late last week, the U.S. Department of Justice announced plans to alert the public to foreign operations targeting U.S. democracy. According to The Washington Post, the government will inform American companies, private organizations and individuals that they are being covertly attacked by foreign actors attempting to affect elections or the political process.
“Exposing schemes to the public is an important way to neutralize them,” said Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein said when announcing the policy at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado. The American people have a right to know if foreign governments are targeting them with propaganda.”
Also as the Aspen Security Forum, Paul Nakasone, director the National Security Agency, announced the creation of a special task force to address Russian threats to cybersecurity. The NSA and Cyber Command, the military’s cyber arm, will collaborate against Russian threats.
“I stood up a Russia group, a Russia Small Group,” Nakasone said, according to Bloomberg. “It’s in line with what the intelligence community has really been doing since post 2016, 2017.”
On Capitol Hill this week, New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, Ricky Hatch, the clerk and auditor from Weber County, Utah, EAC Chairman Thomas Hicks and DHS Undersecretary Christopher Krebs all testified before the House Oversight Committee on the efforts states and counties are making to secure the 2018 election.
“Election security is not a one-time issue,” Toulouse Oliver told Congress. “Interference happened before 2016, it will happen after 2016. I think 2016 just brought an awareness of how serious this issue is. I believe elections are underfunded considering how serious they are.”
Election News This Week
V. Election News This Week
A work group which is advising Lt. Gov. Byron Mallot on potential reforms to Alaska’s election system met this week to discuss some of the potential changes to the system including moving to vote-by-mail. According to Alaska Public Radio, the state plans to replace voting equipment and software by 2020 and the plan is to have whatever other changes in place by then as well. Members of the work group were presented with results of a survey of Southwest Alaska residents about vote-by-mail that found most of those residents preferring the current polling-place system, but open to the option of vote-by-mail. “One of the guiding principles of the group is that if it doesn’t work for rural Alaska, then it won’t work for Alaska,” Elections Division Director Josie Bahnke told KTOO. “And so we’ve been very cognizant of that.”
According to analysis from TargetSmart, a Democratic data firm, young voters between the ages of 18 and 29 make up the largest share of newly registered voters. The increase was tracked since the shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida. Pennsylvania saw the sharpest increase — 61 percent of new voter registrations come from young voters, compared to 45 percent before the shooting. The analysis, which looked at all 50 states and the District of Columbia also found double digit percentages in Indiana, New York and Virginia.
Cheers! More than 65 breweries have signed up to create a beer called People Power and will donate 10 percent of the proceeds to the American Civil Liberties Union’s People Power campaign which aims to get out the vote. The beer portion of the project is being lead by Threes Brewing in New York. The beer, which launched on the Fourth of July, will be available through Election Day.
Congratulations to Kentucky Secretary of State Allison Lundergan Grimes who announced this week that she and her husband Andrew are expecting a baby boy in December. “The journey to grow our family has not been easy. We appreciate the outpouring of love & hold those struggling with infertility in our hearts. You are not alone,” Grimes said in her announcement. We usually send our friends links to voter registration sites when we hear about the impending arrival of new voters, but we think Secretary Grimes has that covered.
Personnel News: Alice Jarboe, interim Sacrament County, California registrar announced that she intends to retire on August 25. Before becoming the interim registrar, Jarboe had served as assistant registrar for 14 years. John Pope has been appointed to the Wilson County, Tennessee election commission. Robert L. Hendershot of Guernsey County, Ohio has been honored by Secretary of State Jon Husted for his years of service to the county board of elections. Kelly Souza-Young is the new Fall River, Massachusetts election director. Erica Galyon has been appointed assistant secretary of state for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. San Bernardino County, California Registrar of Voters Michael Scarpello has resigned. Bryan W. Ray has joined the Alamance County, North Carolina board of elections. Brad Raffensperger won the GOP secretary of state runoff in Georgia this week. He will face Democrat John Barrow.
Legislative Updates
VI. Legislative Updates
Federal Legislation: Maryland Reps. John Delaney (D) and Andy Harris (R) have introduced a bill that would mandate that vendors associated with federal elections be owned and controlled by U.S. companies. According to the Baltimore Sun, Delaney’s and Harris’ bipartisan bill would take effect in 2020 and create a database to make it easier to establish that an election vendor is not foreign-controlled.
Another bill, introduced by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Maryland) and co-sponsored by Rep. Robert Brady (D-Pennsylvania) and Zoe Lofgren (D-California) would take effect in 2018 and would bar states from entering agreements with election vendors “controlled by persons who are not citizens, nationals or permanent residents of the United States.”
Illinois: Gov. Bruce Ruaner has signed a bill into law that will officially shutter the DuPage County elections commission and more the responsibilities of the county’s elections to the county clerk’s office.
Nevada: The city councils in Las Vegas and North Las Vegas have approved an agreement with Clark County that will allow voters in municipal elections to cast ballots at vote centers regardless of jurisdiction. According to The Las Vegas Review-Journal, the move is aimed at bolstering turnout. Boulder City and Henderson officials have already approved a similar agreement.
Ohio: House Bill 18 is on the way to Gov. John Kasich’s desk. The bill would eliminate unnecessary special elections in order to fill a congressional vacancy. The bill would eliminate the need to hold an election if only one candidate qualifies for the ballot.
Tennessee: By a 0-10 vote, the Memphis city council voted down on first reading an ordinance that have taken a referendum on ranked-choice voting off the ballot in November.
Legal Updates
VII. Legal Updates
Florida: U.S. District Judge Mark Walker said this week that officials showed “a stark pattern of discrimination” by blocking early voting sites on state college and university campuses. According to the Tampa Bay Times, Walker issued a preliminary injunction that directs Scott’s chief elections official, Secretary of State Ken Detzner, to tell all 67 counties that they can use campus buildings for early voting this fall. Detzner has until Friday to tell the judge he will obey. Walker ruled that a 2014 state opinion that banned early voting on campus violates three amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
Also in Florida, a three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments in the ongoing case against the state’s process of restoring voting rights to former felons.
Iowa: Polk County District Judge Karen Romano has granted a temporary injunction blocking some provisions of the state’s voter ID for the 2018 election. The injunction requires the state to restore its early voting period to 40 days. “The harm to the registered voters who may become disenfranchised or experience substantial obstacles in voting is greater than any harm to the state,” she wrote in her order. Secretary of State Paul Pate said the state will appeal the decision to the Iowa Supreme Court “immediately.”
Kansas: According to the Capital-Journal, Secretary of State Kris Kobach recently filed a statement with the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals contending that U.S. District Judge Julie Robinson erred in deciding the state’s voter registration law is unconstitutional in requiring that new voters prove their citizenship.
Minnesota: Jean Marie Studniski of Avon has pleaded guilty to being an ineligible voter who knowingly voted. Studniski voted in the 2016 presidential election while on probation for a felony conviction. She was sentenced to 20 days served and five years probation.
New Hampshire: The state has recently submitting court filings seeking to have six students removed from the lawsuit challenging Senate Bill 3 arguing that the students lack the standing to challenge the law.
North Dakota: Secretary of state candidate Roland Riemers, who did not get enough votes in the June primary to qualify for the ballot has appealed to the state’s Supreme Court to force the secretary of state’s office to conduct a recount.
Tennessee: Opponents of a 2014 ballot measure have appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. According to The Tennessean, the appeal continues the challenge the state’s method of counting votes for the ballot measure. The appeal asks the high court to consider two questions: whether election officials conducted the election in a biased manner, and whether state attorneys acted lawfully in filing their own suit against the eight plaintiffs in the case. The Supreme Court has not yet granted the petition.
Also in Tennessee, Brian “Wormy” Hodge was recently charged with witness tampering, conspiracy to commit voter fraud, five counts of vote buying and witness tampering stemming from a 2014 Monroe County sheriff’s election. According to the Advocate and Democrat, those charges were dropped when Hodge agreed to plea to a charge of conspiracy to pay/offering to pay for voting.
Tech Thursday
VIII. Tech Thursday
Tech Company News: According to Fast Company, cloud security provider Cloudflare is offering a free service to any U.S. election authority for the 2018 election. Athenian Project is in essence, forms a barrier between clients and the internet and absorbs hacking attempts. It can help with denial of service attacks as well as shield outdated or unpatched software from attacks that take advantage of those vulnerabilities. So far, 70 election entities, including San Francisco, Alabama, Hawaii and Rhode Island, have taken advantage of the free service.
Florida: There have been several news reports this week about the Statewide Online Voter Registration System experiencing intermittent problems. Some voters have complained that they have not been able to update their registrations while others have said they haven’t been able to register at all. In one news report the state said that the problem had been fixed, but the problem was never identified.
Washington: The secretary of state’s office has fixed a “glitch” on the state’s voter registration website that was incorrectly indicating that some voters were not registered to vote. Erich Ebel, communications director for the Secretary of State, told The Columbian that the cause of the problem was a brief interruption between the public interface of the website and the state voter database. “That caused people to receive an inaccurate message that they were unregistered,” he said. He said the Secretary of State’s Office is still investigating the interruption.
Opinions This Week
IX. Opinions This Week
National Opinions: ADA Anniversary | Voter suppression | Election security, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII | Russian hackers | Ex-felon voting rights | Non-citizen voting rights
Arizona: Turnout
California: Ballot postage
Colorado: Larimer County
Connecticut: Election security
Florida: Election funding | Absentee voting | Election preparations
Hawaii: Turnout
Illinois: Voter data security, II | Election office consolidation
Iowa: Student voters
Kansas: Election security
Louisiana: Secretary of state race
Maine: Voting rights
Maryland: Voter apathy | Election security | Election contractor | Voter registration problems
Massachusetts: Secretary of state race | Voter registration
Missouri: Election security
New Hampshire: Residency law
New Mexico: Voter registration
New York: Election laws | Election reform
North Carolina: Voter ID, II, III | Early voting
Ohio: Election dates
Pennsylvania: Voting system | Turnout
Texas: Election laws
Virginia: Ranked-choice voting
Washington: Election security
Upcoming Events
X. Upcoming Events
Election Center 34th Annual National Conference — Conference attendees will be inspired and energized as we head into the final stretch of the mid-term election year. We will share substantive elections issues including crucial critical infrastructure information, new updates from the investing in elections project, elections in review, information on new voting systems, the vendor exhibit area where you can learn about new and innovative voting system support and much more! We will honor and celebrate the winners of the Election Center’s acclaimed Professional Practices Papers’ Program. It is also a platform in which election officials can share their successful practices. Award Winners will be announced at a session on Monday afternoon and you will take home all the best practices submitted on your own DVD. When: Aug. 27-28. Where: New Orleans.
National Election Security Summit — National, state and local election authorities will join officials from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Election Assistance Commission, Elections Infrastructure — Information Sharing and Analysis Center, security professionals, election experts, and other industry leaders to learn and share tangible best practices. These security discussions will provide attendees useable steps to mitigate threats and vulnerabilities as election authorities gear up for the 2018 mid-term elections. This is an event designed for election officials and is not open to the public and space is limited. When: September 10-11. Where: St. Louis, Missouri.
Job Postings This Week
XI. Job Postings This Week
electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link to Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.
Account Manager, Delaware, ES&S — an Account Manager serves as the interface between customer service and sales with respect to the full array of ES&S product lines. Operating as the lead point of contact for any and all matters specific to customers within the assigned territory from initial implementation of new voting systems through each election cycle. Ultimately, Account Managers are responsible for building and maintaining long-lasting customer relationships, negotiating and promoting Account Management contracts and agreements to maximize profit, and acting as the overall liaison between the customer and internal team members. Account Managers partner with our customers to ensure their long-term success. The Account Manager role includes managing a portfolio of assigned customers, developing new business from existing clients and actively seeking new opportunities. Account Management responsibilities include developing strong relationships with customers, and connecting with key county/jurisdiction officials. Account Managers will liaise between customers and cross-functional internal teams to ensure the timely and successful delivery of our solutions and to proactively identify customer needs and improve the entire customer experience. In addition, Account Managers collaborate with our Sales team to achieve sales quotas and grow our business. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Cybersecurity Program Manager, National Association of Secretaries of State — cybersecurity Program Manager works directly under the supervision of the Executive Director. General job description includes: Serve as a liaison between the NASS members, federal agencies (US Department of Homeland Security, US Election Assistance Commission, et al.) and Congress on all cybersecurity related issues, policy, legislation, and practices. Staff new NASS Cybersecurity Committee. Maintain current, accurate contact lists for all Secretary of State cyber staff, federal agencies and congressional offices. Monitor and participate in cybersecurity related forums (both public and private sector) in order to provide information and resources to NASS members. Monitor state cybersecurity programs and practices to assist communications director, research director and executive director in developing fact sheets, talking points and white papers. Organize cybersecurity workshops at NASS conferences and semi-annual Tech Talk Forums. Provide assistance with speaker selection for association meetings. Develop and maintain relationships with cybersecurity stakeholders to include private sector, academics, non-profits and advocacy organizations. Assist Executive Director and Director of Research with tracking and analyzing federal, state and congressional activity related to the work of NASS members. Provide IT technical support for NASS office. This is a new position, thus additional duties will be added as position and related work is more established. Application: Please send resume, salary requirements and references to
Elections Manager, Sonoma County, California — the Elections Manager is responsible for supporting the daily operations and activities of the Registrar of Voters Office, including the development, coordination, and evaluation of division operations and programs. The Elections Manager uses considerable independent judgment and discretion in the supervision of staff, the prioritization and coordination of mandates, goals, objectives, and the delegation of administrative responsibilities in addition to being responsible for: Analyzing, managing, and coordinating projects such as legal and technological changes; Managing ballot production and distribution; Preparing and conducting trainings; Drafting, reviewing, and updating procedural manuals; Assisting in preparation of the division’s budget; and Developing professional relationships with public officials, and community groups and agencies. NOTE: Registrar of Voters Office staff are required to work a considerable amount of mandatory overtime during peak workload election periods. The Election Manager’s presence is required to provide direct and continuous oversight of operations during mandatory overtime periods. Salary: $84,528-$102,748. Deadline: Aug. 5. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Election Security Lead, Wisconsin Elections Commission — the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) develops and maintains several significant IT applications to assist in the administration of Wisconsin elections, including the statewide voter registration system known as WisVote, the Canvass Reporting System, and electronic poll book software known as Badger Book, as well as public websites such as MyVote Wisconsin and BADGER Voters. Protecting the security of these applications is crucial to ensuring accurate elections and maintaining public confidence in the integrity of Wisconsin elections. This position serves as the point person for developing and implementing the agency’s overall elections security plan. It is responsible for ensuring the implementation of cyber security best practices in the Commission’s technical applications including WisVote. This position will research and maintain the agency’s knowledge base regarding cybersecurity infrastructure, resources and practice. This position will also liaise with other State agencies and Federal entities regarding potential cyber threats against the Commission’s applications. Salary: $51,398-$80,621. Deadline: Open until filled. Application. For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Elections/Voter Registration Manager, Monongalia County, West Virginia — the Elections/Voter Registration Manager, at the general direction of the County Clerk will prepare and coordinate the functions of the Elections and Voter Registration Department within the County Clerk’s Office. Duties will include but are not limited to:Oversee department operations and staffing schedules; Data entry of voter registration information for DMV, OVR and paper registrations and issue voter registration cards; Processing on a daily basis all official mail; Absentee Ballot processing; Voter Outreach; Customer service by phone or in person; Election equipment management and preparation; Election Official (Poll Worker) recruitment and training; Prepares election supplies for all precincts; Candidate filing and campaign finance reporting; Verify petition signatures; Ballot preparation and proofing; Testing of election equipment; Coordinates election day operations and ENR; Oversee canvass procedures; Coordinates with and assists other County Clerk Office Departments as needed; Coordination of Early Voting locations and staffing; Coordinates all election equipment delivery; Work with GIS and mapping software to maintain precinct boundaries; Maintains street and addressing listing; Oversee re-districting process; Oversee NCOA and ERIC processes; Maintain statistics for voter history and registration; Maintain and update web page with voter registration and election information; Maintain election center/warehouse in safe, clean and organized manner; and All other duties as assigned. Deadline: August 10. Application: Cover letter and resume to: Carye L. Blaney, County Clerk,
Embedded System Software Engineer, Clear Ballot — Clear Ballot is looking for a talented Software Engineer who wants to bring their technical skills to bear on a hugely consequential problem. The successful candidate will build and enhance full software stack of highly available applications using primarily Python that interface with front-end web applications implemented in JavaScript and HTML5. The application software deploys on OEM based hardware, with optical scanner, battery backup, and full touchscreen UI, running a custom configured version of Linux OS. The ideal candidate should have strong technical skills, solid understanding of developing for embedded systems, a good working knowledge of the Linux architecture, and software integration with OEM hardware devices. You will be working with a small team of highly skilled individuals to build and enhance a platform that is changing the elections industry. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Field Sales Director, Hart InterCivic — the Field Sales Director works primarily on the road and from a home office when he/she is not on business travel. The Field Sales Director is responsible for creating news sales with prospects and existing clients in a defined region. Today, this role is a single contributor and does not directly manage people. This position will report to the VP of Sales. Application: For the complete job listing an to apply, click here.
Full Stack Principal Software Engineer, Clear Ballot— Clear Ballot is looking for an accomplished Principal Software Engineer who wants to bring their technical and leadership skills to bear on a hugely consequential problem: Bringing transparency to democratic elections. The successful candidate will have the ability to look at the bigger picture and deal with complex and competing requirements to design effective solutions. Extensive knowledge of and experience with large data structures and algorithms will be key. The backend implemented in Python and uses a SQL data base. The front end is implemented in JavaScript, Node.js and HTML5. The ideal candidate should have strong technical and leadership skills and a good working knowledge of the latest concepts in security, performance, and resilience. You will be working with a small team of highly skilled individuals to build and enhance a platform that is changing the elections industry. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Full Stack Software Developer, Clear Ballot— Clear Ballot is looking for a talented Software Engineer who wants to bring their technical skills to bear on a hugely consequential problem. The successful candidate will build and enhance enterprise-level, highly available applications using primarily Python and MySQL that interface with frontend web applications implemented in JavaScript, Node.js and HTML5. The ideal candidate should have strong technical skills and a good working knowledge of the latest concepts in performance, security and resilience. One of the hallmarks of our system is its emphasis on new visualization techniques made possible by sophisticated data structures that enable high-performance in a multi-user environment. You will be working with a small team of highly skilled individuals to build and enhance a platform that is changing the elections industry. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Full-Stack Software Engineer, Clear Ballot — Clear Ballot is looking for a talented Software Engineer who wants to bring their technical skills to bear on a hugely consequential problem – to modernize America’s voting systems and to bring transparency to democratic elections. The successful candidate will build and enhance enterprise-level, highly available applications using primarily Python and MySQL that interface with frontend web applications implemented in JavaScript, Node.js and HTML5. The ideal candidate should have strong technical skills and a good working knowledge of the latest concepts in performance, security and resilience. One of the hallmarks of our system is its emphasis on new visualization techniques made possible by sophisticated data structures that enable high-performance in a multi-user environment. You will be working with a small team of highly skilled individuals to build and enhance a platform that is changing the elections industry. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Hardware Engineer (Toronto, ON) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a an experienced Hardware Engineer to join our team in Toronto, Ontario! This position will work in a fast paced engineering, design, development and technical support environment with many variables and challenges. This position will be accountable for provisioning of electronics and providing software and mechanical engineering support to new product development, manufacturing and field support teams. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Information Technology Specialist, Wake County, North Carolina— The Wake County Board of Elections is seeking an Information Technology Specialist to manage the certification and testing of election ballots and voting equipment. In this position you will develop, manage, and implement IT solutions for conducting elections while ensuring the security and integrity of certified election equipment including tabulators, voter assistance terminals, laptops, and elections software. You will be responsible for programming election contests, candidates, and generating official ballot designs to be used in elections. You will also tabulate, verify, and report election results using certified election software and systems. You will manage the programming, testing, and deployment of voting equipment prior to each election. You will train and manage staff and technicians to assist you in your mission. You will work as part of a team to develop a robust framework to support the various IT needs of the Board of Elections office and at official voting sites. Finally, you will be a key member in various elections-related administrative projects. Salary: $50,440 – $70,616 commensurate with experience. Deadline: open until filled. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Inside Sales Representative, Runbeck — to support our desired growth and market expansion, we continue to hire outstanding talent in multiple departments. We are looking for highly motivated, dedicated and talented individuals who will be able to contribute significantly to the success of the company while receiving great opportunities for professional growth and financial benefits. Responsibilities include: Contact potential or existing customers to inform them about a product or service; ability to present solution and its value to a prospect over the phone; answer questions about products or the company; ask questions to understand customer requirements and close sales; enter and update customer information in the database; keep records of calls and sale and note useful information in the CRM; process orders in an accurate manner; and go the “extra mile” to meet sales quota and facilitate future sales. Application: In order to apply, please send a resume to Tammy White:
Manager, Voter Registration Division, Richland County, South Carolina— the purpose of the class is to plan, manage and supervise the Voter Registration Division of the Board of the Board of Elections and Voter Registration office; to oversee daily division operations, ensuring accurate implementation of all voter registration procedures as established by laws and regulations; to perform all duties to facilitate the voter registration process; to ensure the lawful conduct of all elections; and to ensure integrity and accuracy of all election activities and tabulations. Supervises subordinate staff; supervisory duties include instructing, planning and assigning work, reviewing work, maintaining standards, coordinating activities, selecting new personnel, acting on employee problems, recommending and approving employee discipline and discharge, and recommending employee transfers, promotions and salary increases. Reviews the work of subordinates for completeness and accuracy; evaluates work performance and makes recommendations for improvement; offers training, advice and assistance as needed. Assists the Executive Director directly and indirectly in the supervision of the daily operations and functions of the office and/or any satellite offices to include but not limited to directing, instructing, assigning, reviewing, and planning work of full time and temporary staff; maintaining standards, coordinating activities, providing and allocating resources, responding to problems/complaints/inquiries, and monitoring execution of proper laws, regulations, procedures, and customer service. This class works within broad policy and organizational guidelines and does independent planning and implementation, reporting progress of major activities through periodic conferences and meetings. Performs duties and responsibilities of the Voter Registration Division in the absence of the Executive Director. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Python Developer, Clear Ballot — Clear Ballot seeks a talented python developer in the Boston area to assume responsibility for an existing suite of python scripts to create files for use with ClearVote(TM) digital voting system. Job responsibilities: Maintain and enhance existing python scripts that read PDF formatted ballot styles and produce the files needed by ClearVote (TM) digital voting system to tabulate said ballot; Run existing python scripts to generate marked test ballots for use in testing ClearVote(TM); Develop and execute test plans to guarantee ClearVote tabulates marked ballots correctly; Expand PDF parsing capabilities as new customer’s ballot styles are introduced; Leverage analytics you gather to improve performance through script and/or hardware changes; Must perform these duties within aggressive timelines that often require working outside of normal business hours. Application: For the complete listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Level Software Developer, BPro — We are a well-established small business that has been developing requirements and producing software for the needs of state governments since 1985 and continue to maintain and upgrade many of those systems. We have offices in Pierre, South Dakota, Fargo, North Dakota, Minnesota & Virginia. We’re currently looking for an energetic and intelligent .Net Developer to join our growing team. Our ideal candidate is one who loves to learn, enjoys working as a team, and who can multitask and meet deadlines. Skills required: .NET, VB, VBA, ASP, SQL, HTML, and JavaScript. A four-year college degree is the minimum educational requirement. All applicants must have excellent written and verbal communications skills. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Software Developer, Runbeck— Runbeck Election Services is looking for full stack enthusiasts who are comfortable tackling end-to-end and enjoy building products that solve big problems and delight customers. We’re a collaborative team who knows how to get things done (Lone Rangers need not apply). We believe that small teams focused on shipping software move the fastest and make the most impact. The ideal candidate for this position has extensive back end skills (C#, MVC, ASP.Net, SQL Server) paired with solid web and desktop skills (IIS, JavaScript, HTML 5, CSS, jQuery, WPF, Win Forms). Must have a solid grasp of our basic toolset (Jira, Visual Studio). Willing to learn new plug-ins and IDE enhancements in order to boost your productivity and are excited to introduce us to new tooling experiences that have worked for you in the past. You bring discipline and care about implementation practices. You are familiar with Agile/Scrum processes, practice common design patterns, embrace clean coding principles, and employ many other techniques in an effort to bring a high level of software craftsmanship to your finished product. Application: In order to apply, please send a resume to Tammy White:
Software Product Specialist (Chicago, IL) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a data-savvy and passionate Software Product Specialist to join our team in Chicago, IL! This position is responsible for the precise data entry and formatting of election information for our customers in order to style, proof, and finalize ballots which are utilized in elections. This position requires a high degree of accuracy and attention to detail as well as experience with Microsoft Excel including formulas and macros. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Systems Engineer, Clear Ballot — We are looking for a talented Systems Engineer who has both a technical and services/support background which enables them to quickly assess customer needs and offer value to Clear Ballot’s customers. The Systems Engineer will gain a deep understanding of how Clear Ballot’s products operate and their optimal configuration to build a streamlined installation process of the Clear Vote election system. The ideal candidate for this position can prioritize mission critical tasks and coordinate the implementation and expansion of our systems. They will be able to work directly with customers, display innovation, think conceptually and act tactically to build consensus around system installation and enhancement and meet deadlines. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Systems Manager(Chicago, IL) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a tech-savvy, customer focused Systems Manager to join our team in Chicago, IL! This position will be responsible for the readiness of Dominion’s voting systems to perform properly in the assigned jurisdictions which includes defining the functionality of the D-Suite system, monitoring the development of the system in accordance with the required functionality, and managing its testing and preparation for delivery to the market. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Systems Specialist – Advanced Field Support (Toronto, ON) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking an experienced & passionate Systems Specialist – Advanced Field Support to join our team in Toronto, Ontario! This position provides highly skilled and technical support in the testing, implementing and triaging of election systems both pre and post deployment. This includes providing functionality requirements of the system, monitoring the development of the system in accordance with the required functionality, and participating in its testing and preparation for delivery to the market. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Voter Registration Clerk, Monongalia County, West Virginia — the Voter Registration Clerk, under the supervision of the Elections/Voter Registration Manager and at the general direction of the County Clerk, will support the functions of the Elections and Voter Registration Department within the County Clerk’s Office. This is a full-time non-exempt employee position with benefits including health care, retirement and more. Salary negotiable based experience and qualifications. Deadline: August 10. Application: Cover letter and resume to: Carye L. Blaney, County Clerk,
XII. Marketplace
electionline provides no guarantees as to the quality of the items being sold and the accuracy of the information provided about the sale items in the Marketplace. Ads are provided directly by sellers and are not verified by electionline. If you have an ad for Marketplace, please email it to:
Voting BoothsEach aluminum briefcase contains the following: aluminum legs, privacy shield, writing base, light assembly. All units are in great shape dimensions are 22”x 18”x 3“. MFG: ESL. Election supplies Limited, Napa California. Quantity: 400 Price per unit is $50. Contact Greg Larson 408.569.1004