In Focus This Week
Reflections on an election
Communication, collaboration and commitment
By Tammy Patrick
Democracy Fund
I like to say that every election has a story to tell, and that sometimes we don’t know what the story is until well after the votes have been counted, canvassed, and winners declared.
Although not all three of those are completed in every jurisdiction, the majority of administrators are ready to close the book on the 2018 Midterm.
So. What’s the story?
Leading up to November 6th election, administrators spent countless hours going over the defense of every aspect of the election’s process — from registration databases to polling place lookup tools, user authentications to election results reporting.
Hundreds of officials in dozens of states participated in scenario planning like the Belfer Defending Digital Democracy Table Top Exercise (TTX) to think through contingency and recovery plans should a disruptive event impact the process.
Hurricane Michael hit Florida before Election Day. All along the Atlantic Coast optical scan voting machines jammed as paper ballots swelled from increased humidity and moisture. Fires raged in California as they processed and counted ballots post-election.
The 2018 Midterms saw competitive races all across the country that drew scrutiny on well-established protocols and practices as though they were brand-new. (In fact, the Merriam-Webster definition of “close” as an adjective is “the election results were so close that the votes had to be recounted”.)
So, in other words, the perpetual, historical, run-of-the-mill, catastrophic, election challenges.
We thought that the story would be different.
We thought it would be all cyber.
Since elections were declared Critical Infrastructure, there has been a concerted effort by many to establish the necessary communication and support channels across multiple governmental agencies and geographic regions in time for this year’s election.

Election Day 2018 at ElectionLand. Photo by Erin Lefevre for ProPublica
Indeed, many states divide election responsibilities in such a way that unraveling the proper channels of reporting is itself an ongoing effort. Hundreds of election offices are now members of the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC), a resource for sharing information and a collaboration platform run by the Center for Internet Security. Congress appropriated 380 million dollars for security enhancements.
Supervisors, Registrars, Recorders, Auditors, Clerks, Legislators, Secretaries of State, State Boards of Elections, Elections Directors, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), reporters, editors, voter advocacy groups, poll workers, voting equipment vendors and manufacturers, law enforcement, Election Assistance Commission (EAC), professional associations of election officials, voters—we all have a role to play in safeguarding the franchise.
November 6th saw the second federal election for ElectionLand, a ProPublica “coalition of newsrooms around the country…covering problems that prevent eligible voters from casting their ballots”. ElectionLand enlisted election experts to help identify misinformation (like the doctored video in Ohio purportedly showing voting equipment flipping votes or the “notices” circulating that voting was moved to Wednesday), to serve as liaisons to election officials, and therein increase the accuracy of reporting.
This election also saw the first time that DHS stood up an unclassified situation room where representatives from many of these groups could collaborate and coordinate responses.
More will need to be done in 2019, in 2020: more resources will be required, more training. There isn’t one singular answer to defending our elections from interference and there isn’t a finish line to cross—adversaries will continue to evolve in the sophistication of their assault and we must remain vigilant and one step ahead of them.
We can only do this successfully if we do this together, united.
Federal-State Updates
Donald Palmer and Benjamin Hovland, nominated to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission by President Donald J. Trump testified before the Senate Rules Committee this week as a step in their nomination process.
According to The Hill, Committee Chairman Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) said during the hearing Wednesday that while in the past he did not understand the need for the EAC to exist, the concerns raised over election security helped change his perspective.
“However, the threats posed by bad actors and their exploitation of cyber vulnerabilities have highlighted the need for election administrators to have access to real time security information, technical assistance, and best practices,” Blunt said in his opening statement.
Election News This Week
According to The Columbus Dispatch, Franklin County, Ohio officials may postpone final approval of 2019 spending authority for the county board of elections until the BOE approves a plan to broadcast public service announcements that inform residents about coming elections and new voting equipment. The general fund allocation to the board of elections is about $9.4 million with $245,000 ear-marked for public service announcements. “It is a waste to take taxpayer dollars to use those dollars to hire media consultants and pay for television advertising that there’s going to be an election,” BOE Member Brad Sinnott told the paper. Commissioners, who were angered when the board chose not to do advertising for the 2018 election argue that the advertising is important to keep the voters informed about everything from new voting machines to new polling locations.
The clock is ticking for Utah cities to decide whether or not they want to move to a ranked-choice voting system for local, non-partisan elections. The move, allowed by a new law, is being touted by former State Rep. Kory Holdaway as a way to save money and increase turnout. “It eliminates the need for a primary election, so you have more voters making the decision. You’ve got those voters coming up with a 50 percent plus one rather than a plurality,” Holaway told KSL. Although cities must notify the state elections by January 1, 2019 if they will move to the system, they are allowed to back out of it as well if they find implementation not working.
In her proposed $23.6 billion budget plan for the next two years, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown has included $2.7 million to begin providing prepaid postage for the state’s entirely vote-by-mail system. In a Tweet following the release of the budget, Secretary of State Dennis Richardson said: “I’m pleased @OregonGovBrown agrees with my budget recommendation for pre-paid postage for all Oregon vote-by-mail ballots. This will help our military members, people experiencing disabilities, and those who live far from ballot dropboxes.”
If you’re going to vote for a member of historic district committee it seems only appropriate that you vote on an historic voting machine and that’s exactly what happened this week in the town of Sandwich, Massachusetts when the town clerk used a voting machine that dates back to at least the 1930s to conduct the election. Voters—all 18 of them—fed their marked paper ballots into the wooden ballot box. A crank on the side of the machine pulled the paper ballot inside and, according to the Cape News, with a click and the sound of the bell, the vote was added. “I love that machine,” William Collins, chairman of the historic district committe. “It’s very appropriate for this election.”
Pumpkin is on the move! Maybe. The Athens County, Ohio board of elections has voted 3 to 1 to relocate the county’s elections office, and home to Pumpkin the elections cat, from Court Street to Campbell Street. The new location will allow the board of elections to store all its equipment in one location and have training for poll workers onsite. The new location also offers more parking. However one BOE member and some members of the county commission that makes the decision have expressed concerns that the move may suppress the votes of students.
And a special shout out to Amber McReynolds, the former Denver elections director, for being named one of Governing Magazine’s Public Officials of the Year.
Personnel News: Katie Hobbs (D) has been declared winner of the Arizona secretary of state race. Broward County, Florida Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes has submitted her resignation. Hoover City, Alabama Clerk Margie Handley is retiring April 30 and her assistant Lisa Lindsey is retiring on December 31. Both women have been with the city for around three decades. Sue Rennells is retiring as the Coles County, Illinois clerk. JoAnn Carretto is retiring as the La Salle County, Illinois clerk.
Legislative Updates
Arkansas: Rep. Charles Blake (D-House District 36) has filed HB 1004, the Voter Integrity and Security Act which if approved would automatically register eligible voters at the DMV unless they opt out. The bill also intends to define voter intimidation as a felony, streamline the current DMV voter registration system and remove deceased voters from the rolls more quickly.
Georgia: Democratic House Minority Leader Bob Trammell has introduced legislation that would prevent the government from purging voters simply because they have not voted in recent elections. House Bill 6 would eliminate a state law that allows the secretary of state to target inactive voters, cancelling their registrations after six years with no contact or voting.
Illinois: By a vote of 35-21 the Senate failed to overturn a veto on legislation that would have withdrawn Illinois from the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program.
Kansas: With support of Attorney General Derek Schmidt, Secretary of State-elect Scott Schwab is proposing legislation that would repeal the secretary of state’s prosecution authority and instead leave that authority with the attorney general and local county and district attorneys.
Kentucky: Legislation that would automatically restore the voting rights to certain ex-felons upon completion of their sentences is expected to be pre-filed in advance of the next legislative session.
Massachusetts: Gov. Charlie Baker has signed a bill into law that expands civics education requirements in local school districts; requires schools to assign civics projects to eighth-grader and high school students; and establishes a program aimed at encouraging voter registration in high school. The law also has a media literacy component.
Michigan: The Senate has given final approval to changes put forward by the House on a bill that will allow the state to move to online voter registration.
New Jersey: According to WHYY, a bill restoring voting rights to tens of thousands of current and former inmates is slowly moving through the Legislature. Hearings are possible before the end of the year. Under the measure, people serving prison time for any felony conviction, as well as those on parole and probation for a felony offense, would have the right to vote. If passed, New Jersey would join Vermont and Maine, the only two states in the country that don’t restrict the voting rights of convicted felons in any way.
North Carolina: The Legislature returned this week to begin work on the voter-approved ID law. Under the draft bill, boards of elections would provide registration cards with photos that could be accepted as ID. Other acceptable IDs would include driver’s licenses, tribal IDs, military and veteran ID cards, state ID cards the state DMV provides to non-drivers, and IDs from North Carolina’s public universities — but not community colleges or private universities. The Senate gave the bill preliminary approval on Wednesday with final approval expected at press time before moving to the House.
Rhode Island: Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea said that she will once again push legislation that will allow the state to allow early voting. “The increases we’re seeing in mail ballots and emergency mail ballots point to the fact that Rhode Islanders want to vote on days other than Election Day and feel comfortable doing so,” Gorbea said. “And our system should make it easier for them to exercise their right to vote.” A bill to allow early voting has stalled for five consecutive years.
Legal Updates
Arizona: The Navajo Nation has dropped a lawsuit in which they claim early voting procedures used in three counties violate the rights of tribal residents.
California: Napa County Superior Court Judge Mark Boessenecker has dismissed a case against Napa County Clerk-Recorder, Assessor and Registrar of Voters John Tuteur. The case, initiated by grand jury charges of “corrupt or willful misconduct” stemmed from an employee complaint about several tax-related issues. “It’s unfortunate this process took place,” Tuteur told the Napa Valley Register. “I’m glad it’s over. The time and money spent was wasted, but the results are what I had hoped for and expected.”
Also in California, prosecutors filed felony charges against nine people suspected of paying homeless people on Skid Row to forge signatures on ballot initiative petitions and voter registration forms.
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has sued Fresno County to find out which ballots the elections office rejected. According to ABC 30, Fresno County is arguing it doesn’t have to provide those records because voters’ names and addresses are private information. The DCCC says the clerks already use this information, which is how political parties target for mailers. A Fresno County judge ruled against the DCCC and Kern County judge has yet to rule.
Connecticut: Judge Barbara Bellis has denied a motion for a temporary injunction to block the secretary of state’s office from certifying the results of a contested house election in the town of Stratford.
Georgia: A lawsuit filed by an election integrity group and three voters blames the state’s 16-year-old DRE voting machines for drop-off votes in the lieutenant governor’s race. There were about 80,000 fewer votes in the lieutenant governor’s race than in the other 10 statewide races.
Also in Georgia, a federal lawsuit, backed by former gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, is calling on a federal judge to overturn state laws that resulted in purged registrations, canceled ballots and other obstacles to voting. The lawsuit, filed by a new group called Fair Fight Action, demands that Georgia use paper ballots to validate the accuracy of elections, stop canceling voter registrations of those who haven’t participated in a recent election and guarantee enough election equipment so voters don’t have to wait in line for three hours or more. It also seeks to weaken the state’s “exact match” law, which stalled voter registrations of some legitimate voters because they had hyphenated or long names.
Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta has filed a federal lawsuit asking a judge to intervene and allow voters with limited English proficiency to use an interpreter at the polls during the upcoming runoff election. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, voters are allowed to bring anyone as their interpreter in elections with a federal candidate on the ballot, as long as the interpreter isn’t their employer or an official from their union, but laws on interpreters are more restrictive in elections in which there are only state candidates on the ballot. Voters in state elections may only use an interpreter if they’re a close family member, caretaker or voter registered in the same precinct.
Kansas: Attorney General Derek Schmidt contends that Secretary of State Kris Kobach should not be held personally liable for exposing sensitive personal information about hundreds of voters and that the voters have no constitutional right to their data being kept private.
New Jersey: Andrea Palmucci-McGillicuddy, 52, has been charged with fraudulent voting, interference with elections and other related issues. Palmucci-McGillicuddy is the former chief investigator of Mercer County elections.
Pennsylvania: Harry Sandoe Maxwell Jr., 70 of Collingdale, has been charged with forgery, tampering with records, conspiracy and violations of the election code, all first-degree misdemeanors. Maxwell allegedly filed an absentee ballot for a person who died in 2017.
Also in Pennsylvania, Common Pleas Judge Jeffrey Davis dismissed a legal challenge filed in a contested state senate race that claimed the Commonwealth’s deadline for excluding absentee ballots is unconstitutional. Davis did not provide an explanation for his ruling.
South Carolina: Anderson County has reached a settlement with the U.S. government that will require that every polling site in the county be accessible to voters with disabilities beginning in 2019.
Texas: The Texas 2nd Court of Appeals has upheld a voter fraud conviction that sent a woman with a sixth-grade education and is a mother of four to jail for eight years for having inadvertently voted illegally. According to the Patch, During her trial, the woman acknowledged the illegality of her 2012 and 2014 votes in Dallas County, but maintained she never meant to break the law. Her attorney argued some government forms allow applicants to declare permanent residency status, but the voting application in neighboring Tarrant County (to where Ortega subsequently moved) had not such option to check off. Lacking the option, she ticked the “citizen” box.
Utah: Third District Judge James Gardner dismissed U.S. Rep. Mia Love’s challenge to the ballot-counting processing in Salt Lake County. In effect, the campaign was asking the judge to “create expansive new rights” empowering candidates to intervene in ballot tabulation, Gardner wrote. That debate belongs in the Legislature rather than in the courts, Gardner added.
Tech Thursday
Tech Companies: Democracy Live recently closed a $4.5 million funding round in order to continue to grow it’s cloud-based ballot platform. The new funding allowed Democracy Live to develop a ballot guide for Amazon’s voice-controlled operating system, Alexa in time for Election Day. “The funding has allowed is to focus on deploying a highly secure, certified balloting platform used by the military, voters living abroad and the over 30 million voters with disabilities in the U.S,” Democracy Live President Bryan Finney told GeekWire. “We expect over the coming years, each of the 200 million voters in the U.S. we be able to access our ‘OmniBallot’ voting technology via the cloud, or a polling place tablet.”
West Virginia: A total of 144 voters in 31 countries used West Virginia’s blockchain voting app to cast their ballot in the November 6 election. “For the first time in our nation’s history, military and overseas citizens were able to cast ballots in a federal election using a mobile device. If this technology were not available, many of those soldiers and citizens would not have had the opportunity to participate in our democracy. This pilot will provide actual voting transactions for the independent auditors to review and analyze the first deployment of blockchain technology in an American election,” Secretary of State Mac Warner told the Dominion Post. Warner expects an audit of the second pilot process to take two to three months.
Opinions This Week
National Opinions: Voting wars | Election system, II, III, IV | Recounts | Voting process | Ranked choice voting | Voting attacks | Fixing American elections | Vote counting | Election protection | Election administration | Election security, II, III | Election irregularities | Help America Vote Act | Voting problems | Election rhetoric | Voting rights, II, III | Election reform | Turnout
Arkansas: Reflections on an election
California: Poll workers | Ex-felon voting rights | Orange County | San Francisco
Colorado: Voting system
Florida: Election system, II, III | Recount, II | Ex-felon voting rights, II, III, IV | Election laws | Election problems, II, III | Leon County | Broward County | Supervisor of elections | Volusia County | Election lessons
Georgia: Election security | Secretary of state race, II, III | Voting process
Idaho: Lessons learned
Illinois: I Voted stickers
Indiana: Voting process
Iowa: Vote-by-mail | Ex-felon voting rights, II
Kansas: Voter fraud| Secretary of state, II | Election laws | Voting system
Louisiana: Secretary of state race
Maine: Student voting rights | Ranked choice voting, II, III | Voting Rights Act | Voting rights
Massachusetts: Voting rights
New Hampshire: Secretary of state, II, III, IV, V | I Voted stickers
New Jersey: Vote by mail, II
New Mexico: Ballot counting | Election reform | Open primaries
New York: Election reform
North Carolina: Polling places; Voter ID, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII
Ohio: List maintenance
Pennsylvania: Polling places | Election security | Election law | Early voting| Voting machines
South Carolina: Voting machines
Tennessee: Shelby County
Texas: Voting machines, II | Election workers
U.S. Virgin Islands: Early voting
Utah: Election reform
Washington: Voter education
Wisconsin: Primary dates
West Virginia: Turnout | List maintenance
Clearie Awards
Celebrating Your Election Day Successes
Brian Newby, executive director
U.S. Election Assistance Commission
The November 30 deadline to enter the U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s (EAC) 2018 Clearinghouse competition is right around the corner. We want to hear from you about the initiatives that produced positive results during this election season. It’s easy to enter and a great way to celebrate your office’s successes.
Also known as the “Clearies,” the EAC’s election administration awards celebrate best practices in election administration across America. While most of you and your hard-working elections office colleagues are currently wrapping up Election Day efforts and recovering from the 2018 midterms, as you reflect on your work, we hope you’ll consider entering this year’s competition so that we can honor your recent efforts and promote your accomplishments.
During the time around the 2018 elections, EAC Commissioners and staff visited more than 12 states and elections offices to observe and learn. As we traveled the country and met with state and local election officials from coast-to-coast, we witnessed first-hand countless fresh and innovative election initiatives. It is these types of efforts, both small and large, that exemplify the spirit of the Clearies. We want to hear about all of them, and those tips that produced results along the way.
There are three categories for this year’s competition: 1) innovations in elections, 2) best practices related to the recruiting, training, and retaining of election workers, and 3) accessibility for voters with disabilities.
Best practice entries for the competitions will be judged on the following criteria:
- Efficacy
- Innovation
- Sustainability
- Outreach efforts
- Cost-effectiveness
- Replicability
In your email submissions to, please provide a brief summary of your program and attach any relevant documents, pictures, and links that support the submission. In the subject line, applicants should state which particular category they are entering. If candidates have submissions for more than one category, please email them separately.
We purposely keep the Clearies entry process simple and straightforward. Applications from all perspectives and types of jurisdictions are encouraged to submit their work. And since we recognize that this is a very busy time of year, submissions can be as simple as a half-page narrative or as complex as a series of documents and multimedia.
The EAC is committed to highlighting the hard work, determination, and “can do” spirit that election officials bring to Election Day tasks. To make this year’s competition even more meaningful, the EAC has dedicated the 2018 Clearies in memory of the life and legacy of Wendy Noren and R. Brian Lewis. To read more about these leaders and their great contributions to the elections community, click here.
If you have questions about the awards, please email the EAC’s Patrick Leahy at We look forward to receiving your entries for the 2018 Clearinghouse Awards.
Upcoming Events
Council of State Governments Annual Conference — The Council of State Government will hold its 2018 National Conference in the Northern Kentucky, Greater Cincinnati area in December. Keynote speakers are J.D. Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy and Story Musgrave who started life in the Marines and finished is public service at NASA where he spent more than 1,200 hours in space. The conference will include a 2.5 hour session on election cybersecurity communications mapping. Where: Cincinnati, Ohio. When: December 6-8.
Election Audit Summit—The Election Audit Summit will provide a space for participants from across the scientific, policy and legal worlds to discuss new developments in the field of post-election auditing, and engage in the ongoing conversation on the current status and future directions of the election audits in the United States. Where: Cambridge, Massachusetts. When: December 7-8.
International Association of Government Officials — IGO’s 2019 mid-winter conference will be held in Irvine, California, January 6-11, 2019. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
Joint Election Officials Liaison Conference (JEOLC) —The Election Center’s Joint Election Officials Liaison Conference (JEOLC) will be held in Arlington, Virginia, January 10-11, 2019. Watch this space for more details and agendas.
National Association of State Election Directors — The NASED Winter Conference will be held in Washington DC, February 1-4, 2019. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
National Association of Secretaries of State — The NASS Winter Conference will be held in Washington, DC, February 1-4, 2019. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
Election Center Special Workshop — The Election Center will hold a special workshop that will include: Course 7 (Facilitating Voter Participation); Course 8 (Implementation of New Programs); and Renewal Course 31 (Election Storytelling ). Where: Birmingham, Alabama. When: February 25-26.
Election Center Special Workshop —The Election Center will hold a special workshop that will include: Course 9 (Enfranchisement, Enhancement, Enforcement ); Course 10 (Constitution, Courts & Cases to 1965); and Renewal Course 14 (Crisis Management). Where: Virginia Beach. When: April 24-28.
International Association of Government Officials — IGO’s 2019 Annual Conference will be held in Houston, Texas, July 11-17. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
National Association of Counties — NACo’s 2019 Annual Conference will be held in Clark County (Las Vegas), Nevada July 11-15, 2019. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
National Association of State Election Directors — The NASED Summer Conference will be held in Austin, Texas, July 14-16, 2019. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
Job Postings This Week
electionlineWeekly publishes election administration job postings each week as a free service to our readers. To have your job listed in the newsletter, please send a copy of the job description, including a web link to Job postings must be received by 5pm on Wednesday in order to appear in the Thursday newsletter. Listings will run for three weeks or till the deadline listed in the posting.
Certification Manager (Denver, CO) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a Certification Manager to join our team in Denver, CO! This position is a cross -functional leader playing a key role in managing certification efforts for Dominion Voting products. In this role, you will act as a representative of the company with State and Federal certification officials, test labs, and other key internal and external stakeholders throughout the certification process. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Clerk-Recorder Services Specialist, Contra Costa County California — The Contra Costa County Clerk-Recorder is currently recruiting for the position of Clerk-Recorder Services Specialist, located in the Recorder’s Division of the Clerk-Recorder-Elections Department, in downtown Martinez, CA. The Clerk-Recorder Services Specialist is a lead technical position assigned to one of the specialized units of the Recorder’s Division: Recording, Clerk Services, Imaging/Indexing and Archive/Warehouse Services. This position performs the most complex and technical support activities associated with the day-to-day operations of the Clerk-Recorder Division; provides lead direction to Clerk-Recorder Division personnel, including Clerk-Recorder Services Technicians, clerical and temporary staff. Salary: $51,772.20 – $62,929.32. Deadline: December 7. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Field Sales Director, Hart InterCivic — the Field Sales Director works primarily on the road and from a home office when he/she is not on business travel. The Field Sales Director is responsible for creating news sales with prospects and existing clients in a defined region. Today, this role is a single contributor and does not directly manage people. This position will report to the VP of Sales. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Full Stack Architect / Senior Software Engineer, Clear Ballot— Clear Ballot is looking for an accomplished, Boston MA based Architect/Senior Software Engineer who wants to bring their technical and leadership skills to bear on a hugely consequential problem: Bringing transparency to democratic elections. The successful candidate will implement new products and features under tight deadlines. You will be using primarily Python and MySQL that interface with front-end web applications implemented in JavaScript and HTML5. The ideal candidate should have strong technical and leadership skills and a good working knowledge of the latest concepts in security, performance, and resilience. You will be working with a small team of highly skilled individuals to build and enhance a platform that is changing the elections industry. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Full Stack Software Developer, Clear Ballot — The successful candidate will build and enhance enterprise-level, highly available applications using primarily Python and MySQL that interface with frontend web applications implemented in JavaScript and HTML5. The ideal candidate should have strong technical skills and a good working knowledge of the latest concepts in performance, security and resilience. One of the hallmarks of our system is its emphasis on new visualization techniques made possible by sophisticated data structures that enable high-performance in a multi-user environment. You will be working with a small team of highly skilled individuals to build and enhance a platform that is changing the elections industry. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
General Counsel, Campaign Legal Center— CLC’s General Counsel provides advice and guidance regarding legal issues involving the organization’s work and operations. This includes advising on best ethics practices, legal compliance with applicable laws and advising on risk management. CLC’s General Counsel will also serve as a senior litigator in the Voting Rights & Redistricting programs which engage in litigation around the country, both to ensure the constitutional implementation of existing laws and to defend new reforms against legal challenges. CLC also participates in trial and appellate cases through friend-of-the-court briefs, engages in educational efforts (such as know-your-rights trainings) and provides legislative drafting assistance to legislatures and organizations seeking to improve election law. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
IT Security Administrator (Denver) – Dominion Voting is looking for an IT Security Administrator to join our IT team in Denver, Colorado! We are looking for a security minded individual who can perform both day-to-day technical management and maintenance of IT security programs, and who can also strategically assess and enhance the overall IT security enterprise-wide. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Project Manager (Austin, TX) – Hart InterCivic — Hart InterCivic is looking for a project manager to work with our Professional Services Team. The project manager oversees the deployment of voting systems and training to both existing and new Hart customers. The ideal candidate has experience in the elections industry, is PMP certified, and is motivated to achieve success for our customers with initiative. Travel up to 80 percent. Reports to the Manager of Professional Services. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Regional Sales Manager, Clear Ballot— The Regional Sales Manager (RSM) position will represent Clear Ballot in a designated territory to engage prospective customers, educate them on the value of partnering with Clear Ballot, and close New Business. This position is a Hunter. The RSM will be responsible for managing and growing their assigned territory and meeting quarterly and annual sales goals. Previous sales experience in high growth organizations is a plus. RSM’s will be responsible for understanding the Clear Ballot portfolio and effectively communicating the value we bring to the market. Measures of success include: high levels of sales activity, regular and consistent reporting and communication of progress, progress toward quarterly and annual quota attainment, and overcoming obstacles to get the job done. We currently have open positions in Florida and Boston. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Sales Engineer, Clear Ballot — Our Sales and Marketing team is looking for a seasoned, hardworking and energetic Sales Engineer with proven experience and a passion for selling technology solutions. This role is responsible for being the primary technical resource for our sales force while also actively driving and managing the technology evaluation stage of the sales process. You will be required to have an in-depth technical knowledge of Clear Ballot’s Clear Vote suite and demonstrating the product capabilities to prospective customers. The ideal candidate must also be able to identify and provide reliable solutions for all technical issues to assure complete customer satisfaction. Measures of success include new customer acquisition rates, renewal rates, upselling, cross-selling, customer satisfaction and contribution to overall sales team and new customer success Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Researcher, Public Policy Evaluation Research, Fors Marsh Group — FMG is hiring for a researcher on the Public Policy Evaluation team which serves to address public concerns and promote the quality of the community. This is done through a) articulating the public’s needs, b) conducting rigorous evaluation to assess how these needs are being met, and c) working with our clients to improve these programs and policies. This job is best suited for an individual who enjoys research, has experience leading research team, possesses excellent attention to detail, continuously strives to learn and develop, and prefers working in a cooperative environment. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Senior Software Developer (Toronto) – Dominion Voting is searching for an experienced and passionate Senior Software Developer to join our team in Toronto! These positions will be responsible for providing high-level technical expertise in design development, coding, testing and debugging new software or significant enhancements to existing software for our customers. You will work on a variety of our product lines and you may act as team leader on less complex projects and assists in training/mentoring less experienced software development staff. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Software Developer III (Toronto) – Dominion Voting is searching for an experienced and passionate Software Developer III to join our team in Toronto! These positions will be responsible for providing high-level technical expertise in design development, coding, testing and debugging new software or significant enhancements to existing software for our customers. You will work on a variety of our product lines and you may act as team leader on less complex projects and assists in training/mentoring less experienced software development staff. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Software Product Specialist II (Phoenix, AZ) – Dominion Voting Systems — Dominion Voting Systems is seeking a Software Product Specialist II to join our team in Phoenix, AZ! This position will be responsible for delivering a wide variety of technical and non-technical customer support services related to the implementation, operation, repair, maintenance and upgrades of Dominion Voting Systems technology products. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Staff Editor, Brennan Center for Justice— the Brennan Center seeks an experienced and confident Staff Editor to play a key role in our growing editorial team. The Staff Editor will work closely with the Director of Editorial Strategy in shaping the Brennan Center’s revamped online content strategy, ensuring that we respond quickly to news developments and helping to position us as a leading voice on the issues of democracy and the Constitution that are currently at the center of the national conversation. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
Systems Engineer, Clear Ballot — We are looking for a talented Systems Engineer who has both a technical and services/support background which enables them to quickly assess customer needs and offer value to Clear Ballot’s customers. The Systems Engineer will gain a deep understanding of how Clear Ballot’s products operate and their optimal configuration to build a streamlined installation process of the Clear Vote election system. The ideal candidate for this position can prioritize mission critical tasks and coordinate the implementation and expansion of our systems. They will be able to work directly with customers, display innovation, think conceptually and act tactically to build consensus around system installation and enhancement and meet deadlines. Application: For the complete job listing and to apply, click here.
electionline provides no guarantees as to the quality of the items being sold and the accuracy of the information provided about the sale items in the Marketplace. Ads are provided directly by sellers and are not verified by electionline. If you have an ad for Marketplace, please email it to:
Voting Booths
Each aluminum briefcase contains the following: aluminum legs, privacy shield, writing base, light assembly. All units are in great shape dimensions are 22”x 18”x 3“. MFG: ESL. Election supplies Limited, Napa California. Quantity: 400 Price per unit is $50. Contact Greg Larson 408.569.1004