In Focus This Week
Election 2018
A state-by-state look at the 2018 midterms
By M. Mindy Moretti
(Editor’s Note: Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, electionline Weekly will not publish next Thursday the 22nd and the Daily News will not publish on Thursday the 22nd and Friday the 23rd. We hope you have a very happy (and peaceful!) Thanksgiving and we sincerely hope that the hardworking elections officials, staff and volunteers can take a break, even if just for a day.)
As we noted last week, Election Day 2018 saw a series of issues, but for the most part it was relatively business as usual, even with the high turnout and the counting and recounting drama that has ensued in small number of states.

Elections officials see it all including an egg smashed between absentee ballots in Anoka County, Minnesota. Thanks to Paul Linnell for sending this in!
There were long lines. There were machine malfunctions. There were power outages. Some people weren’t able to cast their ballots. There were puppies, goats and a chicken. In other words, in most states, it was a fairly typical Election Day, even though turnout was fairly atypical for a midterm in most states.
Last week we took a broad view of how things went and this week we’ll take a closer look at how Election Day 2018 went in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
There is still a lot more to cover from the election that was and we’ll do that throughout the remainder of 2018 and into 2019.
And as well all know some counties and states are still counting and recounting ballots.
But for now, here’s a state-by-state look at the election. And don’t forget to check out our Election Day Dispatches for all the news from November 6.
Alabama —The Yellowhammer State rolled out electronic pollbooks more broadly this election and from all reports, things seemed to go well. While the e-poll book roll out went well, that doesn’t mean the day was without problems. In Montgomery County, some voters received incorrect ballots, some polling places opened late and some ran out of provisional ballots and change-of address forms. Madison County voting machines had problems tabulating ballots. Incumbent Secretary of State John Merrill was elected to a second term.
Alaska — The biggest news out of the biggest state was probably about how awesome the state’s early voting “I Voted” stickers were, but there was some other news. Early morning voters at one Anchorage polling place were without paper ballots after an election worker left them at home. Voting machine problems delayed the results in some areas of Southeast.
Arizona —Election Day in Arizona was vastly different than primary day. Although there were still some issues that arose, overall things went well. In Maricopa County, one polling place failed to open on time because the building had been foreclosed on overnight, and there were some issues with lines, but overall it was a major improvement from the primary. In a move that we’ll label brilliant, the Arizona Humane Society brought PUPPIES to one polling place for people to pet while they waiting in line. All the puppies were available for adoption. At press-time ballots are still being counted including more than 100,000 in Maricopa County. The race for secretary of state seems headed for a runoff.
Arkansas — Voters in Arkansas approved a constitutional amendment that will make the state’s existing voter ID law legal. Baxter County, which consolidated from 22 individual polling sites to 11 vote centers faced long lines on Election Day. Some voters in North Little Rock received incorrect ballots. Results were delayed in Phillips County due to faulty software. Officials in Benton County failed to count 900 ballots on election night because of an overlooked thumb drive. Republican John Thurston, Commissioner of State lands since 2011 was elected secretary of state.
California — While vote counting continues in many counties in California, there were some Election Day issues to talk about. Voters reported voting machine issues in Los Angeles County and Orange County. In San Diego County there were reports of a few dozen voters being left off the poll books. In San Joaquin County, a school board race was left off hundreds of ballots. Large turnout at vote centers lead to long lines and wait times in Sacramento County. Last-minute voters were faced with long lines, waits at the Riverside County registrar’s office. In Cudahy, a chicken walked into a polling site and distracted voters enough that they complained to county election officials. And incumbent Secretary of State Alex Padilla was elected to a second term.
Colorado — Although overall turnout is still shaking out, Colorado, with its system of vote-by-mail and vote centers had about a 78 percent turnout rate, one of the highest in the nation. There were some glitches in Mesa County including long lines, computer problems and a fire alarm. Voters in Aspen approved a ballot measure to change the municipal election day. In the race for secretary of state Democrat Jena Griswold defeated incumbent Wayne Williams.
Connecticut — The biggest problems in The Nutmeg State occurred in New Haven where once again the registrar of voters struggled to keep up with the volume of residents choosing to register and vote on Election Day. In Meridian, hundreds of voters were told they weren’t on the voter rolls. And like other areas, wet ballots caused problems with counting. Incumbent Secretary of State Denise Merrill was re-elected.
Delaware — Strong storms didn’t stop voters in the First State from casting their ballots. There were some complaints about voters being asked for ID, although state Elections Commissioner Elaine Manlove pointed out that’s the longstanding practice.
District of Columbia — Voters and poll workers rushed to the aid of a voter in one D.C. precinct and administered CPR to save the voter’s life after he suffered a cardiac arrest. As the D.C. Fire & EMS tweeted after the incident, the voter did not get to cast his ballot, but he did get to live. Also in D.C. for a long time the city had only 99 percent of precincts reporting because on precinct—Precinct 110—the poll workers did not electronically transmit the results to the Board of Elections and then when a BOE representative went to the polling place to retrieve the results, the polling place was locked. Official were eventually able to retrieve the software on Wednesday.
Florida —While Florida has been pretty much all anyone can talk about since Election Day due to recounts in several hotly contested races, to be fair, Election Day itself in the Sunshine State was pretty smooth sailing with only a few minor problems. We’ll go more in-depth into the recount in the weeks to come, but as for Election Day, like everywhere else, there were lines at polling places throughout the state. A man with a gun in a car in the parking lot of a Palm Bay polling placed caused some panic before he fled the scene. In Melbourne a man threatened to blow up the supervisor of elections office. Voters overwhelmingly voted to approve Amendment 4 which will automatically restore the rights to ex-felons once they’ve completed the terms of their service.
Georgia — Election 2018 is far from over in Georgia. On Election Day itself voters faced hour-long waits. Some of it was due to volume, some it was due to malfunctioning machines and others it was due to a lack of sufficient voting machines. Georgia remains in the headlines long after Election Day because the governor’s race has yet to be called with multiple lawsuits determining how and when absentee and provisional ballots will be counted. One thing is certain, the race to be Georgia’s next secretary of state is headed for a December runoff.
Hawaii — There was very little trouble in paradise on Election Day, but some Waianae polling places reported running out of same day registration forms. On Oahu, there were several broken voting machines early the morning that had to be fixed.
Idaho — High turnout in Bingham County forced the county elections office to bring additional voting machines to one polling place in Blackfoot. A high number of absentee ballots slowed the count in Latah County. Canyon County found 39 additional ballots from military and overseas voters that were not included in the election night, but were ultimately counted. Voters in Bonner County were alarmed that a paving project at the polling site was inhibiting access to the polling place.
Illinois — Two polling places in DuPage County were forced to stay open until 7:30pm due to machine failures earlier in the day. Students at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb County complained about long lines that prevented some of them from casting a ballot. The Danville Election Commission’s website suffered some sort of technical glitch on election night and people weren’t able to check it for results. During the initial posting of results, McHenry County failed to include 10 of thousands of votes. One polling place in Hyde Park temporarily ran out of ballots. Voters in Bloomington rejected a question that would have dissolved the city’s election commission.
Indiana — With 99 counties, there were numerous minor glitches and problems, and voters waiting in line throughout the Hoosier State, but nowhere were there problems like in Porter County and in Johnson County on Election Day. In Porter County, the county’s commission asked the FBI to investigate what they called “scores of alleged violations of Indiana Election Law.” The county did not even begin counting ballots until Wednesday morning, this after 12 of the county’s vote centers opened late on Election Day. Porter County Commissioner Jim Biggs attributed the county’s woes to a variety of factors, including heavy voter turnout, but told the Indianapolis Star “big changes” were needed to prevent a report of the situation in the county of about 170,000 residents. “What we have here is a total breakdown in the process,” he said. In Johnson County, Clerk Sue Ann Misiniec told The Daily Journal that it was a “perfect storm” of problems that lead to machine malfunctions on Election Day and late results on election night. Incumbent Secretary of State Connie Lawson was re-elected.
Iowa — There were very few reports of problems with the state’s voter ID. About 30 ballots in Winneshiek County arrived without postmarks and therefore could not be counted. For the first time Iowa counties conducted a post-election audit. Incumbent Secretary of State Paul Pate was elected to a second term.
Kansas — As was the case in several states, college students at Kansas State ran into issues when trying to cast their ballots due to a voter registration mix-up. Counting in Wichita County took longer than usual. “Human error” led to inaccurate election results being published by the Crawford County Clerk’s office. Platte County suffered a power outage during voting, but voters were able to continue casting ballots. There were few reported problems with Dodge City’s single re-located polling place, although county officials did bar the media from the polling place. Republican Scott Schwab has been elected secretary of state.
Kentucky — In Fayette County, high turnout forced the clerk to send 30 additional voting machines to polling places and people had plenty of complaints about the county’s voting machines. One Knott County polling place faced issues at the start of the day. A locked ballot box slowed down the early morning vote in Jefferson County. Early morning voters in Owensboro got the wrong ballots. In Hartford, it took a coin toss to determine who would be the sixth member of the city council.
Louisiana — Issues arose at a New Orleans polling place that allegedly refused to open its parking lot to voters with disabilities. In Livingston Parish Registrar Jared Andrews reported that polling places remained open during a power outage, despite what media reports said. In sad news, there were no “I Voted” stickers for voters this year with the secretary of state’s office and local elections offices doing some finger-pointing over costs. And in the secretary of state’s race incumbent Kyle Ardoin (R) will face attorney Gwen Collins-Greenup (D) in a runoff.
Maine — The big news out of Maine is that the state’s new ranked choice voting system came into play in a Congressional race. Ballot counting is ongoing at press time, but Republican Bruce Poliquin who seemed to be losing in the ranking of ballots filed suit saying the system violated his constitutional rights.
Maryland — Although turnout was high, there were relatively few problems throughout Maryland on Election Day except in Prince George’s County where one polling place ran out of ballots and it took officials, who blamed rush hour traffic, hours to get additional ballots to the site. Voters approved a constitutional amendment to allow for same-day voter registration.
Massachusetts — A faulty voting machine in Falmouth had to be replaced. Linda Hathaway the Stow town clerk noted that Election Day is not really all that different than throwing a party—for 5,300 people. In Boston, although voters faced wait times of up to two hours, the voting was going smoothly, it was just a volume issue. At least one voter in Monterey faced an issue with a poll worker asking for a photo ID although the state does not require it. Incumbent Secretary of State William Galvin was re-elected for a seventh term.
Michigan — Interim Pontiac City Clerk Garland Doyle said that contrary to reports, there were no issues with absentee ballots. Large turnout in the Detroit area meant long lines. Voters in Houghton County, who thought they had registered to vote online turned up at the polls only to discover that they were not since Michigan does not yet have online voter registration. Like voters in many other states, those in Michigan faced power outages as well. Voters in Michigan overwhelming approved Proposal 3 which will change the way they vote in future elections. In the secretary of state race, Democrat Jocelyn Benson defeated Republican Mary Treder Lang.
Minnesota— Results from Jackson County weren’t uploaded to the state’s website until 1:20am on Wednesday due to technical difficulties. Due to a high volume of absentee ballots and write-ins Olmstead County was delayed in reporting results. The City of Tower once again faced problems on Election Day. Incumbent Secretary of State Steve Simon was re-elected.
Mississippi — Long lines faced voters in Harrison County. Greene County experienced a historic midterm election turnout of more than 71 percent, but hundreds of would-be voters were not allowed to cast a ballot. They filled out voter registration applications that were later rejected because attempts to verify their address failed. Mississippi will hold several runoffs in December.
Missouri— There was some confusion about what ID voters had to show in the Show-Me State. For hours elections officials in Clay County struggled with voting machines, but it wasn’t the fault of the machines, it was poll workers who were not properly operating the machines. A voting machine problem in Kansas City forced voters to leave their ballots in a pile to be scanned later. And high turnout saw several polling sites run low on ballots.
Montana — Heavy turnout and registration issues lead to long lines and delayed results in Butte County. Gallatin and Missoula counties saw an increase in provisional ballots. Wintry weather also caused some issues for voters in parts of the state. Cascade County had some issues getting all their ballots counted on election night.
Nebraska — High voter turnout, blank ballots and counting machine problems were among the things that lead to a delay in Saunders County election results. Republican Bob Evnen was elected to replace retiring Secretary of State John Gale.
Nevada — Voters faced long lines well past poll closing time which elections officials blamed on high turnout and a move to vote centers. In Las Vegas, 82 of 172 sites remained open past the 7p.m. close time. Some sites in Washoe County were open three hours after closing to accommodate voters in line. Computer programming problems slowed voters in Lyon County. Voters in Nevada approved Question 5 which will make registration automatic when they obtain a new or renew their driver’s license.
New Hampshire — Strong turnout and registration was reported throughout Manchester. A woman was seriously hurt when she was pinned under a car at a polling place in Windham. Other traffic problems and technical issues were among the calls fielded by the state’s Election Day Hotline.
New Jersey — As anticipated, the biggest issue in New Jersey stemmed from the state’s new vote-by-mail law. Not only were voters confused by the new law, but elections officials struggled with it as well leaving many ballots uncounted for several days after the polls closed. New voting equipment in parts of Union County proved troublesome for voters and elections officials.
New Mexico — There were very few issues on Election Day in the Land of Enchantment, but problems did arise on Dona Ana County on election night. The county received way more absentee ballots than it anticipated and it took longer to tally those than expected and now a candidate who had been winning on election night is losing and has asked the New Mexico State Police to impound the ballots. Incumbent Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver was re-elected.
New York — Perhaps you should expect problems on Election Day given that New York City has more than 9 million residents, but voters in Gotham once again faced a problem-filled day on Election Day. This time the problems seemed to stem from problems with wet ballots and not enough ballot-scanning machines to go around. Things got so bad at one point in the day that the president of the city council called on the board of elections director to resign. For his part, the BOE director accepted some of the blame, but also blamed voters for the problems and a two-page ballot. Voters in Saranac Lake had issues voting because of their IDs. In Ontario County poll workers ran pens under hot water to try and get them to work. And in our favorite Election Day tradition in the Empire State, women in Rochester placed their “I Voted” stickers on the grave of Susan B. Anthony.
North Carolina — High volume and high humidity caused problems in North Carolina on Election Day. The humidity caused issues with ballots properly feeding into the counting machines in Wake, Cumberland and a handful of other counties. Severe weather also knocked out power to a number of polling sites. Lenoir County and Wake County had some issues with election night tallies. Voters approved a constitutional amendment that would require them to show a photo ID at the polls in future elections.
North Dakota — After failed lawsuits, Native American tribes scrambled to get members IDs in order to cast ballots on Election Day and although there were some issues with IDs, Native voter turned out in record numbers on the 6th. Incumbent Secretary of State Al Jaeger won re-election, but announced that this will be his final term.
Ohio — Power, or lack thereof plagued many polling places throughout the day in Ohio, but voters were able to continue casting ballots, even if it meant doing it by flashlight in some instances. Some counties, such as Lucas and Miami had issues with reporting results. A new voter alert system in Hamilton County, while functioning properly, caused a quite a bit of confusion with voters. Due to high turnout, elections officials in Cuyahoga County had to print additional ballots. Republican Frank La Rose was elected secretary of state.
Oklahoma — Although there were reports of minor problems in polling places on Election Day, it was “nothing out of the ordinary,” according to Bryan Newell, director of operations for the American Civil Liberties Union of Oklahoma. Newell told local media it appeared elections officials were fixing those problems quickly.
Oregon — Oregon votes by mail and has automatic voter registration so the only thing we really have to report about in Oregon is that voters in Lane County shot down an effort to change the county’s voting system to the STAR system. STAR stands for Score Then Automatic Runoff which would have allowed voters to award each candidate a score ranging from 0 to 5. The two candidates with the highest cumulative scores would then go to an instant runoff.
Pennsylvania — Like most states, there were reports of high turnout which lead to long lines and wait times, and while there were technical issues in the commonwealth, there weren’t any major voting machine issues. In Pittsburgh, a man threatened to shoot up a polling place, in York County, there was a bomb threat and sadly in Forks Twp., a woman who had just voted was struck and killed by a car. In Luzerne County, 15 of the county’s 220 e-poll books had battery issues. Philadelphia voters got their own, very special “I Voted” stickers.
Rhode Island — Like in many other states, there were reports of long lines to vote on Election Day in Rhode Island. A voting machine on Prudence Island had to be replaced and the new one had to be sent over on a ferry. And while initial reports were that no one at all voted in one Providence precinct, it turns out that one, one lone voter actually showed up an voted that day. Incumbent Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea was re-elected.
South Carolina — The biggest news out of the Palmetto State on November 6th was the ongoing problems that plagued the state’s aging voting equipment. The problems with the machines were exacerbated by high turnout and lead to long lines in many of the state’s counties. And in Charleston, the machine issues were compounded by nearly 200 poll workers not showing up as assigned. Delays just didn’t plague voting either. A couple of counties—Richland and Beaufort—had reporting issues.
South Dakota — Following numerous problems with e-poll books during the primary earlier this year, Election Day was a a relatively smooth affair. Sioux Falls voters reported seeing KKK flyers on the ground at one polling place, but no one contacted the police about it. Republican Steve Barnett won the race for secretary of state.
Tennessee — Like many other states, Tennessee faced severe weather on Election Day that knocked out power to some polling places. Paper ballots had to be used in 3 Knox County polling places. One Shelby County polling place opened late and the county also experienced some issues during tabulation due to outdated equipment. Voters waited two hours to cast a ballot in Antioch. A computer glitch delayed results in Hawkins County. And in Memphis, voters shot down the city council’s attempt to repeal instant runoff voting.
Texas — Heavy voter turnout that began during early voting in Lone Star State showed no signs of slowing down on Election Day. About 400 Election Day ballots in Brazos County were uncounted after they were left in a voting machine. Straight-ticket voting, which has seen its last election in Texas, went out with a bang in Denton County. Vote centers in Nueces and Wichita counties were deemed successful. Four polling sites in Laredo ran out of ballots. Polling hours were extended in Harris County to accommodate the crowds. Travis County’s website crashed on Election Day.
U.S. Virgin Islands — This was the first major election the Caribbean territory has held since the devastation of Hurricane Maria and by all accounts, things went well and turnout was high. The territory is now preparing for runoff elections in December.
Utah — Although many people in Utah chose to cast their ballot by mail, people still showed up at the polls on Election Day. In Utah County that meant people were still waiting in line three hours after the polls had closed. Gov. Gary Hebert did not mince words over the administration of the election in Utah Co. “The voting public deserves better,” the governor told the Deseret News in a prepared statement. “Anytime we have a glitch on election night, Utah County seems to be the epicenter of dysfunction.”
Vermont — Election Day was relatively smooth in Vermont, but Vermont Public Radio did report that non-English speaking voters had issues at the polls in Burlington. Incumbent Secretary of State Jim Condos was re-elected.
Virginia— Turnout was high during early absentee voting and on Election Day throughout the Commonwealth. In the city of Chesapeake, voters in one precinct received incorrect ballots. Like other states, polling places in Virginia were hit with power outages, but voting continued. In Roanoke County, e-poll books could not connect to the server so poll workers relied on paper rolls. Dozens of Radford students were turned away from the polls after there were issues with their ballots.
Washington — Although turnout was high, there few if any problems reported in this all vote-by-mail state.
West Virginia — Like many states, voters in West Virginia faced severe weather on Election Day with some suffering power outages. In Kanawha County there was a 1,700 vote discrepancy between the printouts from the voting machines and the ballot stubs from the poll workers. The secretary of state’s office is investigating why voters were left of the rolls in Raleigh County. And in the most talked about thing in the Mountain State from the 2018 election, about 144 West Virginians in 30 states used the new Voatz app to cast their ballots.
Wisconsin — Election Day was relatively trouble-free in the Badger State with record midterm turnout. There were some issues though such as in Milwaukee where 2,000 absentee ballots had to be remade after there were issues with the glue to seal the envelopes. Misprinted ballots were given to at least 54 voters in Stratford and hundreds of voters go incorrect ballots in Howard. GOATS! A group called Next Gen Wisconsin hosted a Votes and Goats petting zoo at a polling place in Stevens Point. Although there was no news of it on Election Day, a Milwaukee-area man was charged with making threats against polling places. And on opposite ends of the spectrum there were reports of two poll workers wearing inappropriate clothing.
Wyoming —Like many states, Wyoming saw in an increase in early/absentee voting ahead of the 6th.Election Day and night were relatively smooth in the Cowboy State. In Campbell County, elections officials did have to remake about 30 absentee ballots in order for them to be counted. Incumbent Secretary of State Ed Buchanan (R) was elected for the first time (he had previously been appointed to the seat).
Federal-State Updates
The Washington Post has a report this week, that President Donald J. Trump will soon replace Kirstjen Nielsen as secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.
According to The Post, The president has grumbled for months about what he views as Nielsen’s lackluster performance on immigration enforcement and is believed to be looking for a replacement who will implement his policy ideas with more alacrity. The announcement could come as soon as this week, three of these officials said.
The paper notes that Chief of Staff John F. Kelly, who is also on shaky ground in the Administration, is pushing for the president to keep Nielsen.
Election News This Week
This week, the Iowa Public Safety Advisory Board recommended that the state should restore the voting rights to formerly incarcerated residents. The Iowa Legislature created the board about eight years ago to analyze current or proposed criminal laws. It is comprised of 16 voting and six non-voting members that include four lawmakers. the advisory board voted to recommend lawmakers restore the voting rights of offenders. Details such as whether that would begin after completing prison or making restitution would be left to lawmakers to decide. No members opposed the recommendation, which was taken via a voice vote Wednesday. Iowa remains one of only two states that permanently ban felons from voting unless their rights are restored by the governor.
Allen County, Indiana Elections Director Beth Dlug has been getting an ear full since Election Day. Not over how the election was administered, by all accounts it was smooth and efficient, but because the county did not hand out “I Voted” stickers on Election Day. “That’s the No. 1 question I get,” Dlug told the Journal Gazette.. “Everyone wants a sticker.” Dlug said that in the past she had not purchased the stickers because of the cost, but said that given the demand, she is starting to relent.
Retiring Nebraska Secretary of State John Gale recently awarded the Scottsbluff Star-Herald with the Civics Recognition Award for the paper’s coverage to election issues in the state. “My office follows statewide media in terms of reporting and covering elections,” Gale said when presenting the award. “Print media does such a fabulous job of presenting trustworthy and extensive information on election deadlines, how to register, who are the candidates and the issues, how to vote early and a lot more.” Gale also honored the Sidney Sun-Telegraph.
The Minneapolis Star-Tribune recently announced that Scott Simon had been re-elected secretary of state and within moments, the NPR host began receiving congratulatory tweets. Wait…what? Seems the Star-Tribune had inadvertently written Scott instead of Steve in a headline and the host of NPR’s Weekend Edition Saturday ran with it during his Saturday’s show. Fortunately, as far as we know, we’ve never suffered the same typo fate as the Star-Tribune did, but as long time NPR listeners, we do have to remind ourselves every time we write about Minnesota, that it’s STEVE Simon! Congratulations to Secretary Simon on his re-election and to Scott Simon on his brief brush with election-geek fame.
Get Well: Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Boone County, Kentucky Clerk Kenny Brown who suffered a heart attack late on election night. According to the Northern Kentucky Tribune, Brown is in stable condition and Election Supervisor Dawn Spritzky is in charge until he returns. On Monday, Brown updated his Facebook page to let everyone know that he was home and doing well.
Personnel News: Wanda William, Edgartown, Massachusetts town clerk will retire on November 30. Robyn Crittenden has been appointed Georgia secretary of state after Brian Kemp resigned. Joan Weaver, Cullman County, Alabama election coordinator is retiring. Marion County, Ohio Board of Elections Deputy Director Sue Schwamberger, who has been in the post since 2012 has been fired by the BOE. Andrew English (R) a Navy veteran and general counsel for Kentucky’s Justice and Public Safety Cabinet has announced his candidacy for Kentucky secretary of state. Macon County, Illinois Clerk Steve Bean is retiring. John Million has resigned from the White County, Indiana board of elections after 30 years.
Legislative Updates
Federal Legislation: According to Capital Public Radio, when Democrats take control of the House in January, the first legislative vote will be on H.R. 1 that will establish automatic voter registration and reinvigorate the Voting Rights Act.
Federal Legislation: This week, the House unanimously approved a bill to establish a new cybersecurity agency known as the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). The bill will also rebrand DHS’ main cybersecurity unit, known as National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD), as the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection Agency. That means that the headquarters will be a full-fledged operational component of DHS.
Delaware: According to Delaware Public Radio, some lawmakers have said they will again try to bring forward legislation that would allow for early voting in the First State. State Rep. Pete Schwartzkopf said it would help Delawareans avoid potential barriers to voting – like bad weather.
District of Columbia: Seven members of the Council of the District of Columbia voted to table a bill that would have extended voting rights to 16-year-olds, not only for local elections, but also federal elections. “It’s not dead,” Charles Allen, the councilmember who introduced the bill told The Washington Post. “But something has to change for the votes to be able to bring it back. Clearly, I’ve got some colleagues that are afraid of change. Change can be scary.”
Mississippi: State Sen. David Blount said that he will introduce legislation in January to reform some of the state’s voting laws including the need to have an absentee ballot notarized which Blount equated to a poll tax.
New York: The Assembly’s Standing Committee on Election Law will hold a public hearing in Manhattan to review Election Day operations and possible ways to improve the voting experience.
Legal Updates
Alabama: Attorneys representing black students at Alabama A&M University filed a federal lawsuit asking that the students’ votes in the midterm election be counted. As evidence, the lawsuit includes screen shots of the Alabama Secretary of State’s website showing the four students filing the lawsuit as ineligible the day of the election and eligible two days later. U.S. District Judge Madeline Haikala ruled that the votes of the students would not count.
Maine: Republican candidate Rep. Bruce Poliquin has sued the state of Maine over the use of the voter-approved ranked choice voting system. The suit argues that the new ranked-choice law distorts the wishes of voters, particular those who chose to only select one candidate.
New Jersey: Lizaida Camis, 55, of Hoboken, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Court Judge William J. Martini in Newark federal court to conspiracy to use mail to promote a voter bribery scheme during the 2013 municipal election in Hoboken, authorities said.
New Mexico: Representing four voters from around the state, former Attorney General Paul Bardacke asked the state Supreme Court to strike down New Mexico’s closed primary election system, contending it violates a provision of the state Constitution prohibiting the government from using public funds to benefit private organizations. He argues the public should not have to foot the bill for primary elections if the only people allowed to participate are voters affiliated with private associations.
Also in New Mexico, Republican state Representative and congressional candidate Yvette Herrell wants New Mexico State Police to impound all absentee ballots cast in Doña Ana County in the Nov. 6 general election. On election night, Herrell was leading, but once all provisional and absentee ballots were counted her opponent was in the lead.
New York: State Supreme Court Justice Patrick F. MacRae, on Friday, asked the sheriff’s deputies in eight counties to secure computer memory sticks from voting machines, paper ballots, absentee ballots, affidavit ballots and related election records in the 22nd Congressional district race.
Pennsylvania: Voting rights advocates have sued the commonwealth over its deadlines to return absentee ballots. The suit called the deadline “unreasonably early.”
Texas: The Texas Attorney General’s office has arrested nine additional people for allegedly voting illegally in the 2017 Edinburg municipal election. To-date, 14 people have been arrested for voting illegally in 2017 in Edinburg.
Bexar County Judge Stephani Walsh has denied a request to extend the deadline to count provisional ballots in Bexar County meaning they must be validated by 5 p.m. on Tuesday with military and overseas votes being accepted until 7p.m.
U.S. Virgin Islands: USVI Attorney General Claude Walker filed a request for a temporary restraining order to stop the board of elections from registering new voters in advance of the November 20 runoff. The court granted the restraining order on Wednesday.
Utah: U.S. District Court Judge David Nuffer dismissed a case over whether or not Willie Grayeyes should be allowed to run for office in Utah. In June, Grayeyes sued San Juan County after he was kicked off the ballot based on allegations that he resided in Arizona rather than Utah. In the lawsuit his attorneys argued that those allegations violated his constitutional rights, specifically his right to vote. Grayeyes is from Navajo Mountain, a community close to the Utah-Arizona border. Limited roads require residents to travel back and forth between the two states. Grayeyes currently leads his Republican opponent by 95 votes in a race for San Juan County commissioner.
Wisconsin: Brand Baker, 20 is being held for allegedly making threats and referencing a polling location. A search warrant noted that Baker said he wanted to go to a polling place and “air it out.”
Opinions This Week
National Opinions: Before 2020 | Voting machines, II, III | Election integrity| Election security | Voting rights, II, III, IV, V | Election reform | Vote-by-mail | Same-day registration | I Voted stickers | Election hacking | Ballot design | Voter fraud, II, III, IV, V | Automatic voter registration | Early voting
Alabama: Voter suppression
Arizona: Ballot counting
Arkansas: Voter suppression
California: Voting booth nostalgia | Ballot postage | Ballot counting, II, III | Voting system
Colorado: Election season
Connecticut: New Haven problems, II | Voter ID | Young voters
District of Columbia: Voting age
Florida: Voter fraud | Broward County, II | Recount, II, III | Vote-by-mail | Undervotes | Amendment 4 | Election system, II | Bay County | Fake ballots
Georgia: Voting issues | Voting system | Voting rights | Vote counting
Idaho: Election judges | Spanish-language ballots
Indiana: St. Joseph County | Voting issues | Porter County, II, III
Kansas: Ford County | Voter participation
Kentucky: Election reform
Louisiana: Secretary of state
Maine: Ranked choice voting
Minnesota: Otter Tail County | Turnout | Ex-felon voting rights
Missouri: Voter access | Ex-felon voting rights
Montana: Ballot counting
New Hampshire: Secretary of state race, II
New Jersey: Ex-felon voting rights, II | Vote-by-mail | Voting system
New Mexico: Voting process
New York: New York City BOE, II, III, IV | Ballot style | Franklin County | Early voting | Vote-by-mail
North Carolina: Voter ID, II, III, IV | Election observation
North Dakota: Voter ID | Native American voters
Pennsylvania: Early voting | Election improvements
South Carolina: Voting machines | Lines
Texas: Election judges | Election Day | Early voting | Turnout | Harris County
U.S. Virgin Islands: Board of elections, II
Utah: Election security | Election woes
Virginia: Ex-felon voting rights
Washington: Vote-by-mail | Election security
West Virginia: Poll workers | Election preparation | Kanawha County
Wisconsin: Election judges | Early voting | Voter ID
Clearie Awards Deadline Extended!
EAC Extends Deadline for Third Annual Competition for Best Practices in Election Administration
The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) has extended the deadline for submissions for its third annual “Clearie” awards, a national competition for best practices in election administration, until Friday, November 30, 2018. This year, the Commission will present awards in the categories of best practices related to voting accessibility, outstanding innovations in elections, and recruiting, training and retaining election workers. All entries must be received no later than Friday, November 30, 2018.
This year, the Clearie awards are dedicated the life and legacy of Wendy Noren and R. Brian Lewis. Wendy Noren served as Boone County Clerk for over three decades and was a member of the EAC’s Board of Advisors before passing away in July 2018 following a long battle with cancer. R. Brian Lewis served as Counsel to the office of the Senate Majority Leader before his passing and was an early and steadfast proponent of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) and election officials. Both were luminaries in the field of election administration who will long be remembered for their work and friendship.
“Election officials are known for their commitment to the values expressed in the EAC Clearie awards: excellence, innovation, maintaining accuracy and integrity in the election process and ensuring all eligible citizens can cast a ballot,” said EAC Chairman Thomas Hicks. “The Clearies are a testament to their work and dedication and highlight best practices other election administrators can emulate.”
This year’s entries will be judged using the following criteria:
- Efficacy
- Innovation
- Sustainability
- Outreach efforts
- Cost-effectiveness
- Replicability
All submissions should be sent to the EAC via an email to Nominators should use the following subject lines based on entry category: Election Worker Competition, Accessibility Competition or Outstanding Innovations Competition.
All entries must include a brief summary of the election program nominated and attach relevant documents, images and links that can be used to assess the entry. Submissions should also include contact information for the person submitting the program for consideration. Each entry must be submitted in a separate email.
For more information about this year’s competition, please contact Patrick Leahy at
Upcoming Events
Council of State Governments Annual Conference — The Council of State Government will hold its 2018 National Conference in the Northern Kentucky, Greater Cincinnati area in December. Keynote speakers are J.D. Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy and Story Musgrave who started life in the Marines and finished is public service at NASA where he spent more than 1,200 hours in space. The conference will include a 2.5 hour session on election cybersecurity communications mapping. Where: Cincinnati, Ohio. When: December 6-8.
Election Audit Summit—The Election Audit Summit will provide a space for participants from across the scientific, policy and legal worlds to discuss new developments in the field of post-election auditing, and engage in the ongoing conversation on the current status and future directions of the election audits in the United States. Where: Cambridge, Massachusetts. When: December 7-8.
International Association of Government Officials — IGO’s 2019 mid-winter conference will be held in Irvine, California, January 6-11, 2019. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
Joint Election Officials Liaison Conference (JEOLC) —The Election Center’s Joint Election Officials Liaison Conference (JEOLC) will be held in Arlington, Virginia, January 10-11, 2019. Watch this space for more details and agendas.
National Association of State Election Directors — The NASED Winter Conference will be held in Washington DC, February 1-4, 2019. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
National Association of Secretaries of State — The NASS Winter Conference will be held in Washington, DC, February 1-4, 2019. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
Election Center Special Workshop — The Election Center will hold a special workshop that will include: Course 7 (Facilitating Voter Participation); Course 8 (Implementation of New Programs); and Renewal Course 31 (Election Storytelling ). Where: Birmingham, Alabama. When: February 25-26.
Election Center Special Workshop —The Election Center will hold a special workshop that will include: Course 9 (Enfranchisement, Enhancement, Enforcement ); Course 10 (Constitution, Courts & Cases to 1965); and Renewal Course 14 (Crisis Management). Where: Virginia Beach. When: April 24-28.
International Association of Government Officials — IGO’s 2019 Annual Conference will be held in Houston, Texas, July 11-17. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
National Association of Counties — NACo’s 2019 Annual Conference will be held in Clark County (Las Vegas), Nevada July 11-15, 2019. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
National Association of State Election Directors — The NASED Summer Conference will be held in Austin, Texas, July 14-16, 2019. Watch this space for more details about agendas and registration.
Job Postings This Week
electionline provides no guarantees as to the quality of the items being sold and the accuracy of the information provided about the sale items in the Marketplace. Ads are provided directly by sellers and are not verified by electionline. If you have an ad for Marketplace, please email it to:
Voting Booths
Each aluminum briefcase contains the following: aluminum legs, privacy shield, writing base, light assembly. All units are in great shape dimensions are 22”x 18”x 3“. MFG: ESL. Election supplies Limited, Napa California. Quantity: 400 Price per unit is $50. Contact Greg Larson 408.569.1004